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  1. wildside

    To Hell and back

    Looking forward to reading more.
  2. wildside

    Living the Dream Solo Around the World Trip

    Hi Schalk, I have requested one of your books on your other thread. Please send me details in order to receive one. Many thanks
  3. wildside

    "Living The Dream Through Africa"book will be available from the following

    Hi Schalk, Hope you're keeping well. I would love to buy one of your books. Please let me know details. I live in KZN so postage will be neccessary. Look forward to hearing from you. Many thanks
  4. wildside

    Why would you take a 14 year old boy to Kubu on his own bike???

    Well done to your son. It's always a privilege sharing an awesome adventure with ones children. Pity about all the bike troubles.
  5. wildside

    BACK TO BOTS ~ KUBU ISLAND @ High Tide !

    ELEPAHANT SAND to NATA LODGE. To Roxy’s delight we heard this morning that the ellies had been around the camp last night. From early light people started waking up and packing up and heading off in various directions. Whilst eating breakfast we decided on a getaway plan if Roxy’s bike...
  6. wildside

    BACK TO BOTS ~ KUBU ISLAND @ High Tide !

    REST DAY  ~   PLANET BAOBAB Waking up without an agenda was such a treat. We needed this day to do a bit of bike maintenance as I had broken both my mirrors and Roxy’s one mirror had also worked its way loose which Kingsley took off and put on my bike. I had also jammed my accelerated from all...
  7. wildside

    BACK TO BOTS ~ KUBU ISLAND @ High Tide !

    Thanks Sardine....perhaps this will be motivation for you to go out there and  enjoy what Botswana has to offer. It's such a magical place to ride. My very first adventure ride was also through Botswana but very tame (RR- Botswana 09). We saw some wonderful places.
  8. wildside

    BACK TO BOTS ~ KUBU ISLAND @ High Tide !

    A pity we didn't join up at some some stage...always nice to have company out there. Fortunately our bikes behaved well considering how much time they spent in the water. Sorry to hear about your bike problems but you guys had an awesome adventure.
  9. wildside

    BACK TO BOTS ~ KUBU ISLAND @ High Tide !

    Hi GSpear...sorry about late reply. I borrowed this map but I think it's the Tracks 4 Africa one.
  10. wildside

    BACK TO BOTS ~ KUBU ISLAND @ High Tide !

    Apparently you all left about an hour before our arrival at MAC. We saw no other motorbikes so they must have taken another track...which is easy to do out there. They were  also surprised to hear that Kingsley had also just popped out from the Kubu Island road and Roxy and I never saw them...
  11. wildside

    BACK TO BOTS ~ KUBU ISLAND @ High Tide !

    Hahahahaha.....mmmm  that hair....well now!  ::) We did have a Garmin....would probably still be there if we didn't :thumleft: Good to hear from you Dave. Glad you're enjoying the RR. When you going to Nam?
  12. wildside

    BACK TO BOTS ~ KUBU ISLAND @ High Tide !

    What confused me a bit was that it wasn’t the same track we took to go south. Somewhere further back the road must have split without us even realizing it.  But we were now all so exhausted and keen to get to Planet Baobab. The only dilemma now was no fuel. Kingsley seemed to think it was a good...
  13. wildside

    BACK TO BOTS ~ KUBU ISLAND @ High Tide !

    On arriving at the river crossing we came across a Landrover that had got itself into some trouble and was stationary about two thirds of the way through the river and was blocking the road out. The river had subsided a bit and we all made it across to the other side. We then stopped and walked...
  14. wildside

    BACK TO BOTS ~ KUBU ISLAND @ High Tide !

    KUBU ISLAND to PLANET BAOBAB. An early morning wake was necessary as we wanted to be back on the salt pans for sunrise. It was just getting light when we head off on our bikes to round the northern corner of Kubu Island, once again giving me this feeling of disbelief as the three of us rode out...
  15. wildside

    Short way around the delta

    Oh my guys experienced one hectic ride. Boy, am I glad we took Jon's (owner of Makgadikgadi Adventure Camp) advise and didn't take that route. When we spent the night at M.A.C  we heard about the bikes and 4x4's stuck on the pans. I have been looking forward to this RR for so...
  16. wildside

    BACK TO BOTS ~ KUBU ISLAND @ High Tide !

    Just a few more photos....been having trouble with photobucket >:( GOODNIGHT :sleepy1:
  17. wildside

    BACK TO BOTS ~ KUBU ISLAND @ High Tide !

    With a bit of complaining from Rox we managed to walk around the Island. We had great fun with the GoPro and found more baobabs on the other side. We walked until we came across another track that led onto the island where one can find a plaque and a write up about the history of the island...
  18. wildside

    BACK TO BOTS ~ KUBU ISLAND @ High Tide !

    It was with great relief, and a feeling of satisfaction, that the three of us rode onto Kubu Island…. this much sort after place in the middle of the Makgadkgadi Pans. It was certainly a great achievement for two girls, one a newbie, to undertake this trip in flooded conditions and very brave of...
  19. wildside

    BACK TO BOTS ~ KUBU ISLAND @ High Tide !

    MAKGADIKGADI ADVENTURE CAMP to KUBU ISLAND. We were all looking forward to today’s short ride to KUBU ISLAND. Joseph, the guy in charge of the camp, warned us that the tide was up and there was a lot of water on the way to the Island. Apparently two motorbikes and two vehicles had got stuck on...
  20. wildside

    BACK TO BOTS ~ KUBU ISLAND @ High Tide !

    Hi Zacapa,  good to hear from you....been a long time. Those bikes of ours never missed a beat....were very impressed. Next chapter coming up shortly.