Waking up without an agenda was such a treat. We needed this day to do a bit of bike maintenance as I had broken both my mirrors and Roxy’s one mirror had also worked its way loose which Kingsley took off and put on my bike. I had also jammed my accelerated from all the muddy falls and couldn’t go faster than 80km/h either. Kingsley needed to change his front tube as it had gone flat again and put fuel into our tanks. So we had a busy day, or should I say Kingsley had a busy day while Roxy and I lazed around the pool for a while.
Just before lunch we decided to visit Gweta, about 10 kms down the road, to get fuel, some supplies and have a bite to eat at Gweta Lodge. On arrival we saw two motorbikes in the parking but never came across the owners. We got chatting to Una, the lady behind the pub, and enquired about Kukonje Island as she was involved with some safari group a few years ago. She convinced us it was the place to visit and was sure that we would reach the Island despite all the water. The decision was made to end our trip by going down there for our last night. We were all quite excited. She also told us that the route to Chapman’s and Greens Baobab were inaccessible so we didn’t even attempt that.
On our way out of Gweta we stopped at the fuel station only to be told that there was no fuel available. We couldn’t believe our bad luck. This was crazy. Our only hope now was to find some fuel at Planet Baobab but they didn’t have either. I decided to phone Una at Gweta Lodge and Roxy went to get the number from reception explaining our predicament. She told us about a guy near Gweta who sold fuel from his home and gave us directions.
So off Kingsley and I went to refuel. Down a little dusty track we found the pink house. He was a very pleasant guy and warned us that he was expensive, 5L costing us P55. We were only too happy to get fuel.
Directions for anyone heading off in that direction soon are as follows:
Driving towards Maun pass the Gweta turnoff and look out for the remains of the first road sign on the just a steel pole with no sign attached. Turn left down a narrow track through the hedge and about 30-50m on the right you will find a pink/peach coloured house. You will find a very pleasant chap inside.
We managed to relax for the rest of the day and enjoyed a second night in this comfortable spot.
Today was all tar but to a destination that I had been looking forward to. It was a slow ride as our maximum speed was 80km so it seemed to take forever. Being a weekday Nata was abuzz with people and vehicles. We managed to refuel, find some food and promptly head out north on the road to Kasane. We found a quiet shady spot to enjoy our breakfast.
It was a pleasant ride and the whole time we were on the lookout for ellies. We were only heading about 50 kms north and a few kilometer before the turn off we found the ellies. This was so unreal and such a treat. The GoPros captured some lovely footage and after a few photos we decided to leave them in peace. This was now the time that Roxy’s bike decided to play up and refused to start. With much haste and effort from all of us we had to push start it a few times before it started again. We were in a bit of a panic but fortunately the ellies had moved into the bush and out of sight.
From the turn off to the lodge is about a 1.5 km sandy drive. Fortunately there were still campsites available for P90 per person and we found a comfy spot next to a fallen down tree trunk which came in useful for hanging up damp clothing. Before setting up camp we settled down around the pub for a quick drink and swim. The rest of the afternoon we spent on the verandah in front of the watering hole hoping to see the ellies close up. But it was not to be. Apparently they had not visited the watering hole for a couple of months and now with so much water available all over it was highly unlikely that they would make a special appearance tonight. In fact nothing visited the waterhole, which I found very disappointing as we had seen so little wildlife to date.
Later in the afternoon we heard some more motorbikes arrive and realized that it was the same two guys we had seen at the border post. It sounded like they were also having a good ride and were heading up to Kasane. By the end of the day this popular spot had filled up with so many tourists.
We were spoilt with a pretty sunset and just sat back and enjoyed a lovely relaxing evening and were entertained by a pet bushbaby belonging to the owners of the lodge.
It was some time during the night that Roxy frantically woke us up as she had heard the rumblings of elephant nearby, however, we hadn’t heard anything and tried to convince her that it was her imagination.