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  1. S

    Therapeutic viewing

    Please elaborate; different crank/firing orders ?
  2. S

    Therapeutic viewing

    Now THIS is PURE bike porn. Gives me goose pimps.
  3. S

    Detail ease - anyone used it before

    Can you post a picture, and where you got it ?
  4. S

    Why is nobody talking about the Norden 901

    Have you seen the amount of Desert X pictures he is posting......:D
  5. S

    11 and 12th of February, George old car show?

    There used to be a guy from KZN, with a very used Mercedes, that sold 2nd hand tools. I have bought a few tools from him. Sadly, he was missing last year.
  6. S

    MotoGP 2023

    Looks count for nothing when you're a sitting duck on a long main straight. Let's hope they have rectified that shortcoming
  7. S

    GPS Speedometer and odometer

    Look in the KLR section for replacement instruments. The KLR speedo's, mostly, stop functioning when the tabs in the wheel hub are not properly engaged into the speedo drive Look at this thread : Also speak to Doc KLR who can manufacture a...
  8. S

    11 and 12th of February, George old car show?

    Lyk my ons kan 'n Honne saamtrek daar hou. Ek gaan die Saterdag
  9. S

    AT vs T7 vs F850

    I read that in a book My cheque book....... :D
  10. S

    Fortnine on the DesertX

    And I thought that changing the spark plug on my KLR was an elaborate affair.....:mad:
  11. S

    Fortnine on the DesertX

    No passenger footpegs ?
  12. S

    RIP Hannah (Dredd's daughter)

    Een van hierdie forum se groot bome het geval. RIV
  13. S

    2 Dakar's on 1 piston

    And I bow to his air filters.......
  14. S

    2023 KTM 790 Adventure... now what KTM?

    Is our American friend back ? ;) :D
  15. S

    2023 KTM 790 Adventure... now what KTM?

    The 2008, and later, KLR's were (are?) built in Thailand. And their propensity for oil is well known :(
  16. S


    I have a book about a guy that travelled round the world, down Africa, through deserts and mud on a Moto Guzzi Le Mans There is the Aussie that did a RTW trip on a Postie bike. And a RTW has been done on a R1. So yes, I fully agree, it's not about the bike ;)🙂
  17. S

    HIGH mileage!!!!

    The owners of Horisons unlimited have a BMW that must be close to a million kilo's by now. Last picture of the speedo that I saw, a few years ago, it had 800 000km on the clock
  18. S

    Avon closing

    Avons just look the bizniz. Specially on a Laverda Jota
  19. S

    MotoGP 2023

    W With Gagne and Petrucci gone, American superbikes might be ripe for picking by Petersen, or Scholz
  20. S


    Do you have a clear view at night when a vehicle approaches from the front ?