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  1. G

    GS100A brake light modulator

    Was a double double some echo somewhere Firstly and probably the easier way is just to improve the tail light light output THis mod works on several GS & GSA's Original Mod was done on a 07 GSA Below it is...
  2. G

    GS100A brake light modulator

    Firstly and probably the easier way is just to improve the tail light light output THis mod works on several GS & GSA's Original Mod was done on a 07 GSA Below it is fitted to my F650GS Dakar it is a lot...
  3. G

    Itchy Boots - New Season

    Shock Clutch
  4. G

    Itchy Boots - New Season

    I did she explained her reasonings in the car as she drove to Germany, she said she bought the bike the guy have been working on it since January but she also said there are some final tweaks required. When you get to final tweaks it is ergonomics suspension not replacing a worn clutch basket
  5. G

    Itchy Boots - New Season

    My point was she said in the beginning that she bought the bike fully rebuilt and requires some final tweaks to suite her needs. Now maybe my understanding of fully rebuilt is not the same, in my view a full rebuild includes following Strip bike down to the bare frame inspect it for cracks and...
  6. G

    Itchy Boots - New Season

    That German expert rebuild XT 600 Tenere hmmm Why did the shock fall apart, the clutch basket was notchy and then he replaced it, sounds like I opened the motor it looked ok so I closed it again, stuck an endoscope down the spark plug all ok in there, it is all rebuilt sir/madam nudge nudge...
  7. G

    2005 Dakar DIY oil change

    Guaranteed way to get stripped sump plug out on any bike is to use a flap wheel on grinder carefully sand it down to get to the sump plug washer once you are able to get sump plug washer off the tension is released and bolt can be removed by hand. Unless you have fitted an aftermarket sump plug...
  8. G

    Yamaha T7 - No longer a Concept

    I forgot about the Boano kit KYB 48mm €2400 lot more affordable
  9. G

    Yamaha T7 - No longer a Concept

    yes if you followed the URL you will see the details of the Ohlins kit almost €4000 but comes with a new Triple clamp
  10. G

    Yamaha T7 - No longer a Concept

    I would say for 90 % of the riding I do I fall in the average rider category especially when it is loaded up, but once I am at the camp site and off loaded the trail hooligan comes out ;)
  11. G

    Yamaha T7 - No longer a Concept

    For the average rider the Suspension is OK and in some cases you need to upgrade the springs to get the correct SAG But Once you really start pushing it offroad the suspension can quickly reach it's limits Rally Raid Makes drop in cartridges and replacement shock Extreme is open chamber which...
  12. G

    Yamaha T7 - No longer a Concept

    Considering that this has been standing at the dealer for the last 8 months
  13. G

    Yamaha T7 - No longer a Concept

    Main issue in the UK is where to ride something like this the foot sloggers (Ramblers association) is constantly trying to close trails too motorised traffic and you have to be constantly up to date with the status of trails what is open today can lead to a confiscation of your motorcycle...
  14. G

    A 70-year old motorcycle.

    I don't think you really want to push these old bikes too hard, if you do you are on borrowed time :) If all the serial numbers match he could be sitting on a small fortune Certainly a beaut
  15. G

    Modifications F650 Dakar

    Another couple of someone I helped in the Czech Republic
  16. G

    Modifications F650 Dakar

    Once you ready to upgrade the shock I had these made by TFX they are the same as they offer the same travel as the original Touratech Rally suspension 250mm vs stock 210mm These are part no. your suspension guy should ask for or buy direct from TFX 141-0053-01 (low and fast speed compression +...
  17. G

    Modifications F650 Dakar

    The easy way to upgrade the front end is to do the YZ open chamber fork conversions tried tested and verified
  18. G

    DR650 - USD forks conversion

    Not that hard to make a different axle and the Brake caliper hanger sounds like you already have access to a lathe below i a kit used to convert the F650 Dakar to YZ forks South African Bloke living in AUS Another option is to find a 320 SM rotor kit for the YZ426 Or make a caliper hanger...
  19. G

    Modifications F650 Dakar

    Dreaming of some South African Gravel