2015 Tiger Explorer Throttle unresponsive

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Jan 9, 2021
Reaction score
Triumph Tiger 1200 Explorer
Hey Guys!

Scary thing happened to me over the weekend, while riding a combination of back roads and highways, under different throttle load conditions, the throttle became unresponsive. It wouldn't slow the bike down, but I couldn't accelerate either. If I closed the throttle, the bike responded, but wouldn't let me open it again. No warning lights (TC or engine light etc came on)

I pulled over, clutch in and cycled the throttle a few times before it became responsive again. Anyone had a similar experience? Scary AF as I had to get through traffic with essentially a dead throttle. My first suspicion would be the throttle position sensor, but I'm also thinking maybe a traction control sensor?

There are no DTC codes stored on the ECU either.

Any advice?

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