Onwards to Naude's Nek.
Church at Ugie. Also a place where if you look down for as second, you are through the place without noticing.
Church at Maclear. Maclear I think is bigger than Elliot and quite a few new building projects on the way.
Royal Hotel, Maclear.
The menu
The setting
The clown :biggrin:
The Burger!
The Big eyes!
I only finished a third of the burger. :

Only 2 finished up.
From Maclear along the Potrivier Pass towards Naudes Nek.
This side of the area certainly is much greener!
The road ahead and encountered. Zigzagging the whole way through the mountains/hills. I guess for every 1km as the crow flies, one does 4-5 km on the road. Maybe exaggerating a bit but it would be interesting to get that ratio. And this was true on each day and route we did.
Starting up Naude's. Gradually increasing till such an extent that I got the shivers when looking to the right. No safety edge/rail etc. before the drop-off. Heart in the throat.
Just concentrate on the road ahead. This I did and forgot to take any further pictures on the steeper side of the ascent. Only at the viewpoint and then the top. Hopefully the others took pictures of this stretch as well.
At the viewpoint. Majestic views!
The route up. Tried the sequence thing but too lazy to try the stitch thing.
The obligatory pic right at the top.
Some pics at the top.
Then the descent. Certainly a highlight as well.

Twisting and turning upon itself. I took too little photoâ??s on this stretch. But there were 5 other cameraâ??s as well so I should get some extra photoâ??s of the descent.
Stopped at the Rhodes Hotel for a quick beer before retracing back to the farm.

A very enjoyable, exhilarating and sometimes benoude boude day of riding. 8)
The last day to follow. Retracing Lundeanâ??s Nek and back home. This time in day light though.