A RR on a Whaaaat......

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Pom17 said:
Is this still the older 2T model or the new 4T?
Any comments on the 2T vs 4T BWS?

This is the 2T. The 4T looks a lot different. Before buying I had a look at the 4T, but there wasn't any 2nd hand ones around. New they are close to 40k :eek7:. For 40k you can buy a real bike :lol8:.
Daai is beste scooters ooit  :deal: My dogter het ook 1 en sy word nou 18 so daai scooter kom terug na my toe want ons het vir haar kar gekoop  :ricky:
Kykdaar said:
Sitting here smiling ;D

Great little scoot that and it actually looks very good on dirt.

I remember years ago mountainboy toured the Cederberg on a scooter playing with snakes in the road along the way and amazing farmers with his chosen mode of transport ;D Must find and read that RR again.

This scoot will also be seeing the Cederberg soon. Thinking of loading it with the Husky on the back of the bakkie. Then my girlfriend can do her first bit of gravel.  :thumleft:
Namakwalander said:
Meneer lj111, please tell me more about that BWS. A while ago I was considering one, but not sure if it will carry me. I am not exactly small. At what speed can you comfortably cruise on that thing? I know it's not highway speeds, but I am curious.

Thanks for writing this RR. Good photos as well.

Hi Namakwa

Don't now much, but only heard good things about the BWS. I weigh about 92kg and top speed is 90km.  Like TornadoF5 mentioned earlier, with a few mods the scoot can do a lot better. With my girlfriend on the back, we weigh close to 150kg and can get 80km out of the scoot. Uphill does get slow, but for town riding its fast enough for me. If you are close to Bellville, you are welcome to take it for a spin.  :thumleft:
Well done.

My son went to school on a BeeWizzter for 3 years. 25km a day, of which nearly 20km was gravel.

A scooter cannot do what my son did with that scooter (or that's what a dad thinks), but he didn't kill it.

Hentie @ Riders said:
Daai is beste scooters ooit  :deal: My dogter het ook 1 en sy word nou 18 so daai scooter kom terug na my toe want ons het vir haar kar gekoop  :ricky:

As jy nog een soek, sal ek jou myne ook ruil vir ń kar :biggrin:
lj111 said:
Hentie @ Riders said:
Daai is beste scooters ooit  :deal: My dogter het ook 1 en sy word nou 18 so daai scooter kom terug na my toe want ons het vir haar kar gekoop  :ricky:

As jy nog een soek, sal ek jou myne ook ruil vir ń kar :biggrin:
:spitcoffee:  :eek7: Wat van ons reel eerder trip met daai scooters  :deal:
awesome many years ago we rallied up over paarl rock
lj111 said:
Namakwalander said:
Meneer lj111, please tell me more about that BWS. A while ago I was considering one, but not sure if it will carry me. I am not exactly small. At what speed can you comfortably cruise on that thing? I know it's not highway speeds, but I am curious.

Thanks for writing this RR. Good photos as well.

Hi Namakwa

Don't now much, but only heard good things about the BWS. I weigh about 92kg and top speed is 90km.  Like TornadoF5 mentioned earlier, with a few mods the scoot can do a lot better. With my girlfriend on the back, we weigh close to 150kg and can get 80km out of the scoot. Uphill does get slow, but for town riding its fast enough for me. If you are close to Bellville, you are welcome to take it for a spin.  :thumleft:

Just a little too slow for my commute. Damn

Thanks for your offer for a ride.
Lekker RR boet! :thumleft:

Love these things. I would love to do a DS trip with one someday. :ricky:
Cederberge, lekker ek ry saam wanneer?  :3some:
Also run a malossi multivar with 9.3g weights as well as a malossi torque driver super quick on pulloff  now
TornadoF5 said:
Also run a malossi multivar with 9.3g weights as well as a malossi torque driver super quick on pulloff  now

what is a multivar? what is the torque driver? that a component in the gearbox?

Great RR!
Now, where is the pic where you had full ATGATT on on that schooter? Haha
m0lt3n said:
TornadoF5 said:
Also run a malossi multivar with 9.3g weights as well as a malossi torque driver super quick on pulloff  now

what is a multivar? what is the torque driver? that a component in the gearbox?

Great RR!
Now, where is the pic where you had full ATGATT on on that schooter? Haha

all to do with the drive mechanism in short. there are MANY components to improve on from kevlar belts to clutches etc all don't give you more speed parse but better drive-ability and quicker pull-off's.

The centrepiece of the new kit Malossi variator transmission remains the Multivar, in constant evolution, which is accompanied by two sets of rollers to adjust the operation of the transmission according to your needs. With the wide range of variator rollers available in our catalogue, the set-ups are virtually endless.

The variator’s sliding roller ramps have been redesigned to maximize the transmission’s performance. Malossi, always searching for perfection, has also revised the hub, in addition to chrome plating and grinding, it is subjected to a vibratory finishing process, one of the most recent and avant-garde techniques, resulting in a mirror like finish.

For the first time, the variator Malossi MHR Aluminum Multivar is supplied with the fixed half pulley – Ventilvar.

On the other side of the crankcase there is the new Torque Driver – Malossi Aluminium Rear Pulley System MHR Aluminum, now in aluminium for lightness and strength increase. The pulley is riveted to the hubs for maximum strength and to reduce the tolerance between the hub and the bushing. The surface roughness is just Ra 0.4.

The Torque Driver is made of aluminium, a material with exceptional heat dissipation, and was subjected to a micro perforation process to increase transmission belt grip and to keep it clean and efficient, expelling from the holes any heat created contaminants.


The other part I put on is the Malossi torque Driver which is on the clutch side where the face angle of the torque driver is at 38 deg biting down on the belt from the clutch end. Difference I felt is that it pulls off the mark a lot quicker together with the lighter rollers I put in and seems to go into the powerband very quickly too.

Here is a pic I found of pretty much the drive train

Very interesting, thanks TornadoF5 :thumleft:

What does the mods do regarding fuel consumption and reliability?

Love that pipe :drif:
lj111 said:
Very interesting, thanks TornadoF5 :thumleft:

What does the mods do regarding fuel consumption and reliability?

Love that pipe :drif:
Mods on drive train don't affect reliability, however once you start with engine / carb mods guess that where the reliability issues can happen. I do however know that guys get up to 200% more power reliably on on the stock motors which is significant and with mods up to 400% more power for racing!!
Guess mods like I have done are based around day to day commuting, so quick in-between traffic is key for me. I'm 125kg and get 110 km/h on a straight out of this little thing!!
Consumption the way I ride is about the same as my SE haha, but then again throttle only knows one position! I get on avg 20.5 km/lt which is not the best, but I am sure I can easily get 30 if i drive like a normal person......