Agga No, Those two mad Dinosaurs and junior go to Nam The ride begins

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Preparing our meal  

Wild onions and garlic, dried meat that when you put water with it, it gets wet.

The food

Fried garlic and onion on beer bread with butter with a taste of soya mince richly spiced and marinated with beer and a onion and garlic filling.

Ian was “lus for Spaghetti and Meatballs

Huh!! Don’t think he trusted our food. At least he had some bread with it.
A roaring fire, good food, “lekker” cold ones and bloody good mates in the middle of no where, what more can one ask for

Definitely some respect for Tappet as I think he has not done this "level" of adventure biking before and he
seem to have carried himself well  :thumleft:
subie said:
Definitely some respect for Tappet as I think he has not done this "level" of adventure biking before and he
seem to have carried himself well  :thumleft:

... yep, apart from the bloody "I Fell Tower" on the back of that Katoom he did very well ... or was too shit scared to say anything...

ALLEN I said:
Preparing our meal 

Wild onions and garlic, dried meat that when you put water with it, it gets whet.

The food

Fried garlic and onion on beer bread with butter with a taste of soya mince richly spiced and marinated with beer and a onion and garlic filling.

Ian was “lus for Spaghetti and Meatballs

Huh!! Don’t think he trusted our food. At least he had some bread with it.
A roaring fire, good food, “lekker” cold ones and bloody good mates in the middle of no where, what more can one ask for

Allan , That cold one is supposed to go into the bread to make it a beer bread!  :pot:
Lekker report!


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Lekker report there Allen! :thumleft:.... glad you ous dirrent donner om in the soft stuff too much he he... Just come back from the Tuli block, and must say that Botswana is a moerse nice joint!... Looking forward to having a cold one with you ous at the KZN Bash in November!  :thumleft:
Tuesday 26 Day 5  Tsodilo Hills – Rundu (Hakusembe Lodge)  (316km)

The nights are too short when in good company as we drank cold ones and spoke all kinds of “kak” and some good “goet” also, then had some kip and to awake to a beautiful sun rise

Back on our journey
A bit of a desolate view but stunning in its own way

And so we leave one country to enter another,

Namibia the scenery has changed, one “sommer” starts to feel at peace with ones self

Man and Machine

The ride is un eventful and before we no it we are at Hakusembe Lodge

We book into the biggest suite they have and insist on a place with a view.

We opt to be lazy and to sleep in doors tonight

My panniers welding had decided it did not “smaak” to stay together so it broke along route and it needed some attention

The friendly manager Francoise, helped us out and even organized us a cold one each. Dam I smaak this possie.

We went to taste the local water

Watched the sun set sipping Cold ones Ooops!! ok ok I can also sip cold ones

Later that night we went for a walk

We discovered this

As we had not hunted for food this day we decided to join in on the local festival which was in full swing. The locals looked on in awe as we devoured the food in great lengths and washed it down with many a cold one.

We decided to leave some for them as they had tears in there eyes by this time and we hastily made for the exit before they realized that we had made a huge dent in there food stock and cold ones.

But we did stop and admire the pretty flower on the way back

Some late night repairs as I had managed to hook my boot on the seat.

Now Tappet wanted to go and swim, but we tuned him that the river was full of Tiger fish and crocodiles and that they would “sommer” like make a feast out of him as he is like a bit hefty. Now for some reason the ou would not believe us so I showed him this “lekker visse” that the ous caught.

Now he “sommer” thought twice to go for a goof, we still have not tuned him that those “visse” with the big “tanne” comes from another possie.

We all had a lekker shower, Tappet was last and he saw this “””tell””” hanging there and decided to use it as a floor towel only for Ian to find his tell on the floor the next morning and then Ian wanted to no who had abused his towel? Now Poor Tappet owned up to it telling Ian that he thought they had put it there for us to use as a floor towel and then Ian started to explain to him in great lengths as to how it works, Now Tappet you are not in a a hotel room or such, you .are camping by a bloody river, do you think they will be so kind as to leave you a towel to use and so this was to be another rag on poor old Tappet the whole trip long.( He did offer to wash Ian’s towel for him, which Ian refused)
Ammo for Ian the whole trip.(He ragged the shit out of Tappet)

Wednesday 27th  Day 6  ( Hakusembe Lodge – Ogangwa) (540km)

So i awake to the sounds of nature, Get out of the tent and go and have a pee. Nature “se gat” Pack up our kit only to discover the bloody piping on the “rug sak” has also started to break, so im off again to ask for help and our kind host once again comes to our rescue.

Thank Francoise for his help and hospitality, a quick photie and we pack up and of we go.

Time is not on our side as we only leave at 11h00
We have been informed that we can get petrol in Nkurenkuru but if the petrol station hasn’t got we must ask around and they will make a plan to help us.

As we are still riding tar roads we are not too much worried about the distance and we admire the scenery on route

Once again man and machine.

Bit further on we check this out

We stop for a break and have a cold coke.(aagh!! the Shame)

Eventually we arrive in Nkurenkuru

Only to find this

Check this garage up the road and head for it as the locals tell us that they sell petrol

No such luck, they have just sold there last 20lt can of petrol.
Now we are a bit in the shit, as we have maybe got enough to get back to Rundu, but we will not reach the next petrol station at Okongo.
Ian checks some dude hanging around and ask’s him if he knows where we can get some petrol? He tunes us to follow him and we manage to get some at 20dollars a lt.

A full out business for these ous supply and demand, they make the price you pay

Luck was on our side. Tanks full and we of.

One long boring road, so I decide to play with the camera

Next stop Okongo where we fill up, they only had petrol left in one tank. So lady luck was still on our side. Petrol in the tanks and we decide to fill up our self’s at the local pick n pay with a pie and coke. Then it’s on the road again.

Stop a bit further up the road for another a (smoke) break. Now as Tappet pulls of, once again the bike slips on the sand and down goes the bike, this time at least a lot more gently

We reach Ogangwa, it was not our planned stop over, our planned stop was Oshokati, but we are stuffed, its been a long day so and the son’s starting to set so we try to find accommodation.

Huh all of the places are full, there a trade show on, even in Oshokati which is 30km away. We manage to find this “possie”. Its called Flip Flop, definitely not worth a recommendation, but at least it was a roof over our heads.

As it’s on the 1st floor we haul up our kit.  I have a Bite. He he

At least we can see our bikes, so we can keep an eye on them.

Go and have some Kentucky for supper and call it a night.

Thursday 28th Day 7   (Ogangwa  - Kunene River Lodge)  ( 190km)

What goes up must come down

Leave early for a change, have a wimpy breakfast

Some ous don’t look to lekker this morning

Stop in Ruacanna for petrol and to fill up the petrol bladders as we aint gonna reach the next petrol station about (390 Km) Opuwo
We now head for Ruacanna Falls

Ruacanna Falls
The gate

A warning sign

The moerse strong flow of the falls.

Get back to the bikes and as I touch mine she donneres over. Dam I think she wanted to rest for a while.

Finally we have reached what we came for “The gravel roads” “Our journey and the fun starts here.

Some random pics.

Dammit we having a ball, in and out of the corners, over the humps, chasing each other at speeds of up 140km,
Im in the lead and the next thing I check is this moerse soft patch of sand and for some reason I slack off and dam im glad I did as its soft on top and some 4x4 has spun it up and I scheme to my self now this can only be a “moerse lekker” spot for some action photos. Quickly get threw and just get the camera on and here comes Tappet, sees me gets this :lekker vind gat”look on his face, “goois” the Ktm in 2nd, stands up opens up and all I check is that his bonnie is like trying to “gooi” him and his holding on for dear life and as the saying goes all good things must come to an end and the next thing I see is him hitting the sand and the bike flying right at him needles to say I took a quick photo

Dropped the camera and ran as I thought this is it. Ian was about a kilo away when all he saw was the dust cloud ass well.
As I get to Tappet he comes crawling out of the dust looking like a ? I dunno, I cant say, I think I was just too glad to see that he was still alive as I had promised my daughter that I would make sure she gets him back alive. (Dam that was close).
Tappet stands up and everything is covered in dust. He looks at me and says (Dam maar dit was befok, lewe ek nog) I checked him out and we started to “lag” “sommer” I think out of relieve that the idiot was still with us.
Some more photos of his spill

The sand trap

Ian helping him with the bike

Lesson learnt, Not quite sure, but we were “Lucky”
Damages 2 Mirrors, flicker bent engine protector 1 ankle, some soar ribs, a wee bit of bruising and the helmets sun protector which the back wheel had spun off whilst he was lying in the sand before the motor cut
We all took it slow to Kunene River Lodge that was about 5km away.
Booked us a patch of grass, stopped the bikes on it and went looking for the local watering possie as all of our cold ones were now hot ones. We relaxed and had a few cold ones and then had a few more cold ones.

Get back to our bikes and set up our perimeter defence with our tents in the middle. Ok ok we just set up camp. Happy now??
Tappet gives the Ktm some love and care and makes sure all is ok

Seeing as it wasn’t me who “donnered” down i opt to go and swim

So time flies by a few pics of the sun setting

As we told our story about poor old Tappets crash and that we had no time to go and hunt that day for a wild hog (No not a Harley), the locals took pity on us and gave us some food to eat (Steaks and veggies and apple pie with ice cream) and we once again washed it down with a numerous amount of the local water.

Tummies all full we went back to camp and dream land and Tappet tried his utmost best to better last nights snoring. He did succeed, he managed to keep up this incredible pain suffering racket of killing his own voice box and our ear drums.

Oh yes two crickets had the fortune of climbing into his tent, the next morning they came out surrendering, white flag and all

Only a Mother could love this

Friday 29th Day 8 Kunene River Lodge _ Epupa Falls. (160 Km)

So we opt out to take the easier route to Epupa falls. Now one would think that yesterdays lesson with Tappet would sink home. Nope we are once again having a bloody blast on the gravel and checking out the scenery ass well

At the T- Junction we “gooi” a left and have some more fun as we cruise on and take some more pics.

Stop at the T- Junction and regroup, have a quick cold one and we of.

Stop a wee bit later on for another aah (cold one) smoke break. he he

Almost there, we booked in at Omarunga

Epupa falls here we come

These two black lighties pull off on a 175cc road bike, no helmets, no shoes, double up and with there groceries, so we don’t scheme much about it, only when I eventually catch up with them they clocking 90km an hour and with moerse grins on there faces they bloody wave to me as well. Now here we are with the state of the art tyres, full Attgar gear bikes designed for this stuff and these two lighties are basically pissing on our batteries. Actually felt a bit like a bloody idiot I did

Any way the roads lekker, a lot of dips on it that some clown has marked down to 60km don’t know what he was thinking, I mean come on this is why we here to ride thees lekker roads, so im clocking 140 and catch this lekker dip and the next thing me and the Twin are air born, Tappet was behind me and he tuned all he saw whilst hitting his breaks was me and the bike come flying out of the dip in the air. Still don’t know how I managed to stay on, but we did take it a lot more “rustigge” from then.

We see this, a green paradise in the middle of no where

We advance to our resting place for the night.

Get some not some unfriendlies along the way

WE reach our destination and book a room with a view.

We even have a friendly neighbor

I once again need to find the local watering hole and to sample their water.

Once again we set up our defense parameter. Ok we put up our tents and made camp

We need to go “verken” the joint some more

We go next door to Epupa falls to check out that possie.

It has a “lekker” view of the falls

We “gooi” a “draai”and go check out the falls from close up.

Did not forget the cold ones

We go for a swim

Ian in Great Brak River said:
Some good shots of Tappets fall. That action shot is definitely THE shot of this trip!  :thumleft:

Yip i agree , had some shit with this comp, bit better but still sukelling with it

Then we head back to camp get some cold ones and relax

But then some scenery comes to the pool all thoughts about relaxing leave my mind

But I do manage to cool off

Back to camp and Tappet finds some chips and looks like a “stout” “seuntjie” He would not share them with us

Night time approaches silently upon us

We once again were having so much fun that we forgot to go hunting. After I explained this to the local tribe, they invited us to share there food. Big mistake as we climbed into it with relish and walked away feeling quite like stuffed pigs.

Customary. Tappet put up a Snoring competition against himself, I think he won

Whats with this face  :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer:


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Saturday 30th    Day 9     Omarunga - Omarunga    (  0 km)

Ian and Tappet wake up nice and early to go look at the sunrise

Me I was feeling a wee bit hungry so I made us some “slappap

Tappet had organized with the manager Anton to help to weld his mirrors stems, from his prang and now the Ktm almost looks al pretty again

We have deiced to relax the day away, so I do what I do best. Help towards the growth of another country. Tappet was not far behind but Ian came 3rd.even though he started before Tappet

Then we went to the pool to relax some more only to find the bloody “Boogie man” there

He almost caught Ian

I scared him away with this lizard

I think we had a time walk again, as well i think we missed a couple of hours, or els it was those buddies of mine, you no those little green ones that makes time stand still when you with them.

Well night time is on us so its time to make a meal from that lizard we caught ( Ignore the Soya Mince packet) and some wild onions and garlic and pap and eggs that we stole from a wild chicken

Dammit but we were hungry ous, not a bite left

That night Tappet tried to make a plan not to snore

It only helped until his snoring ripped it loose, then it was chaos

Sunday 31st    Day 10      Omarunga – Fort Sesfontein  (326Km)

Up early and Ian was first one ready to go

Ian’s bike refused to start so he had to get help, he was not chuffed
