Agga No, Those two mad Dinosaurs and junior go to Nam The ride begins

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Wednesday 12th  Day 22    Oliefantshoek – Klerksdorp    (430 Km)

The final stage of our journey is here, we up early pack up the tent and we of. The roads are shitty, a lot of cages on them, we narrowly miss a few of them as they are taking “moerse” chances. We push on to Kathu, stop at a garage, fill up the bikes, get something to eat and push on.

Phone my buddie Koos in Ottasdaal to tell him we on our way that way and we will stop to say hi. He owns the local Butcher, so when we stop there he has a braai going and after the good reunion of not seeing him and his missus for two years and introducing him to Tappet he pulls out some cold ones and me Koos, Liezel and Tappet enjoy some cold ones and the best sosaties I have ever tasted. :Sommer” bought R200.00 worth to take home

Well we say our goodbyes and head of for home, not knowing that another surprise still awaits us. As we come around a bend i see my daughter and a few of our club members waiting for us next to the road with cold ones and open arms to welcome us back home. With a lump in our throats we greet them and have a few cold ones next to the road.
Needles to say they were expecting us to be there at 12h00 but due to our “Kuier” with Koos and Liezel we only got there about at 14h00. He he They was a bit worried.

And so we are escorted home
A braai has been organized and even my other two Kids from Pretoria have come down so we kuier till late

An Epic way to finish a ride. Ones Family and good friends
Dit was nou n moerse lekker lees ....................  :thumleft:
Thanks Allen, Ian en Tappet .................  :thumleft:
Distance Traveled:  Between 7200km – 9000km
Petrol usage” A “moerse” lot
Food Intake: We half starved as we hunted for our food. Ok a big variety. We ate well.
Beverages” Cold ones, Coke, Grape Tizer, Smirnoff ice, coffee, hot chocolate, aaah water
Tyres: The ones on the bikes ok ok Mitas e07 rear on all three (Rear)
Cost: A “kak Huis vol geld”

Ps: Hardly any damage to the Fauna and Flora (except for Tappet)
Pss: No damage to any of the beer bottles or cans etc except for emptying them
Psss: Damage Report: Honda = Welding on pannier frames, Pannier box + locks, seat
                                   Yamaha = Diff oil leak
                                    Ktm = Mirrors, flicker, leak on shock + rear slave cylinder, Tube,
                                    (Me) One Knee (Tappet) One Ankle + some bruises
Pssss: One helluva ride. One helluva friendship.

Psssss: This was a ride that tested ones friendship, formed an even stronger bond  between buds and Skoonseun, an alliance to help each other, it even brought out the best and worse in all of us. Three weeks (22 days) of riding, being in each others company basically 24hours a day, Tempers Flared, Words got spoken and sorted out with no grudges, laughter was there each and everyday, we road together, we watched out for each other., we got soar asses and muscles. But I thank you two guys my best Bud Ian and my son in law Tappet (Helgard) for the riding we done together and for the honour of you ouses company.

Well that’s al guys and dolls hope you enjoyed the RR as much as we enjoyed the ride..

The faithful Steeds.

The Honda

The Yamaha

The Ktm

The Two Moerse strong Dinosaurs and the Moerse strong Tappet Dinosaur

Left (ALLEN I) Middle (Tappet)(Sproket) and Ian on the right (Ian In Great Brak River)

For more action related RR’s about the Two Moerse Strong Dinosaurs.
Back page them on previous RR on a computer near you

The two Dinosaurs take a trip. HIGHWAY TO HELL. By ALLEN I
The two Dinosaurs do Namibia.  By ALLEN I
The two Dinosaurs are at it Again (The Sea). By ALLEN I
Southern Nam Ride. By Ian in Great Brak River
The Klein Karoo Meander. By Ian in Great Brak River
Anti clockwise to St Lucia. By Ian in Great Brak River
The Goat Ride…. Or should that be the Goats Ride. By Ian in Great Brak River

Short RR stories
A Dinosaur a plaas pat and a Bokkie with a kort rokkie  By ALLEN I
A Dinosaur and a what “Road Block” By ALLEN I
A Dinosaur a cruise and a small mistake. By ALLEN I
A dinosaur takes a Sunday Cruise. By ALLEN I
A Dinosaur has some fun with lane splitting. By ALLEN I
The two Dinosaurs loose there cold ones. By ALLEN I
The Dinosaur, The time Machine and the Missing long Weekend. By ALLEN I

                                     Till Next Time
Ian in Great Brak River said:
Well said and well done Oupa Allen.

It was a great ride and some excellent photos you two took, so till the next jol, BCOT - Be Carefull Out There!


Thanks bud. it took long enough for me too finish the RR but I think in the end it was worth it. Once again thanks for the good company and the amazing ride we had.

And to the Oupa  thingy, hey that makes you one as well as you are part of the donnerse family Oupa Ian. he he
Hierdie was nou een helse nice RR, ek het dit baie geniet en die skryf styl is great, Thanks Allen  :thumleft:

Daai huis buite Aus waar jy so spot van die dors, Desember toe ons daar was het Hamster (forum naam) vir amper 6 ure in daai huisie gesit terwyl dit 40 grade was,  :imaposer: :imaposer:

Ek het ook in gedraai by die huis en hy het gevolg maar toe kry hy 'n puncture op sy 660 se agter wiel, met die spinery in die sand spin hy toe die tjoep moer toe en daar vind ons uit hy het nooit 'n tjoep in gepak vir die trip nie, kos my toe maar Luderitz toe ry vir 'n tjoep maar kon niks daar kry nie en toe was al opsie om hom met 'n trailer te gaan haal en 'n tjoep uit Windhoek uit te laat kom.

Dit was seker sy lankste en kakste ses ure wat hy ooit gehad het,  :imaposer: :imaposer:



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Thanks Jakkals bly jy het dit geniet, yip daai sand is doners sag en diep, geen keuse gehaad nie maar om uit te spin, het net net n pen in die grond gemis. kak een om daar te sit, kyk wat met ons gebeur het, almost died of thirst. he he. Yip it was a helluva ride, but with bloody good company,and the bikes took a helluva lot of punishment and kept on going.
punisher said:
thanks again man , what a lekker adventure you shared with us   

thank you

Pleasure mate glad you enjoyed it
Hi Allen,

Really enjoyed your RR and writing style. Even enjoyed seeing photo's of your AT which is the same as mine !!!  :thumleft:
Still on my bucket list to go to some of those places - hats off to you three musketeers  :thumleft:  :thumleft:
4 Kays said:
Hi Allen,

Really enjoyed your RR and writing style. Even enjoyed seeing photo's of your AT which is the same as mine !!!  :thumleft:
Still on my bucket list to go to some of those places - hats off to you three musketeers  :thumleft:  :thumleft:

So gepraat van dieselfde bikes, ek het presies dieselfde gehad, ook swart met goud,,,,,,, toe ek nog dom was,,  :peepwall: :imaposer:

Nee, wat ek eintlik wil sê is, Allan, ek het regtig 'n AT gehad en ken sy seat maar het die naweek 4kays se seat gesien en sou ek nog 'n AT gehad het sou ek beslus so seat op gesit het, kontak 4kays vir fotos.
    Dankie manne.Julle trip het weer aangename herhinderinge teruggebring.
Thanks to all of you ous for the compliments and such gootes, we enjoyed the ride, glad to see you ous enjoyed the share

and greatest respect to the three Mustbequeers tsk, Musketeers!

Wellfuckingdone :thumleft:

Mods - IMHO worthy of "Roll of Honour' - Best Ride Reports status
Master Beerkie said:

and greatest respect to the three Mustbequeers tsk, Musketeers!

Wellfuckingdone :thumleft:

Mods - IMHO worthy of "Roll of Honour' - Best Ride Reports status

Thanks mate, glad you enjoyed it. We do try to entertain you ous but it was a lekker ride and a pleasure to write
Jis, ALLEN I, dankie vir die deel.  Ek was nou so waar as wraggies meegevoer.  Ek sal hierdie RR weer moet lees en kyk - net vir ingeval ek iets gemis het. 

Ek gaan kom vir 'n lessie of twee met die foto-nemery.  :thumleft:
Mev Vis Arend said:
Jis, ALLEN I, dankie vir die deel.  Ek was nou so waar as wraggies meegevoer.  Ek sal hierdie RR weer moet lees en kyk - net vir ingeval ek iets gemis het. 

Ek gaan kom vir 'n lessie of twee met die foto-nemery.  :thumleft:

Dankie vir die komplimente mev Vis. Well what can I say, I think what we do is we just ride and enjoy ourselves out there, that's whats it all about in the end. Photo neem se jy, we look we push a button and we hope we get  a good shot. he he  glad you enjoyed it
Hey cous what an epic journey.
As you say 22 days is a looong time in the saddle in mostly sand and I dont care how fit you are, mentally it could become a strain.
But ja well done and look forward to the next one.
Bill p said:
Hey cous what an epic journey.
As you say 22 days is a looong time in the saddle in mostly sand and I dont care how fit you are, mentally it could become a strain.
But ja well done and look forward to the next one.

Thanks bill pity you missed it, as it was epic. glad you enjoyed