Angola, it's not like they said.

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A ride like this makes newbies like me so chuffed to have gotten involved in this sport! Thank you for inspiring us to one day have similar adventures, though admittedly I doubt they will be THIS awesome! Fanbloodytastic.
8) Incredible adventure... I can't wait for the rest of it... excellent writing too  8)

Awesome stuff guys!!
Outstanding and well illustrated trip report.

Thanks for taking us mere mortals were we would never go.

:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
I did this route back in 2003 but in the opposite direction in a Landrover and have to admit that the "doods akker" was scary sh!t.  All I can say is RESPECT - as us, I don't know if you guys knew what to expect but looking back now it was an awsome part of the trip.

Having done most of Southern Africa by 4x4 I still rate Angola as my best trip ever. 
This is better then a Book! You get pictures to open the portal back into time.

Absolutely riveting!

It's Monday...

Jeez, if that guy hasn't drowned by now...
Trailrider said:
It's Monday...

Jeez, if that guy hasn't drowned by now...

Nee man, hule kan nie nou al gaan staan en versuip nie, wat van die Ride Report. Ek sal my polse sny as die storie nie 'n einde het nie. :angry1: :crybaby2: :crybaby2: :crybaby2: :crybaby2:
CrazyPorra said:
LostDOG said:
Plothond said:
Ai jai jai

I can just see LostDog - with a glint in his eye

Man, that looks lekker !!!!

Plottie - these guys are hard-core!
My mates have said I better tone things down a bit, else nobody will want to ride with me again. Thinking of taking their advice for a while.


HI-Jack, Lost Dog and Plottie I'm in  ;)

My Mates ICM and Co. are not interested. :(

Kark man ... but a strom aint going to survive a trip like this ....would need a DR650 or similar plus time off work .... 
MJ you'd better hurry up with that report or i'm going to go outside and toy-toy with the rest of the ddose here at UJ.

We want more

We want more

We want more


(he shouts as he sets another pile of tyres alight!!)
This may be the best report, on all forums, of all time.

I vote that no-one posts another comment until we get more >:D >:D
bmad said:
This may be the best report, on all forums, of all time.

I vote that no-one posts another comment until we get more >:D >:D

I second that - now one post anymore!  ;D
Is now a good time to lock down the forum and start charging admission  ;)

Everytime I check the Ride Reports and see there's a new message posted, I get all excited only to find it was just another pleb that commented......

It's late Monday already, and the world is waiting........
shark_za said:
Is now a good time to lock down the forum and start charging admission  ;)

I can see someone wants to get lynched........... >:D ;D or have thier KLR parked sideways up their butt... ;) >:D >:D

signing out ever to post until MJ does
He he. Every time someone posts there is a bunch of guys online on this thread.
[size=10pt]MJ don't do this to us!!!

:angry9: :blob10: :evil5:
no one has posted in almost an hour. quite impressive.
8) 8) 8)