Angola, it's not like they said.

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Mj i dont think pussy and your name can be used in the same sentence!!!!
I am absolutely blown away by your report,i used to think i was pretty hardcore on my plastic but now I know better...

Unf@ck'n Believable.....

This has got me riveted to my seat,sweat gleaming on my brow,a slow,restless angry growl prowling deep within my soul,watching waiting... Just awesome,really.....!!!!!!

Thanks MJ 8)
Man, what a story.....  It still feels a very long away from "And they lived happily ever after".  How do we get through this weekend?  Can't wait!
Mark Hardy said:
If you are worried about sounding like a pussy, you must hear me wimpering just reading about this adventure of yours........REPECT to you all.  :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
+1 my ass is puckering just reading this safely at home  :eek:
I am in awe, and humbled. I can relate to some of those experiences - whether in the pics or in writing. I am inspired.

I THANK ALL OF YOU for sharing these moments which is almost too intimate/personal, and emotional, to be put down in words.

CrazyPorra said:
I have one question MJ, excuss my ignorence but I think its called neap tide when it goes out further and comes up higher, well for the question, was this the tide at the time that you guys where there?

Don't wanna give it away, MJ will tell you in the next episode of......................Days of our lives. :D
I've read one or two 4x4 reports (4x4 overland forum) about that "doodsakker" section and they made my blood run cold.  In them the writers made no bones about being very scared.  I planned to go to Angola and mentally noted that I would never do that section.

I thought it might be easier by bike except for the logistics etc.  You guys have shown that it's like a day in the Dakar but without support.

So I'm hugely impressed and respectful of your courage and daring. Tough men.

i realised afterwards, that my initial response was a bit harsh for the family forum..but it's just such an amazing piece of writing... im still not over it 4 hours later...
I think Trailrider somes it up well with one word :eek:

WOW :eek:

CrazyPorra said:
I have one question MJ, excuss my ignorence but I think its called neap tide when it goes out further and comes up higher, well for the question, was this the tide at the time that you guys where there?
Spring tide is what you describe.
Neap tide is the opposite; when there is the least difference between high & low tide.
2 spring (& neap) tides each month - more or less.

MJ: I repeat what I wrote before: you write bloody well.  Brilliant.
You guys better hope that your wifes does not read this report....otherwise you are going to be in the same boat as Plothond!!

Ok that is some awsome shit, the story and the adventure, you okes have some major sized gonads
It's going to be a loooong weekend!Unbelievable report!I vote you become a professional rider / report writer to lighten our dull existences!
Simply awesome. MJ you should write a book I for one would buy it.

Yes I think the only way to descirbe this report is WOW

Thanks again for all the effort in sharing your experience with us.

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