Angola, it's not like they said.

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The easiest is to use  or

Upload the file and post the link here. Then people can download and perhaps place it in a webserver for a better and more permanent solution
michnus said:
I've got the pdf file if you want me to email it to anyone, it's 18mg file. Can also upload it to some place to keep, just don't know where to if anyone got a suggestion.


Send it to me and I will upload to the server and add a link to the first post...
Ok Guys

There is a link on the first post, but here it is as well...

Entire Report in PDF Format can be Downloaded Here - Click Here
HennieF said:
Thanks SGB.

Downloaded it but it seems that its not the complete RR. The part from the biker bar till they reached the border is missing.

Does anyone have a pdf file for the last bit.


PM me you email and I can mail it to you

Note (22Mb Big)
Absolutely amazing trip and report. Really motivates me to get out there again! Thanks for all the great writing and taking the trouble to post!  :thumleft:
I have been trying to read this RR for a very long time, but got extremely frustrated as my connection here is very slow and most of the time, it would not download all the pictures. Whilst the RR is not only about pictures, you need them to complete the story. :drif:

Today, the cyber gods smiled upon me and allowed me to read thru the whole report. Absolutely amazing. Muito Respeito (Much respect) to you guys and to MJ for a absolutely stunning report.  :thumleft:

I've been in Angola for 2 years now, but has never had the opportunity to go to tha south altough I've seen quite a few places north of Lobito. There are some truly amazing places in this country. It is quickly busy picking itself up from the ashes of the longest civil war in history, but it will take a while. Problem is, there are only a few that benifits by the riches. The poor, are dirt poor.

This has now put me in a very melancholy mood. Shucks, I miss my bike.  :BangHead: :BangHead::'( :'( :'(

What a beautifully illuminating report! What do you do for a living...ride bikes? Can i send my CV?  :thumleft:
great stuff!!! :ricky:

For those that dont know, this rr reached over a million reads on a internasional forum, congrats guys!!!

Great ride report: Couple of observations:

1-"In the end, every one of us felt the same way, we came to experience wild Africa, and what we found was people. Every one a pleasure to meet, every one welcoming us with open arms, every one with a smile, all willing to go out of their way to make our lives easier".  Africa in the north (rural Africa) is a great place; I think it is the only place on the planet where huminity still reigns.  When I rode solo this was my experience:

2- When you are a team with different skills, you can attempt such a trip.  You are not worried that you will get stuck in the middle of nowhere and thus the ride is doomed.  Team work allows for the craziest things imaginable.

3-Folks this was awesome.
Awesome RR.... You guys made the effort to actually capture the moment, the culture, the people... Without these and a few other elements, there is just no point... Absolutely awesome report...
Ja nee....agteros kom ook in die kraal. Laaste paar dae gelees aan die. Stuff that legends are made off!! RESPECT......en dankie....dit sit sekerlik die benchmark op enige trip!!  :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:
Metaljockey said:
Thanks guys, good to know that this report is still bringing joy to new readers.

And to existing readers. I've read it a few times, as well as your other ones.
Just dowloaded on my iPad. PDF is the best. Thanks for that.
Nou ja, ek het ook nou eers die RR raakgelees.

Dit is eenvoudig 'n AWSOME RR en trip gewees.

MJ en "partners" julle het 'n great job gedoen.

Baie geluk.
I have read the report some time ago. Now I have started reading again as I have no work. My gat jeuk and I would like to ride again. This time in Northern Mozambique. I would like to ride in two months time. Any takers to join. The Unimog will be the suport vehicle.

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