as promised. how to feebly attempt a rock.

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Bachelor Dog
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction score
Yamaha T7
too big here but check it out on you tube. gave up after my bag came off. long trip and all.
lacked commitment its true. long trip ahead expected to hop right over that.
Se vir die moer om die kamera neer te sit en te kom help O0
Very brave to put this here I said. Will have to go back with the tenere now to gauge my new skillset.
Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result  :imaposer:

Brrm brrm gawwwk  brrrrm  brrrrm  gawwwwkkkk  ;D
Ha buz. Its choosing a line and not giving up!!! Also had 2000ks ahead wasn't really in the mood for that effort!
i think you may have learnt a bit from the rear entry into the baviaans - maybe you want to attempt that little rock / mud pile again [ soft attempt] choper
Easy to laugh from behind a keyboard, but......... :imaposer:

How to make a "racing slick!"

;D wasnt that bad. Remember the river was wet and those knobblies I put on for the trip got me home via Lesotho solo. just.
You posted that video before you advertised the XTR here which I thought was bound to hurt the sale of the bike back then
Still got in my WD file. ;D
subie said:
You posted that video before you advertised the XTR here which I thought was bound to hurt the sale of the bike back then
Still got in my WD file. ;D
this is supposed to be a quiet post. I said I would so I did. got a R1 swopping deal in that bike. so it worked out hope the new slummies owner isn't here...;D