Atlantis, A day of sand!!!

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Eina f@kkit!  ;D

Part of me was glad I spent my weekend in Silvermine with my mountainbike!

Glad you're all okay though!
Wow FUN BY ALL 8) 8) 8)

Would love to give it a bash sometime having done the DR, something like that makes you MORE hungry ;D
You guys are mad. Firstly we get to cross shite rivers, then we practice tieing up feet on to bikes with wire. Thank goodness at this point I baled out due to a flat wheel. I then heard that the Aprilia tried to comit suicide and dump Cube. Now if that was not enough you all (ok some did not) took it in turns to jump off while riding. Andy I belive won that competition. Not to be outddone some stuck bees into their eyes.  You guys are mad.

No seriously I really enjoyed the ride, even though I was way out of my depth, but in true wd style you guys all assisted me.  Thank you all for the ride and hopefully I shall be able to ride with you guys soon. Andy, yes you got first prize, firrstly for the personal invite, then the air and lastly your spectacular (pity I missed it) fall. Glad to hear no serious injuries.
