Away in a Tent (now with consequences!!) <UPDATE1>

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Congrats have you worked out what caused it yet?? :biggrin:, see I told you all that this tent sleeping thing was dangerous!!! :biggrin:
Congrats you two!!

Just at the right time!!!  New practice, new home, new town .....
Beemer man said:
Congrats have you worked out what caused it yet?? :biggrin:, see I told you all that this tent sleeping thing was dangerous!!! :biggrin:

Yup, tents are dangerous...

This would never have happened in a warm chalet with electric blankets!  :glasses9:
This is a ride report with a difference.
Did not see this one cumming  :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
Congratulations and jubilations - looks like camping out is way too much fun!
A Romantic Ride and in a tent............. man AWSUM, whatb more does one want?    Congrats you two ;)
Wow guys that is great news.. 

Brace your selves as your life is about to change in a great way..  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Congrat's J and B with the Baby to be ;)

Prepare yourself for the ride of your life ::)

May your baby be a blessing to the both of you and to all who meet the child forever. :3some:
popipants said:
This is a ride report with a difference.
Did not see this one cumming  :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

Pun intended :biggrin:

Great riding  >:D
You should never send the wife to the doctorâ?¦.. they come back, PREGNANT

Hope you remember this when the boyfriend tells you his taking her camping :imaposer: :pot:

Congratulations and may the new life bring only joy and happiness :eek:ccasion14:
Hee Hee - big congrats.

Just working it out - "abby" must have been about this <-> big when you did the canal ride to beestekraal.

Hope "she" enjoyed the ride  ;D
Sorry Gunda, don't think abby was there yet when we did canal ride... Canal ride was a couple of weeks before we went on our romantic trip alone up North! Only 5w since conception now, and still only about this <--> big  :eek:

the latest photo, one week on. Gestational sac about doubled in size in a week, and can now see the little embryo... about 5mm

:thumleft:    :thumleft:    :thumleft:    :thumleft:    :thumleft:
Yup - got dates confused, and never was much of a medical-type person.
;D ;D
And hello little, but slightly bigger, abby !
My neice in Singapore had her second son a while ago.
Took her older boy to see the ultrasound scan - said the baby looked like "a squishy goldfish" - now I know what he meant, but I think it is more like a jellyfish !