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Race Dog
Jan 27, 2006
Reaction score
Cape Toon - TransAlp XL650V 2004
Honda NC750X
After spending a week in Springbok without a bike and having seen some luscous roads to ride and being unable to do so, and to make matters worse, there was this black @ the other evening and even worse, on Friday as I left I passed a van with three KTMs on the trailer and then it rained yesterday when I managed to get some time - all this was frostrating me some.
So this afterzoom when the sun broke through I was on the TA like a shot - just a short ride to lessen the 10shin, I hadda get some dirt!

Went along to Spes bona road and then to Mellish to my favourite little puddle where I washed my wheels and then on to Klipheuwel and found anothet spot of water to wassh the wheels, but got cold feet and left it - this place even has water in the dry months.....

Returned via Occultdale where I was passed, going the other way by a well known blue hamyah xt 660xypqrs ridden by a familiar - bearded chap going is if he had just seen a ghost - closely followed by someone in high spirits on a goulish orange bike with a huge grin..... Ja, wonder who the hell that was, scary stuff.

Then to cap it all I saw a roadbike on a dirt road!
What is this world coming to?


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Aha! Good to see you out and about again ;D
Gee ! Droff , was that you I waved to ?
We had the same set of frustrations as you.
I washed the last remains of Baviaans off my bike on Sat. Afternoon.
I thought about a quick ride and called Camelman and Wayneh , neither of who answered there phone.
Then decided to go for a ride.I ended up in Melkbos driving up and down the streets , trying to find Andy950`s house.
I got fed up and headed towards the beach road , when I got a call from Wayneh.
So I popped in at his house on the way home.
Here we planned a possible ride on Sunday morning (depending on the weather of course.) 10 am was the deadline for the first call.

Nope ! raining , "Lets try later "12h00
12h00 call. Laugh this Sunday off , big rain storm.
So I put the kids in the car and drove around the back end of D/ville hills and had a look at the condition of some of the dirt roads.

Got a call at 14h00 . Hey XT , its clearing up.
And that was it , Passed a chap on Occudale road and at the T-Junction laughed with Wayneh , that  bloke must be as desperate as us to get some dirt on his bike !

Really good to hear from you Droff , actually thought about you yesterday as I went down Slent road toward Perderberg yesterday.

We found another road up Perdeberg mountain yesterday which we are going to try next Sunday.


Hope you dont mind us hi-jacking your thread droff ?

droffarc said:
Returned via Occultdale where I was passed, going the other way by a well known blue hamyah xt 660xypqrs ridden by a familiar - bearded chap going is if he had just seen a ghost - closely followed by someone in high spirits on a goulish orange bike with a huge grin..... Ja, wonder who the hell that was, scary stuff.

"...mad Wild dogs & Englishmen out in the midday sun."  Well, not quite.  ::)  ;D  It was late afternoon, and I technically didn't see any Englishmen. But it was good seeing XT660R & I weren't the only Dawgs out...  Blasting the cold & wet week out of the system - Nice seeing ya Droffarc  :thumleft:

...Eeish. The dirt was perrrrrrrfect for power-sliding out of corners, on Sunday. Lekker fun XT660R  :ricky:
EtienneNXR said:
Can you post the map file of that route please?

Here is a screen drop - hope it helps you. If you want the hole faail wif co-ordinates and all and all, you will have to cough up some curry man. :pot:

But beware of occultdale  - there are these speed - ing demons on baaiks. You will recognize em easy, one has a beer-ed an the uther has a grin 10 foot wide  :biggrin:


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