Bad bikers....rant

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Pack Dog
May 26, 2010
Reaction score
White River
KTM 950 SE
I was reluctant to take part in the highjack that seems to have taken place on one of the recent biker down threads. So here is my little rant, I was traveling on the R36 yesterday, not far from the Strydom tunnel when a group of about five bikes all BMWs, some 1200s and the rest looked like 800s overtook the long line of cars and trucks that were winding up one of the passes in the area.

All good so far you might say, except that all the riders took unacceptable chances when overtaking at one point the leader was in the middle of the road on the wrong side, on a blind corner. Out of habit I looked at the bikes plates, only one bike had a plate and it was obscured by a " THINK BIKE" sticker.........this really pissed me off, talk about mixed messages.

Now some might say so what if some strangers take unacceptable risks, but ask yourself this, if, nay when it goes wrong in front of your car and assuming you are not involved in the ensuing carnage as other road users take evasive action, and you have to stop and help the survivors whilst your wife and kid sit in the car how will you feel?........F@rking hacked off is how it makes me just thinking about it. 

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