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Potsriver Pass area was burning big time  :(


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That surely looks like cold country. Thanks for the share, enjoy the rest of the trip. You're the man!
... tell you what ... I schmaak my burgers , but hell boet ! ... they know how to put them together down in the Eastern Cape hey
Grazed myself stukkend


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Nice to meet you at Tiekiedraai!

Have a great 2nd bash! We all jealous!


SPOED  :snorting:
Hey Leeuloop McSack. Why did you not tell me you going walkabout I could have supplied you with enough Ballantines miniatures for the trip:p:D:D8)
Anywas ... internet connection wasn't too lekker from when I left Kokstad (fanks vodacom) and by the time I got home, washed bike and kit all I wanted to do was take a shower and relax with a good book and a few cups of coffee

So here follows the last bit of the trek report
Was luiperd koud (shot Laban for a new word I learned  :thumleft: ) when I left Kokstad and the idea was to find the gravel highway that runs from Franklin (about 15km's outside Kokstad) all the way to Creighton
Highway does indeed exist , and that is exactly what it was ... so I just klapped it through to Creighton without taking too many pics. Lekker easy riding on dirt, but the scenery isn't exactly anything that one would want to write home to Ma about. I doubt there was a single stretch of more than a km that wasn't lined by shacks, goats, cattle, mangy dogs and people walking along the side of the road getting p!ssed / already p!ssed.
Anyway , at 120-odd one on dirt I didn't really get to look around much


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Out of Creighton I could have slabbed it the rest of the way through Ixopo and on to Richmond (and I nearly did if not for an interesting looking turn-off towards The Eastwolds or something like that) , but hell I was glad I didn't.

Follow the signs towards Donnybrook and then Hella-Hella and ...


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... knew I was close when I saw this sign


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... but then had to take a bit of detour when I hit Richmond because I just cannot resist tree lined lanes


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... and from there is was a quick hop up the road to Sakabula lodge and a bit of a skop with the Camperdown boys  :thumleft:

Bit of a roundabout trip to get to a bash, but what a jol


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Oh ja .. .and this has got to qualify as the first injury of the bash .
Had just arrived and was taking off my kit and at the same time trying chat to Ian the Tooth when my sidestand decided it would rather burrow into the ground after some moles instead of holding the Sten up. Bike fell on top of poor Tanne and gaffed him in knee.

Sorry charna , but thanks for saving the bark from a few more scratches and dings  :thumleft:  ;D
... nothing a few beers couldn't sort out


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Good thing you could not make the Thumper bash also otherwise I can just imagine how much longer this list of  complaints might have been  :eek7:

1. Reved their mates bike to the rev limiter late Friday night,
2.Left condoms  (can this be true  ???)
3. Shoot firearms or crackers in the wee hours of the morning.
4. Foul language and jokes and insane laughter.
5.Spewed their lungs out all over the place on Sunday morning
6.Dope smoking
7.Didn't even bother to take a tent and matrass with them when they left.

So I have got to thank everyone I met along the way who made this trip so much fun. WD's are really a lekker bunch of people and I don't reckon I would have enjoyed myself half as much if not for the friendliness and camaraderie I experienced along the way.

:thumleft:  :thumleft:  :thumleft: