Bike died ... fuel starvation?

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Race Dog
Mar 4, 2013
Reaction score
Honda CRF-1000L Africa Twin
Weird thing happened to me on the way into the office this morning. As I exited the freeway and was splitting slowly up to the robot , my fugly just died on me . First thing I thought was maybe I'd run out of juice so flicked the reserve tap and tried getting her going again ... engine turns over but no start so I had to get off and push (moerse uphill up a side street - haven't had to do that in a long time and lungs felt like the were going to explode out my ears ... fsk I'm unfit  :( )
Next checked if the main fuse had blown, but that was fine.
After 15 minutes of fiddling about with whatever I could think of (none of which seemed to help) , she all of a sudden spluttered to life when I opened the throttle full and engaged the choke. .Bike idled fine for a while but then she died again when I was busy putting helmet and gloves on.
Opened up the throttle and started again and managed to gun it to work. Biatch died again as I was idling down the ramp into the basement

Any ideas on what I could check?