the trip almost had a nightmare ending, another biker and myself had one of the local population jump into the middle of the road when we entered klawer, we managed to mostly avoid him and carried on.
Just before vredendal as I came around a corner 2 traffic cops cars lights flashing came towards me, one in each lane, now the klr is not known for braking capabilites and I was doing about 120, so it took some serious action not to ride into them.
I stopped and was informed that I had driven away from a accident scene. I informed them that as far as I was concerned there was no accident. But they where adamant and insisted I get someone to fetch my bike and ride back to klawer with them.
Luckily one of the officers was from the local traffics and I knew him well. He then had a chat with the provincial cops and they agreed that I could ride my bike back to the Klawer police station.
They enquired about the other biker, but I did not know him.
getting to klawer police, I heard them ask about the victim, one said a ambulance had collected him, the other one pointed out that he is still outside. Sure enough there he was lying on the pavement in front of the cop shop, with a few splatters of blood, the traffic cop tried to get a statement from him but he was to drunk to respond and could not remember what happened.
The cop in charge arrived and asked my version of the story. Now he was white, the one traffic cop with the attitude was black and adamant.
The cop them commented that the victim was a known drunk and frequently locked up. So he took my name number and said I was free to go. Nearly big ****, luckily the right people on duty.