Brandon Bosch Memorial Ride - Africa 2021

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Here, it is a good thing if you are able to read.


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Special Forces guard dog with camo.


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My accommodation and the road down. Does not seem like much of a challenge, but those little stones and loose gravel want to wash away your front wheel all the way down.


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Brandon's 12th sticker was put on the boat.


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Never seen a Toyota Hilux Surf before. Gideon's bakkie, yes, and all the contact details are on it. This place is worth the visit.


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Local arts and crafts. It adds character.


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Reed collection was still going happening on the island.

But then a lone Mokoro approached from the other side of the river and the sand bank was not helping, but perseverance pays off and he came up to the lodge. A local delivery of firewood to the lodge, despite the obvious presence of a Hippo. And he was off to collect the next load.


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Purely for curiosity's sake, I would like to know, based on some messages I received, has everybody following this RR, actually read it from the beginning.

The reason for my question, the inconsistency of read reports on the photos. It, however, means something to me, you cannot grasp the essence of this RR if you did not read it from beginning to wherever we are now. I want to achieve what will eventually become clear, when I am ready to do so.

Please honour my intention, by reading from the beginning, please. I will get there, but not right now.
DASKOP said:
Purely for curiosity's sake, I would like to know, based on some messages I received, has everybody following this RR, actually read it from the beginning.

The reason for my question, the inconsistency of read reports on the photos. It, however, means something to me, you cannot grasp the essence of this RR if you did not read it from beginning to wherever we are now. I want to achieve what will eventually become clear, when I am ready to do so.

Please honour my intention, by reading from the beginning, please. I will get there, but not right now.

:thumleft: I'm following it, it's clear to me. Although in parts with alot of time between of reading your purpose is clear.
Following with respect and humbleness....
I'm in awe of your reports and expression of emotions.... you're stronger than you think!
One day I hope to meet up with you and share a beer or two!  :thumleft:
DASKOP said:
Here, it is a good thing if you are able to read.
My father, who used to go up there 2 times a year in the Sadf used to always tell us stories of the life guard towers, they had 'on their beach', with a troep and  a R1, to keep the plathonde in check.

Ex PE boitjtie here. See you went  to Framesby, Used to live maybe 300m from the school. Being a Soutie I was at Alex and probably about 10 yrs younger,  matriculated in 87.
Small  world.
Hey Budd , I've followed from the begining and it's an amaizing RR, you going to knock it out the park.If you do your presentation excaly how you have done this RR you will have everyone on the edge of there seats for more [ like us ] I can't wait for the rest of the story. :thumleft: :lamer:
I bet this report is going to the role of honour list.
I’m following, read every post from the beginning. Have yet to find the words for your strength. My son looks very similar to Brandon. My eyes keep watering as I read. Great RR, I like the way you tell the story. Keep riding.
It was time to update my journal and post on the Whatsapp group.

I was sitting on the deck and during this time, I saw a Hippo watching me, then two Mokoros passed by in the exact area where the Hippo had been. More than enough confirmation for me regarding my decision to politely decline the offer of a Mokoro ride.

The call of the Fish Eagle is truly the sound of Africa, and although I had constantly been hearing them, for the first time, I saw a pair of Fish Eagles fly past. They are majestic birds.


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I have never in my life experienced such emotional turmoil. A sudden overwhelming deep sense of sadness and loneliness came over me, and I had to find a place to sit and ride out this absolute feeling of despair, and clear my head.


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After a while, some level of normality and rationality returned to my mindset, and I was able to return to what I had been busy with.

Gideon, his dog and the two doctors returned from their Tiger Fishing expedition. The fire was being made as the sun started setting and after a few drinks at the bar, I was once again treated to an amazing supper, before calling it a night.


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30 May 2021

Early morning view from the deck. It had been a cold night and the misty effect on the river was quite a scenic change.

The Kingfisher was back at the same spot, where I had been seeing it every morning. The small fish seemed to gather there every morning and I had spotted two river otters in the water right there, but was never fortunate enough to capture them on film.

As the sun started rising, the mist disappeared.


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In 2013, Tony and myself arrived in Divundu, but when we got the the lodge where we had planned to stay, it was closed for construction.

So we went back to the supermarket to buy some provisions and get information as to an alternative place to camp. While Tony was inside, a bakkie pulled up next to me and I met Amori Gerber. She asked whether we were coming or going, and after explaining our situation, she told me about the new lodge they were building, called Shametu. Tony returned, and after some discussion, we agreed that we would camp at Shametu. We loaded our kit on the back of the bakkie and Amori left.

A few kilometers before Divundu, we had passed a shebeen on the side of the road, where there was a scene of great festivities and we decided to drive back there and experience some interaction the locals. Just as we left, we saw another Adventure Biker, so we stopped and introduced ourselves. He was an Israeli who had been very successful in his business venture and was traveling the world on his bike. We invited him along.

This event was covered in a previous RR of mine.

I decided to re-visit the Shebeen, but it being a Sunday, and with Covid restrictions in place, it was closed.

Then I visited Shametu. It was a far cry from what we saw in 2013. Then, there was only a small camping area, some buildings under construction, and most had not been even started. Now, it was a luxury lodge.


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There was no jetty and no boat. Only a local with a Mokoro available for hire to visit the falls.

No deck with a view of the Popa Falls and there was no construction anywhere near those rocks where we sat having peanuts and drinks.


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