Byrne, Hella Hella and the Umkomaas Valley

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Grey Hound
Staff member
Global Moderator
Aug 28, 2006
Reaction score
Hilton KZN
Boss Hoss (all models)
Wooly Bugger suggested we get the KZN dawgs together and go for a ride and then have a party at his house afterwards, so we set Saturday as the date, posted an invitation in the Planning a Ride Section and sent out a few mails.

The plan was to do Hella Hella and the Umkomaas River Valley, but I decided to throw in Byrne and a technical section through the plantations surrounding the Hilton Off Road Club to start off with.


The group met up at CrossWays Hotel in Hilton at 07h00, perfect blue sky a light shower of rain over-night to keep the dust down.


Things started off great until we got to a single track section in the forest with a sharp uphill turn to the left. Wooly Bugger's front wheel on his 1200 slipped on the wet grass as he tried to make the turn, and he went down, injuring his ankle in the process.



He was in quite a bit of pain, so it was clear he couldn't carry on with the ride, so we changed the route, headed back to Hilton and left Wooly at home, making him promise to have the fire ready by the time we got back.

After leaving Wooly we decided to miss the forest section and headed to Elandskop on tar, then hit dirt to Byrne Valley. Made our usual stop at the ruined old farmhouse above the valley.




From there we rode down into Byrne and turned into the Oaks Hotel where the plan was to have breakfast. We got there about 08h45 and made ourselves comfortable at the table and chairs outside in the sun. After sitting around chatting for quite a while, there was no indication of any waiter coming to take our order, so I went to see if I could find some service. I came upon a lady who appeared to be the manager of the place, and asked if we could get some breakfast. 

"Breakfast is served from 8 -9" she told me, "and it is now 9.15, so we can't help you as you are too late"

What a kak attitude.

So we went down the road a bit to The Blue Pumpkin, where the owner was only too happy to make us a great breakfast at a really reasonable price.

The Oaks in Byrne Valley will never see me there again.

From there headed down to Hella Hella and up the pass on the other side of the river. Stopped at a view spot at the top for a break and to admire the view




From there we did a lot of riding with not much stopping so unfortunately that is the end of my pics, hopefully some of the others took a few more pics than I did and can add them in.

Briefly our route from then on took us to Qunu Falls, Ixopo, down into the Umkomaas Valley to Riverside, a really spectacular road imho, back across the Umkomaas River, up the other side of the valley to Eston, then Camperdown and back home to Hilton by about 16h00 where we met up with wives and others at Wooly's house for some partying.

Good to see Essbee there, just about recovered from the accident he had recently.

Thanks to Wooly and Deirdre for having us.

As usual, a great ride, the only bummer being Wooly Buggers varked ankle.
Great stuff Jon - look forward to doing that route later in the year - have to agree about The Oaks - total waste of time there, and they dont seem to care at all anyway. They have strange bar hours as well, and God forbid you ask them to accomodate for the rugby!!!! The gay boys at the Pumpkin are great tho :thumleft:
Shot, JonW and thanks for organising!
Jon and I did the same stretch the previous afternoon without any incident. Had a couple of semi-religious moments on a long steep ROCKY decent but made it through with my reputation intact.
Cruising along the 2-spoor at a sedately pace (I was in the left track........) I over-cooked a steep, sharp left turn and in an attempt to still make the turn I drifted to the right and the front wheel washed away on the tall wet grass. Fell awkwardly on my left ankle and damaged the last bit of remaining outer-ligament, courtesy of years of competitive squash. Minor damage to the scooter, major damage to the ego! I am sure that my riding mates will have a chuckle about this for a long while!
My ankle felt weak and I decided to rather take it on the chin and bale out as I did not feel confident that I could keep up with the rest of the crowd. Sunday morning I awoke with the joint rather swollen and sore. I did try to take some "pain killers"  :biggrin: the night before and this only resulted in some bearing-knock in the upstairs department!

Twas great hosting the mad bunch and a special thanks to EssBee and Seeker who made it to Hilton sans-scooters!

Needless to say I don't have any peecha's of the trip, just of the party afterwards...........................................some people.....................


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Sorry to hear about the Wooly Ankle - Get better WB.  :(

Nice ride pics and report !

Time to come down again - oops - I forgot - I will be there next week !!

And it looks like the JonW rides are the KZN equivalent of Gauteng's "Jules Rides"  >:D
Thanks Jon for organising great day thanks to 3D and Wooly for good time.Took lots of pics not many any good.

Into Burne Valley




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Awesome ride chaps.................THANKS from Fran and I.

Umkomaas Valley is stunning.................... and slippery.

Will post some pics later today when I get home.
I would love to see that GPS track if someone has it, and if it does not go through private land !
I'ze not a trespasser - except by accident  ;D 
It is there in the middle of my post GG agree about private land but battle when plotted  routes on mapsoure then when you go ride you end up in the middle of someones front garden took this off Zumo and joined still not sure how the fillet works but cheek that Umkomaas valley road in goggle earth possiblities are endless not sure how jon didnt manage to get us  lost .


Outthere said:
It is there in the middle of my post GG agree about private land but battle when plotted  routes on mapsoure then when you go ride you end up in the middle of someones front garden took this off Zumo and joined still not sure how the fillet works but cheek that Umkomaas valley road in goggle earth possiblities are endless not sure how jon didnt manage to get us  lost .



Sorry man - If it was a snake it would have bitten me !!

Yup - Sometimes you end up on private land without knowing it - Took a ride once with Husky and WhizzBee and we only realized we were on private land when we hit a no-entry gate from the back side.

Merge my tracks (red) with this one (Kawa-green) and I can see we have lots of overlap, but also a few roads for me still to ride !!

Great! Thanks for sharing!

I need to make a plan to come and ride that area with you guys sometime, it looks awesome!!!

:thumleft: :thumleft:
More Pics


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More Pics


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  • Meeting Battlestar in Hella Hella.JPG
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  • Before dropping into Hella Hella.JPG
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  • Dawgs at Chunu Falls.JPG
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  • Fran at Chunu Falls.JPG
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And more......


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Last few........ of an amazing ride and company.

Thanks again.


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:ricky: Cool ride guys !!! Will join again as soon as things have settled with me lol
Looks like a great ride. always interesting countryside and good to see EssBee up and about - pity about being wheel less.

I was in Newcastle on Friday, came back late, up early Saturday, clean air cleaner etc ready for Sunday ride, then check computer and baai gootness, ride is to day. Then proceeded to lose glasses, dark glasses and one bolt for the air cleaner cover.
