Cape Peninsula "Jollie Patrollie"

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Extreme Velcro

At Friday night drinks, the idea of a leisurely ride around the Peninsula to rediscover all the touristy spots the Cape had to offer was mooted.

The idea festered a bit and then on Sunday morning, after another riotous "Lejane" event on Saturday night at Rafikis (thanks so much to the odd Wild Dog who pitched), it seemd that leisurely was the only way to go.

I kind of bounced out of bed, still burning with rock 'n roll and some blood flowing through the alcoholic veins, we phoned Pistonpete who confirmed that yes, this might just be right ride for a lazy Sunday.

A small rush to get ready (I REPEAT I AM NOT A MORNING PERSON), a stupid comment from Mark that nearly lost him his head and we were on our way. 

Really, a conversation as follows is not likely to endear any Adam to his EVe:

M:    "Lejane, hurry up, we only have another 10 minutes to get there"
L:     "No prob, it's just down the road"
M:    "Not considering how long it takes you to get the helmet on the right way"
L:     ...................................

Anyway, we made it down to the News Cafe in Table View where we met with Pistonpete and then wented on our way.

A little bit of weaving, lots of headwhacking, some flailing of arms to get comfy as we made our way through the traffic to Green Point.  (People, we have to get more mense on to bikes and out of cages; they'll be clueless either way, but at least they won't take up so much space with their stupidity).

A ride up on to Green Point Somerset Road to wave to the Harley Davidson crowd (God, I thought I was old; feels good to be a spring chicken sometimes) and then through Sea Point, Camps Bay (past the posers) and on over Llandudno into Hout Bay and our first stop at the Hout Bay Flea Market.

After being sh*t out by rider for apparently behaving like Rossi around the odd corner on the way and also for behaving like a "girlie girl" with all the clothing on display (and then being told that the milkmaid looking outfit might be the one to buy in the future), we made some purchases (me an orange bandana to hide the inevitable helmet hair that would make itself apparent in the next couple of hours), we carried on up to Chapmans Peak and my first test of terror.

As we all know by now, I have a horror of heights.  It's a phobia of note, so this is seriously taking the bull by the horns for EV.  Yes, taking all the really useless advice I have been given into consideration (don't look down, don't do this, do that), I sweated my way over Chapmans, felt the nausea, but made it to the other side without too many tears and tantrums.

Next stop, breakfast.......

As we parked, pretty pretty mommy came up to Pistonpete's bike with baby to show baby what a real bike was, so made my way to the table with two seriously puffed up men.  8)


Pistonpete looking chuffed


View is great


Even better - the view


EV trying out bandana only to end up looking like Russian grandmother


Great place - fantastic breakfast

After a HUGE meal and some wine, back on the bikes and off we go.


Getting ready to move on

What a beautiful place the Cape can be on a lovely autumn afternoon; clear skies, not too hot, not too cold.  Pleasant riding conditions.  Just one little thing starting to bother EV; the KTM seat and EV's *ss are not having a great relationship (some friction making itself known).

Still the scenery is wonderful and its great to be out there.




The boys


Me with Pistonpete

And a KTM rider standing  ::).  I think some airing was needed  ;)

As we rode further, I had to take pics from the bike.  A dog that chased Pistonpete who did not even notice.  In all fairness to the dog, he seemed to just be having a bit of a fun race with these noisy beasts and did not try anything at all, just raced alongside of us for a while and once we reached close to where he obviously stayed, he just chilled out and let us carry on our merry way.


Fun, fun, fun.....

Further on, a sad sight.  Burnt brush for kilometers.  Hope it  wasn't some idiot with his stompie that was responsible for this.


And certainly hope that this castle plus the other houses close by weren't burnt by any such action  :'(


As I am having some probs with Photobucket and uploading images, I will have to take some time out and continue this saga tomorrow.

Nice Photos EV. I always like ride report pictures taken of the sea, it's one of the things that makes me want to get on the bike and just ride and ride.

Are you perving at the cyclist's butt?  >:D


Nice shots of the rideabout. We stay in a beautifull place.
Sorry I missed this, as me and da wife often go for casual rides, not always on dirt. Places we "visit" vary from Hermanus, to Veltdrift, but ok sometimes I get too lus and then we must take a dirt road or two.   
but ok sometimes I get too lus and then we must take a dirt road or two.

How do you find your wife in very tall grass..................................Very satisfying.
Lekker one.... the burn house in Scarborough was some lady's pride & joy... took her years and she built it all by herself... every rock/brick!
Yep Goose I rem reading abt that lady's house..... :(

MH, PP and EV nice ride and its always refreshing to take aride around the peninsula just so much to see in this wonderful city ...nice to see you on the katoom EV :)
Have camera, more pics and photobucket and I are friends again.

At the risk of boring you.....further on to Cape Point !

So, onwards to one or two of the really touristy obligatory visits one must make when in Cape Town.


The Entrance to Cape Point Nature Reserve

The KTM was now unfortunately showing signs of a clutch problem, but seemed to be allright.


Nah, got stuck behind a bus (literally) and those probs started growing somewaht.  EV not too unhappy though; once again, the butt was quite happy with an odd reprieve.  Pistonpete had ridden all the way to the end, but thankfully came back to help.

Some handy tool work  >:D and all seemed to be fine, so back we went.  The destination is definitely popular, more hire bikes than I could count were in the parking lot.  We waved (YIP WE DID) and greeted in true KTM style and made our way to the restaurant for refreshments of the beverage kind.  

While there, we encountered one or two uninveited but beautiful table guests.



One of the tourists having a snack near us got more than he bargained for when a great big male baboon took a serious liking to what the tourist was snacking on and went for it with a focus I haven't experienced since I was much much younger and a young man in hormonal overdrive tried to get into my pants (or up my skirt or ..........).  

The game ranger was quite useless, the tourist actually tried to take a stand ( HULLO, let go and get out the way, you idiot, was something that sprang to mind), but of course, the snatch and grab artist of note got away with all.  And with minimal effort made it over the fence and far far away.

Well, at least those foreigners will have something to tell the world when they get home....

I decided that there was other scenery to be checked out.


Gorgeous huh?


I swear, nowhere else in the world....

After a beer or two, onwards to Boulders.  Still having some clutch problems (thanks Pistonpete for being so patient) and EV feeling like a real jack in the box; on the bike, off the bike, on again, off again - we seemed to sort of sort the issue out.

Loveley stretch of scenery and on reaching Boulders, rode into the car park where we really found a true Capetonian character - the CAR GUARD.  Full of useless and usefell information, the stream of patter was quite fascinating.  However, got to say, he was incredibly helpful with allowing us to leave helmets and all gear in the little wendy house - how nice to stroll off without carrying tons of gear - wish there was more of that around in South Africa.  (Something to agitiate for perhaps.....).

After forking out more bucks (SANParks must stop telling me they are so broke; they charge enough), off down the wooden boardwalk to check out the penguin babes.

And aren't they just soo cute?

We found a seriously coy number....

Aaaaah, come on, don't take my photie, no really, I'm not that cute, no - ok if you must.....

Then of course, there is always one.

Who d'you think you looking at hey - d'you wanna take it outside or what? What?

And then there was the one we all fell in love with - Jake the Peg with his missing leg.

Shame, he was so determined to get where he wanted to go - which he did, albeit it at a much slower pace than all the others.  Such a sweetie !

After getting ourselves an ice cream (oh come on, we had to, it was kind of obligatory at this stage), we all carried on - Pistonpete off to visit a friend and us of course to end the day at .....


Guys, yip, just sometimes the simply rides can be the best - it was great.

Jsut one last thing - my butt.  The KTM saddle and my rear end are really not talking to each other all that well (I really did have some friction burn, can you believe it).  Must def make changes there as soon as - believe me !

Other than that - a fabuloso day !


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