Cederberg Oasis spit braai (23-24 Apr 2022), Our home away from home

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Jan 22, 2015
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Western Cape
Most of you will be familiar with Cederberg Oasis. If not, I highly recommend that you put it on your “Bike-It” list and go and visit Gerrit and the friendly
people at the happy place with the big yellow smiley face. The name says it all, it is truly an Oasis and a place where you can reset from the city rush.

Oasis has an annual spit braai for adventure bikers, that is one of the highlights of the calendar. I immediately checked my calendar when I saw the post
for the spit braai and as luck would have it, I had an empty slot in my calendar that I immediately filled.

After sending out a couple of whatsapp messages to some regular riding buddies we soon were a group of 10 people, 7 bikes and a bakkie.

The day finally arrived and most of us met at my house at 7h from where we will depart heading to Wellington where 2 more bikes will join us.



The planned route was to ride tar towards Porterville from there we will take the gravel road that meets the N7 close to the Eendekuil turnoff. We had a quick
stop just outside Porterville to deflate the tyres before we hit the gravel.


The first stretch of this road was very nice, but soon we realized that we were entering the Sandveld area and the name says it all. There were patches of sand
on the road and the shadows of the big blue gum trees made it difficult to differentiate between shady spots or sandy spots on the road.


We made it to the N7 without any major incidents. When we regrouped at the N7 I saw some battle scars on one of the bikes that wasn’t there earlier the day.
I asked “oom” Danhauser what happened and Shaun (his son in law) started to laugh. He said he heard in his comms “Hier gaan ons nou” and when he looked
in his mirror, he only saw headlights and then tyres and his father-in-law rising from a cloud of dust.



We had a quick stop at the Citrusdal Logde for a ”spier verslapper” before we hit the next section of gravel road towards Clanwilliam.


