Cleaning the Air Filter of my CRF230F ???

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Aug 2, 2008
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BMW R1200GS Adventure
Ok, so I am going to attempt to clean the air filter of my little moffie bike  ;D ;D

As you may know it has a "spons" filter, I guess in the Rooi Taal it is a "foam" filter.

I have the mechanical skills of a person with no thumbs, but the only way I will learn to do these things is to, well, do them. :mwink:

Someone told me I must do it this way, and I want to check with you guys if this is correct.

1. Remove the filter and clean it in a bowl of paraffin.
2. Then let it dry.
3. When it is dry, place it in a zip-loc bag with some foam filter oil, and then make sure that the oil covers the filter completely.
4. Take it out of the zip-loc bag and squeeze out all the excess oil.
5. Replace the filter back in the bike.

This sounds easy enough.

They also said that I must wear dishwashing gloves as not to get oil all over my hands.

Is this the correct way?


:thumleft: :thumleft: