Dad and son Sani Pass ride

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Race Dog
Aug 26, 2009
Reaction score
BMW R1200GS Adventure
Lesotho is the only country south of the Congo I haven't visited and Sani Pass was high on my to do list. So one eve over a bottle of Johnny Walker me and the laaitie started talking about rides. We planned doing a outride or two around Toti during the holidays. So we were discussing options, when the whiskey sparked an idea, stuff that lets do Sani pass  ;D

Seeing as he will be using his XR 125 L - we decided to do it over 3 days.

Day 1 - cruise up to Himeville
Day 2 - do the pass
Day 3  - Return home.

The trip there was via old coastal route to Park Rynie, the past Ixopo up to Bulwer, from Bulwer the Impendle dirt route to the Himeville


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Settled into Himeville arms and a few cold ones. That night we had 80 mil rain  :eek:

Bucketed down, hope the pass is gonna be OK - but all good the next morning, a bit water here and there but mostly dry.

We tackled the pass and what an awesome ride. Truly beautiful and amazing views.

The little 125 ran out of power about 500 meters from the top (last 4 - 5 turns) due to the altitude, so after trying to walk it up, we decided to tow the lil mighty the last bit up the pass

Into Lesotho and offcourse to the hightes pub, where we kuiered over a few Maluti's before going back down again, downhill was no problem for the 125 luckily  :thumleft:


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Some more pics form the up and down the pass.

And oh yes, on the way up a bee got into my helmet and stung me on the eye..................  :eek7:


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Got back early afternoon and idea was to go do some tubing down the river, but mist and cool air blew into Himeville and Underberg, so back to Himeville arms and the pub, constant flow of bikers on their way to and from Lesotho or just passing through area, at the Arms, so chatted with a few guys and even another WD ...David G

Nice relaxing time.

Next morning after breakfast it was home time, via Underberg, till 20km before Ixopo, where we took the Hella Hella pass to Richmond and then from there via Umlaas and Umbumbulu home.

Rode out into mist and was careful, slow and cold going till we dropped out of the mist on Hella Hella pass, some eerie, but awesome riding through the forests in the mist though.


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Kykdaar - I read Simon from Bike SA and a few crazies did the pass with scooters and thought the 125 will make it, must say the laaitie is a healthy 104kg ...........

But the last few 100 meters his XR just ran out of steam, even revving the tits of it.

Some guys that came up after us, one had a KLR and said he struggled with idling, but not to much on power side, so not sure about the TW.


We did around 620 kms round trip, with a max speed of 98km/h recorded, moving avg of 51kh/h and avg speed for trip 38km/h  - needless to say my ass was SORE !!! The tar stretches is killer at slow speeds, 80 - 90 on straight and downhills and down to 50 on looooong uphills, otherwise 60/70 km/h .....grrrrrrrrrr

Dirt sections were fine, avg 70/80 kmh is cool for both XR and Versys

Awesome doing the ride with the laaitie, but he needs a 650 ASAP - luckily he turns 18 next month.  ;D

The Versys was awesome once again, semi slick front and all. I just blipped the front over rocks and ditches and no worries, bottomed out a few times, but none to serious. I see a nice smiley on front rim, luckily not big enough to lose air.

But all things considered this Versys is going where according to many, it should not be going  :thumleft:


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Thanks Silvrav  ;D :thumleft:

Yeah back at work sucks lol, but have time to do RR at least lmao
Lekker report

My KLR250 back in the day also spluttered and farted going up Sarni. Made for an interesting summit  :thumleft:
Daar is niks so lekker as om saam met jou laaitie bike te ry nie.

Dankie vir die deel.... het jy jou PANGA saamgevat ? :imaposer:
Wat n great RR

Dankie vir die deel. Ek moet ook nog SANI doen voor hy geteer word.  :thumleft:
woody1 said:
Daar is niks so lekker as om saam met jou laaitie bike te ry nie.

Dankie vir die deel.... het jy jou PANGA saamgevat ? :imaposer:

Dit is great - wil nou def vir hom n groter DS fiets kry sodat ek en hy meer kan gaan ry, ek het so n gevoel sy ma se Dragstar gaan dalk slagoffer wees - hahahahahaa

En ja my panga gaan orals saam - selfs ori grense hahahahhaa


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nice report

what a privialege to do it with your son

and hey  lotsa people rate the versy highly ......... dunno if i would even ride it on tar with that front slick tho  hehehehe

punisher said:
nice report

what a privialege to do it with your son

and hey  lotsa people rate the versy highly ......... dunno if i would even ride it on tar with that front slick tho  hehehehe

Might be amazed to know that the markers are not even showing on that slick, still 100% legal and enough tread - just looks slick with dust and mud on hahahhhaa
Wie is jy en waar is Badballie dan  :spitcoffee:


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Great pics en RR  :thumleft:
Daai Versys het mooi uitgekom  :ricky:
Great pics and report, thanks.

Yes, we've been measuring many millimeters of rain in the area lately, but normally the gravel roads dry out well after just a couple of hours sun, faster if there is a bit of wind with the sun!

But, all it takes is one huge storm in the right (or wrong!) place and the whole road can get washed away - recent storm over Sani being a case in point  :eek7:
