De Wildt ride Sunday 10 June 2007

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Grey Hound
May 24, 2006
Reaction score
Koninkrijk der Nederlanden
So, just got home after a very tiring ride (which I left early)... Thanks to Shark_ZA for organising, it was a bit harder than I was expecting it, VERY technical, but also just as enjoyable... we had a couple of offs, a GS bash-plate, and 2 punctures...but it seemed that all had fun (some more than others at times  ;) )  Here, the ONLY photo I managed the whole day, the gathering:

Thanks again!
All that info in one line and 1 pic....

What were you doing while they were fixing punctures???????

;D ;D ;D ;D
Maybe it was his punctures? :biggrin:

I knew it would be harder than Shark tried to convey. Sad I missed this one.
It was fun whilst I was there, HEY not my bash plate for a change, but mine took some smacks.

One puncture was at the Wimpy?

I left too early, but thanks guys enjoyed the easy bit.

Welsh  ;D
Waars die ander fotos? Hier is so min KLE'S dis lekker om nou en dan n paar op n ridereport te sien :eek:
It was indeed my puncture... there were a bunch of other okes taking photos as well, so here's hoping some of them will post them ;)

What an awesome way to spend a Sunday  ;D
Only took some pics at the top of coconuts, unfortunately I was too late to get Runner's glorious dismount 3/4's of the way up  >:D

Husky with Shark in the back ground


Just to late, Runner giving the one finger salute after picking up his scoot


Top of coconuts, Sillystunt, Husky and Shark


I'm glad everyone had as big a jol as I did taking the big bikes through De Wildt.

I was FARKIN! cold this morning, more so that I have ever been, coffee and breakfast at the Wimpy thawed me out and we rode on to the De Wildt Police Station.

We stuck to the "easier" quad tracks the whole way but that doesnt mean it was all the easy.

Our first challenge was the little hill the other side of the water tower, everybody did this just fine.

We then followed the wet and muddy pipeline road up to the start of the MX section, here we lost Welsh who had to go do some things.
A couple of pics of people going through the whoops on this section.



Very different on a big bike I might add.

We then followed the twisty, offcamber in places, whooped, sandy (sounds bad, hehe) to the bottom of Coconuts.

Flying Dutchman

Not sure, forgot his name

About here we had a few falls on this section, nothing hectic I dont think.

Then a few people braved the dreaded coconuts, Voodoo, SillyStunt, HHHusky , Runner , Digitaldan and myself rode up to where the rocks flatten out and then back down again, about 800m round trip.

HHHusky goin up.

Followed by me, and behind me was runner

digitaldan coming back down

Voodoo and HHusky reach the bottom.

Sillystunt arriving, notethe cell phone duct taped to the front of the helmet, lets see if we can take you along on the ride down coconuts later on.

From here we went back along the twisty trail, to the main river where we followed the track that leads in and out of the riverbed all the way to the shabeen near Bra Erics.
This is a great section and probably the best riding of the whole day.
Again there were a few bails on this bit, people will tell the whole story as I missed most of it riding in the front.

After a quick beer at the shabeen some guys left and we were 10 left to carry on.
We rode along the side of the riverbed, playing at the on jump and on these small rocky outcrops in the one village.
We also had to cross the river at one stage.

Sillys mate

Flying Dutchman




Runners mate

We then rode the fast twisties to the 3 fence shop and had a drink and some refershments there.

The end group...

From here we hit dirt road to the tar, then tar all the way back via Erasmia and me and GRIM stopped with Groenie at his local for a final binder.

I had a lekka time as always, I didnt hear any bitching so assume everyone had a jol too, thanks for making it possible. Some guys took a while through some of the tech bits but everyone presevered and got through. Specially Slide on the 1200GS !

Sorry guys my camera was on the wrong setting when we were playing around at the jumps, I only managed to catch this one of Runner.
You must look where you are going! not at the camera!  ;)


Thnxs leave it to Shark to bring us the pics ;)

How's possible that those rocks end up there, all round and in one place?
Its a riverbed, well when it really rains water runs that way down the mountain.
There are 4 main ones like that down this particular mountain, this one is called cocnuts or tennis ball alley, then on the opposite side of the mountain if you were to carry on straight over from coconuts is long rocks.
A bit more rocky but 2km long.
Then Aloes and the Vee are two other streams going down, both a lot steeper and with bigger rocks.
I think there is one or two more, but people dont ride those.

Just btw, I think we were 16 people at the start this morning.
Welsh went home early, 5 went up the mountain, the rest all made it to the first shabeen.
Here we lost 5 people who had to get home early, and 10 rode all the way to 3 fences shop.

I can understand why that place is so popular with you guys.
Looks like you have a bit of everything there to make the day
fun and interesting.
Nice one
It was awesome! Quite technical is an understatement, but as always I learnt a lot.

Just got rid of the guests after I fed them. Now I'm going to soak in the bath for a while and think about my report and how much should stay at de Wildt. I haven't been this tired after a trip.....ever.

Looks like everybody had a ball!  The riding skill taught by these "slower" rides is invaluable on the road IMHO.

Well done to all the riders.
From my side I did a bit of ballet while we were playing around this one rocky outcrop.
I rode up this steep rock, hit a kicker and leaned back at the same time (so I am told).

I had to gas it to get to the top, this was a commit or die thing and the power at the wrong angle had me standing on the top of the rock on my feet with the KLR dead straight up in front of me on its back wheel.
I'm not sure how but I managed to balance it there for a second, push it down and to the left and grab it before we both went ratteling down the rock.
I was left just on the edge of the rock with this bike being held still but that was it, I could not move or I was going down.
Luckily Silly buddy and I think it was Husky rushed to the rescue and pulled me back up.

The 2nd time up the rock was not so spectacular, all the cameras put pressure on though !!!
shark_za said:
Welsh went home early, 5 went up the mountain, the rest all made it to the first shabeen.
Here we lost 5 people who had to get home early, and 10 rode all the way to 3 fences shop.

Well, I enjoyed it anway, the little bit I did, despite my bladder problem in the Wimpy.

I unfortunately had other commitments, but the GSV was struggling anyway, lots of BIG noises coming from the bash plate area. It needs better suspension for this stuff.

I now have Brian Baileys DR 650 in my garage in storage, it is an overlanders bike, not a DS, quite nice to check the mods.


Well done everyone! Slide on the big 1200 especially.

Technical riding is king. One must do it. First one must be prepared to take the "falls" and possible scratches/other damage to the bike though. From there-on it is fun!

Thanks everyone for a great ride!

I have now found out where the one place is that the 12GS is not very capable. The tech stuff. What a monster to try and make do what you want of it.

I clearly have too much lard and too little muscle - I am still tired and getting stiffer by the minute. All worth it though ;D
Just some of the other "riverbeds" coming down the mountain...
From another ride me and Voodoo did there on the "plastic" bikes.
Model is Jaques.

The Vee.

