Desember Mission

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Fellow riders of the Iron Beast!!

My lovely wife have set me free to ride for the week 21/12/2007 to 30/12/2008.  So I need your combined wisdom on a route for week of freedom!!

I want to camp by side of the road, or anywhere when the sun goes down.
I want to ride at least 5000km.

I've thought of the following routes.
1) As close to the border of our country as possible, and try to drive around it.
2) Mess around in the Northern and Eastern Cape.
3) Follow the Orange river from source (Lesotho) to sea (Alexander Bay).
4) Try and do a piece of Nam, Botswana, Moz, Swaziland and Lesotho in a big circle route. Something like 6 countries in 6 days.

I like plan 1 and 4 the most.

I would like your ideas please. If you wanna come, you're welcome. Its going to be 800km a day trips, with hard sleeping and little rest! Wilddog Food!!  >:D