Donkey's Misadventure

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noble steed

Race Dog
Mar 17, 2007
Reaction score
Yesterday Zerc and I decided to go drive some canal routes that were discovered on the Breedtsnek Rally, just the 2 of us. Meet at the dam for coffee and drive from there. This would be the first ride (apart from commuting 10km/day) on Donkey since the front forks have been redone.

Things felt a bit different. Firstly, back end very bouncy, put that down to Tulip not been with us, can't remember when last I went on a long ride without a passenger...

After our coffee we set off. Must apologise for the lack of pictures. Zerc assumed I'd bring my 350D, I thought it was rather big and didn't feel like carrying it, and Zerc always has his little cannon... In the end sat with 2 sony cellphones  :eek:

The canal routes we drove are definitely nice roads with odd challenging bits, but not nearly as pretty as the ones heading to De Wildt - further reason for lack of photos. Most of them wind through platinum mind ground, mine dumps on either side etc. Bit next to the railway track with its very loose gravel was fun too, but I felt sorrow for any real n00bs on the Breedsnek ride, they could have found it very challenging...

Stopped for a few drinks breaks now and then. Donkey was getting twitchy front end on some gravel highway at about 90kph, don't know why. further on, had a big tankslapper on some not to bad gravel at 60-70kph, was planning where to jump off...

Anyone know possible reasons for that? front tire was at 1.7bar...

Then somewhere near Losperfontein (Losperfontein???  :-\  :-\) ((thats near brits)) not sure what happened, straight road, but this was the result.

I have no memory from at least 30min before the event to about 15min after. Zerc said he waited few hundred meters ahead at a tar road, came back to look for me, few onlookers and I was lying very still. Just breathing. After been unconscious for about 5min, I apparently sat up and removed my helmet. And asked repeatedly for Tulip (who luckily was at home).

First proper memories are climbing into the ambulance and driving to Brits Mediclinic. They where thinking of doing an MRI, in the end just a voltaren shot in the bum. And Tulip arrived to take me home!!  :-*

My memories of the scene: bike was gone before I was noticing anything. Saw a little pile of helmet, gloves, boot contents. Helmets visor was gone and deep gouges along right side. My pant have little hole on left knee. My jacket has its reflective piece on shoulder ripped, and little rip on R forearm.

I have little holes on L wrist and R ankle. Wrist hurts a lot. Ankle not. Whole R elbow and forearm very sore, just slight scratches seen, no bruising. Small 3cm area roadrash above R hip where jacket pulled away from pants when zip holding them together broke. And my head. POUNDING!! and a bit puffy on the right. Neck is aching on the left, actually all around.

BIG  O0 THANK YOU O0 to Zerc for looking after me and calling my wife!

So as soon as I found out what Santam has done with the donkey, and donkeys back on the road, I'll be back riding him!
  ;D ;D ;D
Eish, sorry sight man!  Hope you both have a fast and complete recovery!
EINA!! Speedy recovery.

You need to re-set your suspension settings if you've upgraded/changed your front (IMHO).
Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!  :eek:

Glad you're OK. Better check with the doctor again later - sounds like you had a bad concussion.
You need to have that front suspension checked !!

If the bike never behaved badly before then you need to look at what has changed
In your case - check that suspension first !!

Glad you're OK
Get well soon  :)
this, in terms of the WWF, is what you would call a "SMACK DOWN".
- for the spectator/onlooker/bystander a spectacular move!  >:D
- for the rider (in this case) a vague memory of something that went terribly wrong!  ???

NOT NICE!! by any account though.

speedy recovery!
Ai man. Bad luck! Hope the recovery is speedy.

noble steed said:
Donkey was getting twitchy front end on some gravel highway at about 90kph, don't know why. further on, had a big tankslapper on some not to bad gravel at 60-70kph, was planning where to jump off...

Then somewhere near Losperfontein (Losperfontein???  :-\  :-\) ((thats near brits)) not sure what happened, straight road, but this was the result.

From how I read this, you survied the first tank slapper. In all probability you didn't rescue from a second tank slapper.

I can not comment on two-up vs. alone out of experience but I doubt it will make any difference on performance of the front. (Ito. twitching/tank slapper) Of course, back is much more stable two-up. What say you experts?

I would that a dealer check out the front. See if something was wrong. From running perfect to twitchy after seals replacement?

The events of yesterday are still playing themselves through my mind. As NS said we were travelling along dirt road by Losperfontein and when the road turned back to tar I checked my mirrors for NS's headlights. Nothing...., nothing... and now I was getting a bit concerned. Turned around and not even 500m away I could see Donkey lying on the ground with 3 or 4 people standing around. That's when I noticed NS lying still on the ground and that was one of the sh*ttiest feelings I had for a long, long time.  By the time I got to him, an ambulance had already been called and I saw that he was breathing although totally non-responsive.

After about 5 minutes he started to come round, although he was very confused for a while. Soon afterwards the tow-truck, the cops and the ambulance turned up - in that order of course. By this stage NS was looking a lot better and not so confused anymore. He was taken off to Brits where I met up with him after checking that Donkey was taken care of.

I tried to see what caused the problem but I don't think I went back far enough in the road. One of the residents said it looked like hit a small bump in the road and then lost it.

Before this I think we had an enjoyable ride but there was a big gate across one of the Canal roads by the mine with a no-unauthorized entry sign it. Looks very new and shiny and if it was there last week it wasn't closed because we definitely rode down that road.
Still a bit in shock, just VERY RELIEVED & HAPPY MY HUSBAND IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THANKS for all the good wishes!!!

While driving to Brits ( in my shock Zerc had to explain where brits is...) and have a zillion thoughts flash through my mind.  Had difficulty to not speed.  It is the most awful feeling  :'(

NS & I have been together for 5 years and there is not a single thing I regret.  We have always had fun, laughter, and all the good stuff!  We never waste our time with silly arguments and selfish acts  ;D  we just love each other!!!!!!

My point is, the lesson to be learned, treat your partners, family and friends well!  LOVE - LAUGH - HAVE FUN - so that you will not regret your actions if your partner/friends have a accident!
Not nice news Noble Steed, I really hate hearing about members coming off their bikes.

Glad to hear you are ok. Get well soon.
Tulip said:

My point is, the lesson to be learned, treat your partners, family and friends well!  LOVE - LAUGH - HAVE FUN - so that you will not regret your actions if your partner/friends have a accident!

Wise words, Tulip !
Glad your man's going to be fine.

May the force be with you NS, heal well and remember that you are a lucky man.

all the best..... to man and machiene!

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