Donkey's Misadventure

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Its amazing how quickly an accident can happen  :eek:

Glad you are ok, as for the your baby - nothing a bit of ZAR cant fix  ;)

Read some posts on 650gs steering head bearings today, maybe have those checked out  ???

Steering head was done 9000km ago... still felt fine to me.

Taking the day off tomorrow too, still hurts too much... :(

I know, crybaby, but it's worth it to use  :'(  :'(  :'( smiley!

Insurance says assessor will definitely be there tomorrow, can then start my fight with him to get the bike back to Pta.

Tulip is a wonderful caring nursey wife!!  ;D
glad to hear you're ok! heal soon (but i guess you're going to stretch the 'pain' due to your nursey wife ;))
Bliksem, glad you are in one piece.

Were there maybe high middelmannetjies you crossed that could cause the bike to fish tale?

If you can go fetch your bike yourself and take it to your BMW dealer, the assessor can go have look there They will most probably charge you for the transport cost and most of the times stuff will get lost on your bike.
You both have been in my thoughts the whole day  :eek:

I had my fair share of bike prangs when I was in my teens - but that is all that it was.

My brother died in a bike accident about 15 years ago and after my big accident 18 months ago I've always felt very close to those who have unfortunate tumbles

So once again, get well and get riding again. It's the best therapy there is
And don't wait too long either  :)
Hells bells!  Glad you're OK, if sore.  Not usual for the 650 GS to misbehave like that.  Red's has always been the perfect gentleman.  Really sounds like there's something screwy in front steering/suspension setup.
This is really bad news and a real anti-climax after your and Tulip's brilliant recent Eastern Cape tour on which Donkey behaved so well. I hope you will get well soon and that Donkey will be back on the road before long!
Eina man, glad you are more or less ok, best way to get over it is to ride as soon as possible.
Hey NS. Sorry to hear about your fall.
If it helps at all, I too came off about 12 years ago, somewhere at night time and woke up two weeks later in hospital not knowing where I was.
Sold the bike and did not ride again for nearly 10 years. About two years ago, my wife helped me get over my fear and gave me a VFR800VTEC HONDA for my birthday.
Changed it a year later for my DS bike I now ride.

Point is, I realised I had given up a decade of great memories because of my fear to ride again. Do not make the same mistake.

Get better - get up - get riding ASAP :)
eina jammer wat gebeur het en word gou gesond en het geskrik  :eek: dat een van ons members geval het maar dankbaar het oorleef en sterkte met jou gesondheid .... :)
Following up on my story:
Went back to work yesterday... went  back on sick leave today.  ??? Dr says just still normal after effects of bad concussion, but put me in bed another week  :eek:

Also went to visit Donkey today, 1st time seeing him in the flesh (or metal... ::) )

Zercs photos don't do justice. You can almost make out the smashed kill switch on the photos. You can't see the bent frame up near the exhaust - pannier bobble faces almost inwards... frame also buckled inwards around L footpeg, infact the foot brake rests nicely between crankcase and sprocket cover, footpeg almost looking upwards. Fuel tank also needs replacing. They might write him off!!  :'(  :'(  :'( and we've grown so close over last few months.

Will know by monday.

If can be fixed, probably take 3w... then I have to see if I feel up to mounting him again - at the moment not even driving a car, and also depends if Tulip lets me mount a bike again...
Terrible news this. :(
But good to hear that you are in one piece. :)

Eishhh sorry to hear hope you will be able to save Donkey and mount him again soon?? :eek:
Ag nee eina!!!!!!
Happened to me a while ago rear shock seals went 50 to 100km hour no rear tracksion
plus a lot off bokspring and down i went before i knew it.
At last, repair quote finalised. Unfortunately, finalised after 4pm today, so the insurers will only have a peek at it on Monday. Hope they had a good weekend...

only R26.5k could buy a small bike for that, or could get back a small yellow BMW... prefer the latter. However, don't think things will be repaired by 1September, no bike bash  ::) , might manage a car bash  ;D

Now there is the question of saving up for new gear  :eek:  :eek:  :eek:
Tulip said:
Still a bit in shock, just VERY RELIEVED & HAPPY MY HUSBAND IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THANKS for all the good wishes!!!

While driving to Brits ( in my shock Zerc had to explain where brits is...) and have a zillion thoughts flash through my mind.  Had difficulty to not speed.  It is the most awful feeling  :'(

NS & I have been together for 5 years and there is not a single thing I regret.  We have always had fun, laughter, and all the good stuff!  We never waste our time with silly arguments and selfish acts  ;D  we just love each other!!!!!!

My point is, the lesson to be learned, treat your partners, family and friends well!  LOVE - LAUGH - HAVE FUN - so that you will not regret your actions if your partner/friends have a accident!

Hello velcro couple.......

Accidents are scary things. Wishing you a speedy recovery and hoping your bike gets back on the road soon.

Many lessons about riding, bike maintenance will be learnt by you and others by what has happened.  To me, though, the more important lesson lies in Tulip's words on treating one's partner in the quote above.

I also looked at your ride report and as much as I enjoyed the pics of where you had been, the thing that struck me most was sheer joy the two of you find in sharing it all with each other. You just love being out there together. That is an awesome and rare thing.

My biking experiences with my late wife were restricted to hiring scooters on the Greek Islands. We used to love it. A punch to the kidneys used to tell me that 60 was too fast and that I must slow down.

I have friends who have bikes and were part of the reason I bought my bike. But they don't use their bikes because their other halves prefer watching the food channel. What a waste!

But the world is not all doom and gloom cos I have other friends who have partners who simply love to go on rides. There are even partners who refuse to be pillions and who have their own bikes. That's so lekker! After a couple of dops after the first day's ride I interview these partners intensely. Other than them being lekker ladies I also want to know if they have sisters.

As breathtaking as the Baviaanskloof etc etc is for me, the thing that is sad is I sometimes miss that punch to the kidneys. Sometimes it's lekker to be alone there but there are many times that one wishes for soulmate to share it with...........and there must be a million ways to keep warm in a tent when someone pretty is close by.

So, to the two of you ............... thanks for your posts, sorry about your accident. Enjoy your togetherness, with a bike or without a bike. And if you are ever down Baviaans way, PM me if you need a bed, want company for a section of journey, anything. I have PM'ed my cell nr to you.

I have a huge stoep that enjoys hearing stories and meeting people. It also wants to know if Tulip has a sister who might want to punch a grumpy old man in the kidneys. That's a joke, I have a groot skaam bek .......... you guys are welcome anytime when down PE way.

gravity always seem to win

speedy recovery and see you up and about soon

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