East Rand Ride - Heritage Day

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Grey Hound
Sep 4, 2008
Reaction score
Riders: Adventure Boy, Stroom and Essbee.
Terrain : Typical of the East Rand...very flat, very dusty, very quiet....but one sand monster almost caught us napping...actually that was a DUST monster, very fine brown powder.

Thanks Stroom for initiating this.

Thanks Metro Police(for f***-all) for the R500 fine you gave me on my way home for "crossing a dividing line" at the roadblock you had set up. Stupid twits didn't even notice that I have an illegal number plate.


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Stroom and Adv. Boy trying to figure out which province we're in.....


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At the supermarket....no he didn't buy those cool BMW jacket and matching pants there.


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On the way back to the N12...Adv./Boy had left us to go to Springs.


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nice picks EssBee!  a pity that some members forgot to make sure their camara's batteries is charged...yes, you know who they are  :peepwall:
i am still sure there was a motor car in one of holes the sandmonster threw at us..

just to set the record strait  :deal:  AdventureBoy did tell us he will be dunking off to springs, but then he disapeared.  we were not sure if he went or not, and concerned dogs we are turned around to look for him.  the stray dog did take the springs road, this was confirmed by a local lady standing on the side of the road with a sibling attached to her breast. nothing like rural africa and this was only 40 Km from civilization. 

Shot for the good ride and company  :thumleft:
Would it be possible to extend that route, to be more specific, where we sort of turned and headed south, instead we continue towards Bapsfontein then towards Kempton Park? (So I don't have to ride so far on tar to get home... :ricky:)

Nice to meet you guyz, thanks again.

ps Stroom, your bike is so quiet, I assume the earplugs were for my noisy bike?!?!? >:D

There is a couple of gravel roads going from bapsfontein back to the R21 - olifantfontein onramp.  i have done them before.  :thumleft:
BTW that earplugs is for that monster sound coming from the KTM. 
sorry to read about the fine.... not a nice way to end a ride :-[ 

and you almost got hijacket by the KTMerrs going to the RR!!!
Maybe we should make a tentative arrangement to do that then....extend that ride to Oliefantsfontein.

I'm tempted to 'challenge' this fine....haven't done anything like that for many years. Write a letter to the public prosecutor or someone....but that letter would probably get lost in the "system". ???

Ja, that bunch of KTM'ers that rocked up.....quite an impressive sight. Made my old '03 640 look like a donkey!!!! :drif: :drif: :drif: :drif: :drif:
Hi Guys, sorry I caused concern when I turned off. After the last drinks break I set the GPS for the desitnation in Springs and you seemed to be going further east than Sprinmgs, so I followed the GPS. Thanks for comming looking, the concern is much appreciated. I will post my 2 picks later today. Nice meeting both of you, look forward to riding again.
I had assumed that you'd turned, but we just decided to make sure...no problem. :3some:

I like your avatar....been there 3 times...once in a Nissan Sani, twice by mountain bike....one more time on the KTM should do it..... ::)
shotgun...  :laughing4:

Essbee - plan and post , i am sure there are dogs that also want to do it.
OK, but I/we would need you to lead....I certainly don't know the route.
OK! Well...hold that thought...I don't want to commit to a date right now.  :thumleft:
I am the moer-in with you 3...watch this space for my next post.
Come on...don't keep us in suspence.

Was it you lying in the bottom of that sand/dust monster that we bliksemed thru? :dousing:

I hope you'll be joining us next time.... :mwink:
To say that I had a better ride than you 3 will be a understatement...I arrive at Total Garage at 07:38am and you guys are gone.
But that did not stop us from getting on with the job at hand...we were ready to ride the East Rand on Heritage Day, so it's only fair that I also post my ride report on this page.
My mate, Justin from London (UK) who was the pillion for the day arrived home at about 00:50am on the morning of Heritage Day, from out jolling somewhere. I was awake when he got in and told him that we will be up at about 05:30am to 06:00am to do a bike run to places he has never seen before.
At 06:15, I woke Justin out of bed...I think he did not believe me when I said we will be leaving early. Justin has been visiting South Africa and as far as I can remember over the lat 2 weeks, ne rarely got out of bed before 11:00am.

Justin William Hendley, aspiring WildDog at Total Garage, Boksburg. [S26 10.993 E28 14.273]

We left for Heidelburg down the R23, towards Heidelburg. Just before getting into Heidelburg, i turned off onto the gravel road to go towards the back of the Military Camp. [S26 29.368 E28 21.876] and stopped at the lake.

Above the lake there is a high wire slide from the top of the hill running across the lake.


We left the lake and got into Heidelburg and found Wimpy for a good breakfast. Dagwood and chips with a mega coffee.
After leaving Heidelburg, we headed towards Henly-On-Klip passing alongside the Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve.
[S26 31.692 E28 08.997] This is the entrance to Kareekloof Hotel and camping spot. Good day joll for a braai and swim with the kids.
[S26 30.649 E28 03.975] Got to Glen Douglas Mine (Bass Lake) which is another great spot to spend the day. The lake is crystal clear has all the facilities required for families and most importantly is a spot for SCUBA Diving, just 30 Km's outside of Alberton (Johannesburg).



View from the top of Bass Lake

Went down to the Henley-On-Klip pedestrian bridge [S26 32.960 E28 03.838] , which crosses over the Klip River and toyed with the idea of riding to the other side, but it was rather slimy and slippery and meant only for fools. If we tried to cross, this would surely have been our first fall for the day.

Took a couple of turns through Henley-On-Klip, to have a look at the houses and see if the Belgium Chocolate Factory was open, but it was closed.
You cannot miss the house as there are many signs pointing the direct to the factory. Sorry but do not have it's co-ordinates as the GPS, which was running on battery decided then to have a rest.
Luckily, this is route I often ride and knew my way back home.
I could feel the pillion rider getting heavy and knew his arse was way sore by now from the long ride. It was still about 40km to get home, so off we went dowm the R59 towards Alberton, turning off onto the R550 towards Lenasia [S26 25.028 E28 04.361] and a couple of KM's later turned off the road to cross onto gravel heading towards Kromvlei, where I decided to give the pillion rider a couple of good woops along the side of the Klipriver.

We got home safe, but with sore backsides, backs, arms and legs, but at least we did more than most did on Heritage Day.

178 KM's and 5 hours later the British can see how we do holiday. The amasing thing about the trip was that Justin who actually grew up in Johannesburg for almost 20 years had never been to any of the places which I took him for the day. When someone leaves this country, only then do they realise the wealth and beauty of the country, which they gave up.

I wonder if Justin William Hendley, noticed, that he can claim fame to the village of Henley-On-Klip, being as near as damit to his surname.

Justin, never forget your South African Heritage. Whenever you want to, come back home, the doors here are wide open, but bloody hell, get a bike license, your next ride with the WildDogs must be on your own bike, and Vespa's do not count as a bush bike.

Sounds like fun (both trips), pity I wasn't around to join. Next time...

Good Report Cono.  :thumleft:  Glad you enjoyed the day although we missed each other.
Shot for showing the pom( :pot:) around...
Sorry you missed us Justin...I feel guilty because I hi-jacked the start time from 8 to 7.30....glad you had an enjoyable outing nevertheless.