Epic Stayover in the Baviaans - EC Bash

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Race Dog
Feb 20, 2008
Reaction score
Fish Hoek
BMW R1200GS Adventure
Before I start, My boets bakkie is OUT and he is on his way to Robertson.

We left for Calitzdorp on Thursday and arrived there at 14:00. Met up with GoGirl and had some drinks on the main road.

The rest of the WC Doggs arrived and what a party. Got to know everyone and the bond became strong very quickly.

The next day, we left for the Baviaans and on entering the first stretch it was clear that this would be a trip to remember. On the first dry river crossing, Fourie-Cop lost his way and went off into the bushes. No harm done and big smiles came from that helmet. The rest of the story was already told with nice river crossings and GoGirls unfortunate introduction with a pothole.

Just as we started to get to the difficult side of the mountain, I desided to stop and wait for the bakkie that followed with most of our gear. XXX was there and over a few sigaretts, we got to know eachother a bit better. My boet did not arrive....XXX took the road again to join up with the rest of the WC riders and I waited another 20 min. before I turned around to go and look for my Boet in his bakkie. It was getting late and by that time the light disappeared quickly.

I went past Dooie Klip and the gate that said "KEEP GATE CLOSED DUE TO DANGERIOUS ANIMALS". Just before I got the the Rooi Kloof capsite, here was my boet in the middle of the narrow road, all on his own with the bonnet open. NOT a good site. We managed to get the bakkie into a clearing and it was time to camp, right there. Tent was pitched and out came the OBS and the kettle was filled from a nearby stream for coffee.

The fuese for the Electronic Fuel Injection kept on blowing. Massive short on the wiring. That night we enjoyed the sounds of Baboons very close to our camp and was it cold.....NO the tent and my bike cover was frozen by 1 in the morning. We could not make any fires as it would not go down well if 2 brothers burn the whole Baviaans Kloof down in the middle of winter due to 1 bottle of OBS. So we stayed cold!!

On Saturday morning we woke up with 2 buffalow staring at us, baboons circling our camp and a balck rhyno standing in the distance. NO, we were not scared, no we were not scared, no we were not scared!!!! Anyway, Bus and Fourie-Kop arrived  as we had a few tents, clothes, food and petrol that the bakkie carried for the WC riders. They filled up with petrol and took some stuff back to the bash.

I Rode up to the platau to get Cell signal and start arranging to get us out of there. Let the wives know of our adventure and to just get some riding in.

The long and the short is, I met up with with some dogs from the Bash and the recovery Disco helped us to get all the gear to Patensie and Saturday night we slept nice and warm in a B&B. We braaied all the meat that was with us, enough for 6 people and finished some more OBS.

On Sunday we made contact with a recovery vehicle in Willowmore and the B&B owner took my boet the long way roud via Langkloof to Willowmore. The bakkie was recovered from the kloof on Sunday night and I in the meantime left Patensie Sunday late morning, after meeting Cap. Slow and other EC dogs at the filling station.

Stayed on tarr all the way from Humansdorp, due to the time, and slept in Wilderness that night.

What a trip and with going up and down the kloof 4 times, I will need to do this again without having to backtrack.

Thanks Watty for arranging a bash that I will have to attend next time. Was good anyway!!

I have lots of pics of the WD's on the ride and in Calitzdorp. This I will post as soon as BUS it edited out of the pics due to ............well the cheeks!! he he he.

See you on future rides :biggrin:

nice to have met you and your boet even if it was only a short time glad to hear all is well
plse post once he is home :thumleft:
Nice to meet you and your boet.

On a lighter note, it must have been the first time that a Land Rover comes to the rescue of a Toyota ;D

Please let us know what was actually wrong with the bakkie when you find out. Those things are supposed to be bullet proof.
:thumleft:Hey Tengai glad you guys are all right,we really missed you and your boet around the campfire.Hopefully we can do another trip soon.Must of been something to see the rhino jeeez scary.
WC Dogs getting to know eachother in Calitzdorp......Spot the BUS!


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Some More Fun at Calitzdorp


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Late arrivals - XXX and the crew

On the way to the Baviaans. Waiting along the roads and just ...well waiting!!!


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Coffee in de Rust...it's cold and GoGirl had to find the BIGGEST COCK in this town :biggrin:


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On our way and finally we get some dirt


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Still on our way.


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XXX and myself waiting for the backup bakkie. By this time it's getting dark and I turn around to go and find my Boet


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Found him standing in the middle of nowhere. Shame!!

Our camp for Friday night. The tent froze up and NO FIRE!!!!!! :mad:

Saturday night in a B&B in the GREAT town of Patensie. NICE to sleep warm


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On my way home on Sunday and Monday. I stayed over in Wilderness and then took the tarr home


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Is bly julle is daaruit. dankie vir die gesels langs die pad.
Tengai glad you back safely hope to see you soon riding with us..... ;)
Lekker verslag, net jammer ek kon julle nie onthaal by die kamp nie.  Terloops, ek sou n vuur gemaak het, n moerse groot een - het niemand julle vertel van die luiperds nie?
Ja Watty, as bobbejane begin blaf in die aand, naby jou kamp, is daar gewoonlik 'n luiperd of 2 in die omtrek. Presies wat met ons Frydag aand gebeur het. Scary!!

Ek sien al die headlines in koerante......2 broers in die middel van Baviaans BRAND DIE HELE PLEK AF IN DIE MIDDEL VAN WINTER.... en hulle kon nie self daar uit nie ha ha ha:eek:

Ons was maar skrikkerig en my broer is 'n "nature conservationist" so hy het in die bakkie geslaap en ek buite....maak sense ne.................... :patch:
Well if you had to miss the bash then at least you missed it for a great adventure. Those are some spectacular pics of the areas that you rode through.
