Exploring around harties

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The road is on private land. It was built to service a hotel that they were going to build there. Started with the road but couldn't get planning permission.
Ooi Nomad, next time invite some people along...right in my back yard (well close enough)... Ride some of that routes regularly
Will do. I might go there this sunday to check out the canals. I've checked it on google earth but I'm not to sure on the entire route.

Don't know the canals at all, blazes can point you in the right direction as well
some routes posted earlier! thanks Knopkop and Gunda  O0



  • BothCanalsEdited_ver3.gpx
    72.7 KB
  • Canals with Iep.gdb
    8.3 KB
Cool thanks madmike. Just gotta fiqure out a way to make a cable for my garmin etrex
have the same problem, have the cable but my MAC does not see the e-trex,  have a friend with a PC who loads my trips on the e-trex!
busy loading them now using the waypoints for each turn. Its painfully slow!! I would get a new gps but I spend all my money on booze and bling for the bike.
awesome and thanks for posting the Google Route!

deal is i want to with if you guys go there, if i'm busy, try again. :mwink:
For sure! I'm thinking 8 Aug. Start at erasmia, do that little technical hill and then the canals. +/- 250km. What say you?
Hey mike. Sorry man but I'm thinking of going to camp over at  elandskloof dullstroom on saturday for some trout fishing and take a ride around the area. Its 200km from jhb. You're more than welcome to join if you want.
I like to do this route as well but the only day that I will be available is Monday the 9th or next Sunday the 15th. 15th will be even better come to think of it.
Let's do it for the 15th then. What does ya'll say?