Exploring my gorge again > Gunda pics added

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noble steed

Race Dog
Mar 17, 2007
Reaction score
The plan was to explore further than I had previously gone into my gorge. And luckily, I could enjoy the excellent

company of Gunda Gunda for the day, who apart from good riding and good cuppichinos, also has very useful skills at

breaking beads (see later)

We set off along bumpy roads through padock, luckily recent rains have settled all the dust, without creating any

mud. Had a nice little detour through some sugar plantations, before we got to what Gunda calls 'the most beautiful

tar road in the country' (okay, it's a paraphrase). Took the opportunity to catch Gunda riding on his beautiful


Gunda stopped on a bridge and took the opportunity to test his olfactory senses against a shy reptile.

Unfortunately, it eluded us in its tree trunk.

The view upriver:

After coming out of the Oribi nature reserve, we followed a narrow track to a little view spot overlooking the road

we had just travelled. A mini overhanging rock, complete with a foot to prove I sat on it. Pity you cant really see

the overhang. But view was amazing!

Headed then to my little spot on the Mzimkhulu river. Did track in reverse to what I rode last time, much easier

this way, lots of steep uphills instead of steep downhills.

Stopping next to some local housing which has seen better times:

And on top of a hill somewhere enroute.

Reached our little picnic spot. Lovely riding weather, nicely overcast, breeze had disappeared as soon as we left

the main roads. No naked kids to marvel at our riding machines today though.

Gunda preparing his famous beverages

And a little too slow for the self timer  8)

Further on the route I stopped for Donkey to pose with some donkeys!

While Gunda posed with a glove in his mouth

We Took a little detour which we thought would provide good photo opportunities. I think this is where I picked up

the problem wire (again, see later). Nice pics of bikes in bushes, but the lighting wasn't great to take of the

valleys, sun in front of us.

The little kids enjoyed all the sweets, and a chance to see themselves on camera!

After this we noticed my back tire had gone all soft. Turned it around, didn't see anything pocking out of it,

pumped it up, kept it's pressure, problem solved. Thought may have been a small leak sealed by the fuggit.

Stopped somewhere later to try and capture the beuty of the surroundings. The camera definately doesn't do it


The bikes posing again with the Mzimkhulu in the background.

Somewhere on the road of many hills:

With Gunda near the top of one of them

And the winding road to come

Followed the large road for quite a while, then took a much smaller rougher road through some more of the valleys.

Crossing a little stream, some people where doing laundry just off the road

Gunda trying to make a big splash of things. However, the water level wouldn't cooperate...

And donkey threatening to be washed away in the pending flash flood

After climbing out of this valley, the rear started snaking again, checked and again, very flat. No luck pumping

this time, so a tire changing session ensued. Luckily, Gunda was much more effective at breaking the bead by

walking on the tire than I was. Wonder how that works??  >:D

A brief breakdown of tire change:

Step 1: Remove tire. Remove tube. Gets hands filthy with fuggin fuggit which has filled the inside of the tire.

Find 2cm laceration in tube. Place new tube. Replace tire. Pump.

Step 2: Wonder where the hissing air noise is coming from. Remove tire again. Remove tube. Patch small puncture in

exactly the same place as large hole was in previous tube. Look in tire...

Step 3: Remove 1 inch piece of wire protruding into tire casing. Sometimes helps.  :eek:

Step 4: Replace tube. Replace tire. Pump. Again wonder where the hissing coming from...  ???

Step 5: Remove everything again. Patch pinch puncture created during step 4.  :p

Step 6: Put everything back together. Getting lots of tire on/tire off practice today!

An hour and 15 minutes, not 1 car, not one person, not one animal. Just 2 men with sticky hands...

From then we headed home, 15km more good gravel, hit the N2 and a lovely day of riding came to a close.
Lekker ride report, glad to see you are enjoying it down here in Kay-zed-en.
Very nice report, thanks !

You dont by any chance have some co-ords??  :biggrin:
Looked like a great ride and I particularly liked the pic of the gravel roads stretching into the distance - bliss!

Gunda's obviously very handy for more than cuppichino's and finds a mean route.

Please let me know if anything else is planned in KZN.
Beautiful! KZN, the home of my heart, so beautiful.....

Always lekker to have a mate who can make coffee, and fix yer punctures  >:D :thumleft:

Nice one guys -  8)
tsa said:
Very nice report, thanks !

You dont by any chance have some co-ords??  :biggrin:

Had the GPS on the track,

Will edit and clean and post with my pics and story tonight.

Thanks to Dr Jon for a great ride. How the hell you navigate and find those roads in that twisty valley without a GPS is beyond me.  ::)

And thanks for the lesson on Mange - Next time we take some dip and see if we can make them mangy dawgs a little more comfortable (Noble Steed is a Vet  ;D )

And Jon, the wind was not it Harding 'cos it was down on the N2 - getting back was hard work into the teeth of  a fresh Northeaster. Had to really hang onto the bike and this morning my shouders feel like a camel kicked them.

Nice one guys!  :thumleft: Looks like KZN has some really really nice places to ride!  :)
Man, I love this sport.

What can be better that a ride through country like this? Even a little puncture or two (or three or four) and a long ride home with a â??freshâ? wind in your face can take nothing away from the enjoyment.

My ride started early. WhizzBee, who rode with us in the Mkomazi Valley last Sunday, was going to do this ride, but the unfortunate death of a matriarch in his extended-extended family put him on airport-shuttle duty, and he could not make it, so when I woke up at 04:30 I thought, what the hell, let me hit the road. I was expecting a long day in the saddle (it turned out 450Km) so the plan was to take it slow with lotâ??s of stops for pics, and it looked like a morning with good photo-potential.

First stop on the Victoria Embankment at the yacht basin. Prettier in this direction, with pimps and prostitues the other way,

The bridge over the Mkomazi, downstream from last weekâ??s ride.


Saw these guys selling an ikhowe on the freeway and stopped to buy it for Noble Steed and Tulip. They really are the most delicious mushrooms â?? make great soup and addition to casseroles.

Got to NS & Tulips place about an hour earlier than planned, gave them a wake-up call, and joined them for breakfast and coffee and to meet their 646 dogs, okay, maybe and exaggeration, about 640.

From there to the gorge. 




Here I was convinced I was going to lose my riding companion, and was already preparing my story for his pregnant wife as to his untimely death. I am a mining engineer by training, and he is a veterinarian, so I should know a bit more about the frailty and breakability of rocks, so there is no way I would have climbed on that rock.  Eish, it was a long way down.  Vertigo City  :eek:





And onto the twisties. Great riding country.


A lovely small herd of Nguni cattle. Love the patterned ones


Here NS deceided to put his helmet on a rock as a foreground to his up-river shot. Looked weird by itself in the river.



Looking back from where we came from.


A most amazing road, and a major overload of photo-ops. Seemed that every corner had a better view than the previous one.





Nice little patch of purple flower-thingies â?? just made me want to sommer write poâ??tree, but I donâ??t do that "I wandered lonely as a cloud" stuff well.  :(


And NS managing to get a splash out of the puddle.


From here it was just a bit of puncture repairs and then back to the N2 and back.

After sukkelling to get the puncture fixed I am more convinced than ever to stay away from putting anything snotty or foamy in the tube. It may seal the hole some of the time, but when it doesnâ??t (which is all the times I have ever seen it ) it just makes your life messy, and makes the holes harder to fix.

And as for my superhuman skill at â??breaking the beadâ?, it has nothing to do with my girth â?? it is just skill and a big pair of boots.

And NS, a favour please. We pass through some beautiful and shady roads, with huge trees, down at the river, and you get a flat on top of a hot hill on the only piece of road without a tree for a Km in any direction. Next time pick a better spot please!  ;D

A great thank you to NS for showing me a great route.

I have in mind a two-nighter when I am next in KZN â?? Down to a B&B near the gorge on Fri. The whole of Sat exploring the area, and a leisurely cruise back to Durbs on the Sunday. I think this area is weel worth exploring

Guys, keep this track from and to the N2 â?? it is well worth a ride.


Thanks for th info !!! ;D

Great pictures !!
If you want company - please let me know. Just not weekend of 1 & 2 Nov, please.
husky said:
If you want company - please let me know. Just not weekend of 1 & 2 Nov, please.

That would be great. I'm returning to Gauteng & Limpopo 1 Nov, but I am scheduled to be back about 8 dec. Was just going to fly in and out for 4 days, but may be nice to trailer the bike and take a few tours.