Exploring the Eastern Cape Passes

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Thanks! Bakkie said he'll pick up some time icon_thumleft

Bakkie cant take the cat! .........I know what will happen! :biggrin:
As usual TR.....excellent RR. I have been off the forum for a little while and it's a pleasure to be back and read RR like yours again.  :thumleft: Waiting for the rest.
GlenInk said:
Very good very good now wheres the rest ?  :deal:

BE VERY CAREFUL your'e next.  :peepwall:
GlenInk said:
Very good very good now wheres the rest ?  :deal:

Busy uploading pics and video. Day 3 to be posted tomorrow sometime.

Smidty said:
BE VERY CAREFUL your'e next.  :peepwall:


KSSSST! BTW :biggrin:
TR hierdie is 'n onverbeterlike RR. EK ken die plekke en jy laat hulle heeltemal nuut klink en gees soveel geskiedenis. Met jou beskrywing van die Zuurberg pas en die pad af na Ann's Villa gee jy my skoon hoendervleis omdat ek daai pad so rukkie terug in die aand gery het met digte mis en 15 meter sig in motreen terwyl die pad bo by die hotel lekker modderig was. Ek beskuie my sommer nou al is dit te laat :) Ek was natuurlik op my Boerfiets CTX 200
Great RR , really jealous of all the riding you are able to do, looking forward to reading many more, keep up the great work  :thumleft:
fide looked great!  :ricky:
Really enjoying this RR, well done TR  :thumleft:
letsgofishing said:
Great RR TR :thumleft:  ;D
What tyres did Smidty have on the Strom that he was struggling so much?

Rossi Racing Slicks?


Smidty will have to answer that.
Trailrider said:
Day 1

We continued North to Uitenhage where (luckily) I stopped to photographed this beautiful church.


Love your ride reports, well researched as usual... but as my Greek proffie once said:"the exceptions prove the rule."  ;)

That "Church" is in fact the old Magistrate's court - on the corner next to the robots is a notice embedded in the pavement - "No spitting!" Fine 5 Pouns if I remember correctly - been years since I had a look at it. Apparently the Dutch farmers didn't take to kindly to the English Magistrate, and used that corner to get rid of their "pruim"!  :biggrin:

Thanks Deon!

The Church street must have thrown me off. ;D