Falcon's 'mal gas' off at Malgas

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Mr. Python

Race Dog
Oct 9, 2009
Reaction score
Langeberg Ridge N.suburbs Western Cape
Yamaha XT 660 Z
I had some DVC points that were going to expire, so I booked at Stonehill lodge for last weekend.
It's on the Brede river and I figured there must be a place to ride there.
So we packed up the kids and Stoetbuled the bikes on the back.

As we were driving in saw a road heading off to Malgas and figured that might be a cool ride.
So the next morning we set off in good cheer.

And hit the road to Malgas.
It was a long straight ride and we scared some sheep and few ostriches.
As we were going down to the Pont I see a hairpin bend sign and slow right down.
Even with that it was a hectic bend.
The pont is about 300m after the bend.
I turn round to check on Jo and she isn't there. (that traffic cop feeling hits)
I wip it around and head back up the hill
Only to see her bike standing upside down with the tail end stuck in a barbed wire fence quite far down off the side of the pass
No Jo..
As I leap off the bike I see her trying to climb up the steep embankment which is just lose stones.
She shouted up that she is ok and I climbed down to see what do about this

I had already pushed the bike over when she reminded me to take photos - A good sign
I was shaken so i only remembered to take this one.
It appears that she saw the bend and geared down to 1st to take it slowly then saw the extra tight turn and wigged out.
For some reason her response was to gas it and launch off the edge of the pass.
Being "Falcon" maybe she thought flight was part of the deal  >:D

(The pic is a screen grab off google maps, Jo didn't take it  >:D)

She appears to have landed on the barbed wire fence which then flicked her back standing the bike perfectly upside down on top of her.
She managed to crawl out by the time i got there.

The 1st challenge was to get the bike untangled from the fence and back up a lose gravel bank about 6m high and about a 50 degree angle.
We eventually managed to get the bike out of the fence with the rubber where it was designed to be.
I must say i was seriously impressed when she started 1st time and purred like a kitten.
I managed to ride along the fence till the embankment was only about 3m and a lot less of an incline.
I managed to get half way up before the bike dug in.
Jo suggested that I get off and walk it up feathering the clutch. Pretty impressive for a shaken girl. It even worked.

Then the thing i am most proud off:
Even though suggested i go get the trailer.. She got straight back on that bike and rode it 23 miles back to camp.
She was badly bruised and had whacked her left shoulder hard enough that it had very little power.

This might have been part of the motivation

She is still very saw, she hit sternum on the cross bar when she landed or the bike fell on her chest.
Most of the plastics got scratched but I'm sure the insurance will cover it.
She has already asked that we re-book so she can go beat the bend
You guys... have you driven over a black cat that crossed the road in front of you shortly after driving underneath a ladder on Friday the 13th? How many falls in one family?  :biggrin:

Glad she's okay!

I suggest some holy water and stuff. And have the bikes exorcised while you're at it.  :laughing4:

PS: My dad drove that road a few years ago in his bakkie and found two kugels who had just rolled their LR Discovery on probably that same corner. They were shaken but alright. When asked what happened one replied: "It rolled. But I can't understand how - I mean, it's a 4x4!"

I'm glad she's ok too.
Actually took the whole week to get my head around it and the possible consequences. Also it was my idea and I was in front "leading".

One doesn't want to be hamstrung by fear and not live but, we must also realize that we're less bulletproof than we think we are.
Just got a tattoo to celebrate being alive!!
No more sweating the small stuff...life is just too short.
Thanking God for sparing me. My life is His.
Thank you Neil for being the awesome husband that you are.
We have conquered much together  ;)
Jeepers, glad u ok Falcon ,you are very lucky , and you are one tough cookie.  :thumleft:
didnt like the heading
Glad about the ending

Gla you're ok falcon, sounds a lot tougher than what you look like ;)
Falcon said:
Just got a tattoo to celebrate being alive!!
No more sweating the small stuff...life is just too short.
Thanking God for sparing me. My life is His.
Thank you Neil for being the awesome husband that you are.
We have conquered much together  ;)

Falcon, though I am very happy that you are OK, I am inquisitive as to why God would make you crash at all, and not let you have a happy ride?
I know that turn. It can catch one out fast if looking at the river and surrounding houses,
Glad youre OK. :thumleft:
Falcon said:
Just got a tattoo to celebrate being alive!!
No more sweating the small stuff...life is just too short.
Thanking God for sparing me. My life is His.
Thank you Neil for being the awesome husband that you are.
We have conquered much together  ;)

Nice come-back. Glad you're OK  :thumleft:
2StrokeDan said:
Falcon said:
Just got a tattoo to celebrate being alive!!
No more sweating the small stuff...life is just too short.
Thanking God for sparing me. My life is His.
Thank you Neil for being the awesome husband that you are.
We have conquered much together  ;)

Falcon, though I am very happy that you are OK, I am inquisitive as to why God would make you crash at all, and not let you have a happy ride?

Let's not get this moved to R&P - there's a place for everything, and this is definitely not the right place for the above.
I am so glad you are okay
Was stunned when I heard about in on Friday

Good luck with the healing and the fixing, Falcon! So glad you survived pretty much intact, it has just been too much bad news lately.
Well done for getting back on the horse!!  Glad you ok and that your positive attitude has not caused you to reject riding!!

