First 60 days as a biker chick

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Jan 21, 2014
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Fish Hoek
On the 28th June, after months of excitement and consideration ( I took ownership of my first bike  :laughing4: (and I mean EVER!! never had any kind of bike with an engine before) from TechnomadicJim – very chuffed that my new bike has a story as James just completed a 29 000km trip through Southern Africa with the bike ( Even more chuffed that both my feet could touch the ground at the same time – this was a big concern in the hunt for the right bike.


First it was time to learn where everything is and how to take care of my bike – a bit daunting as I’m not very technical:  ???


During the first few weekends I only just about had enough guts to take the bike around the neighborhood… Practicing clutch control, stopping, starting, turning, and off course not to get a fright every time I see a car  :-\ Wow… I can’t remember learning to drive a car was this difficult…?
Day three of practicing I got it in 5th gear!! Rest of the trip was a bit slow but at least I am learning the neighborhood  :laughing4:


Now it was time to get out of the neighborhood as I was getting bored and wanted to explore. So, on my first longer ride two dogs went with me – very sweet – one stayed in front of me and the other behind me the complete trip – very comforting :)
We went from Vishoek over Red hill road to Scarborough, Misty Cliffs, Kommetjie and with Blackhill road to the Viper Lounge in Glencairn for a well-deserved beer  :)
Leaving the pub the realization of all the bikers suddenly dawned on me and it felt like everyone was watching… Well the moment was a bit big and my start was way less than smooth… Luckily I managed to stay on the bike and kept it upright.


Lowrider and I at Soetwater - between Scarborough and Kommetjie – Practiced a little sand riding while we were out and about.  Photo by Jw-Trx


The next weekend we did a similar route in the deep south but this time took Kommetjie road to go  home – on a Sunday in perfect beach weather, thus running into major traffic (in my nervous newbie eyes anyway )… I kept my eyes only on Lowrider’s tail (probably not the best idea but as good as it gets at this stage) – Luckily he was testing out his new 450cc Husqvarna with some or other custom exhaust that makes a lot of noise so the cars made a little way… and I didn’t scratch anything or anybody…
Getting out of the traffic we tried out a gravel path next to the sports fields…  
Oops… took my first tumble – or mini tumble  :'(
Too slow and wrong gear and decided way too late in which direction I wanted to go… not even the  steady bushlander can handle that much indecision…


Luckily both of us got away without any additional scars. AND I got my first lesson in picking up the bike – not too bad considering it’s still pretty heavy even though it’s a “light” bike.


Next it was time to do an overnight trip so I got awesome dry bags from ARK inflatables and a tool tube from Roodt. Even though I desperately want to go camping with the bike we decided to rather visit friends on a farm between Montagu and De Doorns so we can keep the bikes as light as possible for the first longer trip.
In preparation I had my first try at a home-made custom tool roll for all the bikes tools – as you can see, need some more practice but this will suffice for now and fits nicely into the tool tube.


Bikes all packed and ready to leave on Saturday morning.


Jeeze was I nervous and exited and everything all at once.  Got a head/side wind on the Baden Powell drive and could hardly get the bike over 70km/h. This was going to be a long ride.
We decided to add as much as possible gravel road as firstly I am still scared of too much traffic and secondly… well going off the beaten track is why we ride Dual Purpose isn’t it??
We went through Stellenbosch, did the Helshoogte pass and went through Franschoek. Now by this time I was getting tired – I really had to work hard to try to keep the little Bushlander at 80km/h, my left shoulder started hurting and it was freeking cold even at these low speeds. We stopped on top of the Franschoek pass – thinking it would be awesome for the views – which was great but the wind was freezing so we didn’t stay too long…
Saw some guys getting ready to go down the pass towards Villiersdorp with skateboards – I’m thinking that may be a bit dangerous but probably very exhilarating!!!


See how nice the tool tube sit on the left side of the luggage rack  :)


In Villiersdorp we stopped to get some coffee and hot chocolate and whatever else it took to get warm again.
Leaving we found a nice gravel road that took us towards Robertson.


On the next tar road leading into Robertson I made the best discovery yet… If I push my bum out a bit and lean forward the bike can go up to 100km/h and my left shoulder doesn’t feel like it’s going to disconnect from my body at any given moment…  (Needless to say this advice was given to me earlier but it went into one ear and out the other ;-)
So the rest of the ride went much smoother. Had a nice lunch in Montagu and head out for the last stretch to the farm…


The trip from Vishoek to Krakedouw took us approximately 7 hours… all stops included. I was so tired I fell asleep during the SA Argentine game which doesn’t happen easily but luckily it doesn’t sound like I missed much…
Going back on Sunday went much better – now that I know the bike can go faster and we stopped a bit less.  


On a short cut between Robertson and Villiersdorp a bridge was washed away… I’m definitely not ready to try a crossing like this  ;) so we found a slightly longer road…



The journey back took much less time.
We washed and lubed the bikes… Me very tired – the bushlander nice and clean and ready for the next trip – hopefully a full on camping one  ;D. Thanks Lowrider for all the support and patience  :)


Btw… I have named it my “Bush-baby” – stickers to follow soon… hopefully  ;)
Oops... none of the pictures uploaded :peepwall: And now when i try to edit is it all go and sit at the bottom...

How do i get photos in between the text?
nice work! great choice on bike... if you put the link in between <img> link here </img> should work. try preview first!
Upload your pix to a cloud server (Photobucket, Smugmug or similar).  Once they are there, you will find links in HTTP code that can be copied and pasted into the forum as code and your pic will appear where the code is inserted.  

Congratulations on your CTX, it's  a great bike.  Check my thread here:
Great stuff!  Another addict.  Enjoy many, many happy, safe miles.
Great Stuff Monteith
Get those photies in . . . looking forward to the visuals
We'll done! May there be many more happy, safe and trouble free miles!
Dorsland said:
Upload your pix to a cloud server (Photobucket, Smugmug or similar).  Once they are there, you will find links in HTTP code that can be copied and pasted into the forum as code and your pic will appear where the code is inserted.  

Congratulations on your CTX, it's  a great bike.  Check my thread here:

Thanks Dorsland, your link is one of those I read while making up my mind about which bike to get!  :thumleft:
Thanks for the help with the pics! Should be fixed now!  :deal:

btw..both bikes avg about 30km/l on this cruize..    :3some: :ricky:
Fantastic! Its so cool to see you out and about on the Bushlander. Your confidence is growing which is great. I think you're making a smart choice building up to longer trips. You'll find your groove on the best riding positions and technique.

I found that 2-300 km days were a nice sweet spot. Anything above gets tiresome and long. I had a few 500+ km days and they were tough. I totally agree on taking the gravel roads vs the tar. I found them much more enjoyable and safer even if they take a little longer but adventure riding isn't just about getting from A to B. Its all that stuff in between which makes the journey worthwhile.

Its cool you're tracking your trips too. I did the same and have GPS traces for my entire 9 months. I must get them uploaded soon.

Thanks again for keeping me up to date. I do love to see how you're getting on.

This has to be the RR of the year so far. Great to see the stand and tools all ready in case you have a problem my squatter has now read and re read your post BMW hear we come

Thank u for sharing 
What a lekker ride report!

It's nice to see you are enjoying the "little" bike and your new adventures!  :thumleft:
Even better with the pics loaded now! We'll done! Thanks for sharing!
Great stuff!!! Well done  :thumleft:  :thumleft:  :thumleft:
A great report done in good with a good sense of humour, I chuckled at the city street map, where people usually shows maps of Tankwa, or where ever. :ricky:

You related the sense of excitement well, I remember my first "trip" on a Suzuki A80, at 60kmph to my grand parents in Porterville. We lived in Stellenbosch, but it seems like
a world crossing to me.
Great RR! It’s awesome to see another girl out there, learning to ride off-road. I get the feeling we are few and far between, but the numbers seem to be climbing.

I also got my first bike, a BMW 650 GS, recently (October 2013). My boyfriend had badgered me about getting a motorbike license for a while. I thought: ok, I’ll get the license and maybe buy a bike one-day. After my first lesson with Billy in Durbanville on a scooter and 200cc bike, my only thought was “I need to get me a bike!”

I think you did the smart thing by getting a smaller bike for starters. I must say that the first couple of rides on my bike was bordering on pure terror. When I had to take my bike to Wynberg for insurance purposes (where they check that what you say you have is actually what you have) my hands were shaking when I had to sign some papers. On the day of my first work commute with my motorbike, I had an upset stomach that entire day just at the thought of trying to manoeuvre such a large bike out of the parking area. I once wore my heart rate monitor (which I use for cycling) while riding my motorbike, just for kicks and giggles. My heart rate spiked at every corner and intersection. I wondered when fear would turn into excitement. I can’t quite put my finger on the date, but it happened.

After that, I would look for any excuse to ride my bike! I am lucky in that my work commute doesn’t require lane filtering, but consists of a beautiful drive over Ou Kaapse Weg pass from Noordhoek to Westlake Business Park. I cannot imagine how people can put away their bikes and only ride them in summer or on weekends. I’d go batty.

My dearest significant other seems to have unending faith in my abilities, which has meant that I get pushed out of my comfort zone often. I’ve done a trip to Cederberg Oasis via Katbakkies and attended the Tankwa Bike Burn. At Tankwa I was one of 5 biker-girls out of a total 120 bikers! My last outing, to Die Hel, unfortunately ended up with me having a broken foot:

I notice you are based in my neck of the woods. Perhaps when I’m finally crutches-free we can meet up for a ride? It would be great to ride with another girl-newbie. I also see from your other threads that you are a fellow mountain biker. :thumright:

Where is Lowrider based? I wonder if it is his bike that I keep spotting around my burbs and on my work commute. I have a keen eye for bikes at the moment, because I am so jealous! I currently cannot even drive and am shuttled around by my sister in the cage. The past 4 weekends have had perfect ride weather. Aaargh!!

FYI: Off-road bike courses are worth every last cent. I’ve been to beginners’ courses twice (I was too new to be able to do everything the first time round) and will go again. It’s almost too much to take in the first time, but with some time in the saddle, it all starts to make sense.