First ride bin

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Well we  (Deb and I collected) the gs from Adventurer this afternoon and set off for Deb's first long ride. If riding the freeways from Alberton to Nortwold can be descibed as that.

All went well and Deb handles the increase of power from the little 125 to the bigger 650 very well, even waving me alongside and giving me a big grin and a thumbs up.

And then Murphy struck, last corner, right turn, somewhat tight uphill and she bins the bike!
Fortunately no damage, except for a bruised thigh and ego.

Big up to the gentleman in the white Audi who was about to leap to a hapless damsels distress as I arrived. Much appreciated mate.

But what is more encouraging is that as soon as the bike was upright, Deb jumped back on and made her way home.

She will be going on an off road course soon and I hope to have many mile and smiles with her.