Following Horses, cattle and Eastern cape winter

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fat b said:
Nice RR,

I'm actually surprised to see how much the Eastern Cape has to offer for DS adventurists.
"SURPRISED" You live in PE ride a GSA and you are surprised that the EC has alot to offer the DS rider ?? Bru you need to get out more ! The EC is DS heaven !  :biggrin:

Let me rephrase that: I live in PE for four years (converted gautenger), doing my travel in a Landy and is green with envy because I read of all these places and see all the RR's but can do nothing about it cause I'm still looking for the right GSA. Telling you can't wait to get my GSA. I will probably do 2000km's my first month. :ricky:
Good luck with the search  :thumleft: hope you find your GSA soon . I sold my landy recently and really miss her ! :'(
Thanks guys.
Sorry for the delay but I'm behind in work as well so patience will be required. :lamer: :peepwall:
Day 2
Up at 6h30, do our gettupengo stuff and time to explore.
This is Byron’s first time at Hogsback and we’ve planned the day to hike the area while we wait to hear from Owen on his bike repairs.

First to Madonna & Child, then down the river to the Bridal veil waterfalls.


Bridal veil

Then a short ride to show Byron the dam and to point out a few other trails and paths he may want to explore when he returns one day.

Then to the edge for the view and smoked trout for brunch.

and off to see the chapel which burnt down on 20 June. this was really sad to see. they are collecting money for the repairs so anyone that's interested????



After that to 39 steps and kettle spout.




Finally it was time to take the road over the mountain to Sandile dam near Keiskamma hoek.
I was looking froward to this section as I'd tracked it out after my KZN bash trip and had wanted to do it ever since.
This road was a real disappointment from a riding perspective as I was expecting a nice technical section as Garmen showed it as a footpath but it is a gravel highway.  But the views were still good and enjoyable.




By this time Inprogress and Herms had sorted Owen’s bike out and he was on his way from PE.
So I arranged to meet him at Alice. while Byron and I explored around Sandile, (Sandile  dam area has a lot of thorns so I was a bit nervous riding around there.)
went shopping at Alice for our supper then waited outside Alice for Owen.

After Owen Joined us we headed for Hogsback stopping to check out the Thyume dam.

When we got to Hogsback we still had ±1 hour of daylight left, so I decided to take them for a bit of technical riding on the 4x4 route so I could assess how Owen copes with the loaded bike. That will help decide on the following days routes. Happily there was no problem and we had a jol, even after it got dark.
Not too many photos as we were having fun, but I will post videos at the end.


After exploring a bit We found a nice rugged road leading  off and decided to follow it.
Quite a few small trees had been broken and leaning across the road at various heights making the ride tricky at times but good fun.

Sandile dam in the distance

We stopped at this river crossing were Byron was wanting to swim but once ready and having to play "find Willie" realised how cold the air and water was.


By the time the photo session was over and Byron was dressed it was dark so we started back to the camp site, having quite an adventure riding back in the dark.

Route for the day.
±155km on the bikes, a bit more for Owen

Unfortunately Owen’s DR650 was starting to give hassles and was jerking when he tried to open up and the fuel consumption was bad. Something that would plague him for most of  the trip.

Day 3 to follow
fat b said:
fat b said:
Nice RR,

I'm actually surprised to see how much the Eastern Cape has to offer for DS adventurists.
"SURPRISED" You live in PE ride a GSA and you are surprised that the EC has alot to offer the DS rider ?? Bru you need to get out more ! The EC is DS heaven !  :biggrin:

Let me rephrase that: I live in PE for four years (converted gautenger), doing my travel in a Landy and is green with envy because I read of all these places and see all the RR's but can do nothing about it cause I'm still looking for the right GSA. Telling you can't wait to get my GSA. I will probably do 2000km's my first month. :ricky:
Good luck with the search  :thumleft: hope you find your GSA soon . I sold my landy recently and really miss her ! :'(

Thaks Fat b, hopefully before winter ends.
fat b said:
fat b said:
Nice RR,

I'm actually surprised to see how much the Eastern Cape has to offer for DS adventurists.
"SURPRISED" You live in PE ride a GSA and you are surprised that the EC has alot to offer the DS rider ?? Bru you need to get out more ! The EC is DS heaven !  :biggrin:

Let me rephrase that: I live in PE for four years (converted gautenger), doing my travel in a Landy and is green with envy because I read of all these places and see all the RR's but can do nothing about it cause I'm still looking for the right GSA. Telling you can't wait to get my GSA. I will probably do 2000km's my first month. :ricky:
Good luck with the search  :thumleft: hope you find your GSA soon . I sold my landy recently and really miss her ! :'(

Thaks Fat b, hopefully before winter ends.
speaks to Drazil
That was Primeston NOT Primrose  >:D  it is my back garden you were in  :laughing4:
Padrone said:
That was Primeston NOT Primrose  >:D  it is my back garden you were in  :laughing4:
Ok fixed thanks, where abouts do you farm?
I worked in that area in 1988 to 1991, stayed in Somerset East and then Adelaide.
Going back now every thing is new again, all I remember is vaguely the roads
Shame about that little church, I was there when I got engaged.


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...Thump°C said:
fat b said:
fat b said:
Nice RR,

I'm actually surprised to see how much the Eastern Cape has to offer for DS adventurists.
"SURPRISED" You live in PE ride a GSA and you are surprised that the EC has alot to offer the DS rider ?? Bru you need to get out more ! The EC is DS heaven !  :biggrin:

Let me rephrase that: I live in PE for four years (converted gautenger), doing my travel in a Landy and is green with envy because I read of all these places and see all the RR's but can do nothing about it cause I'm still looking for the right GSA. Telling you can't wait to get my GSA. I will probably do 2000km's my first month. :ricky:
Good luck with the search  :thumleft: hope you find your GSA soon . I sold my landy recently and really miss her ! :'(

Thaks Fat b, hopefully before winter ends.
speaks to Drazil

Already spokes to Drazil, but Drazil don't deal with spies.  :laughing7:

I saw a couple of pics of his bike. Well looked after.  Like the Acropovic pipe.
Day 3

Up at 6, but our get up and go time was embarrassing.
Showering, eating, packing took way too long, but we’re on holiday so what the heck.
Enjoy the moment


Owen’s arty shot

and finally we're done

I had originally planned going over the mountain and through Keiskammahoek to Stutterheim, but as we’d done some of the road the day before, we went to Cathcart instead.

Stopped at the church for Owen to have a look and take his pics. Bit artier than mine


Then the road via Happy valley to Cathcart.



I always enjoy cloud formations

Stop to retie the Petrol can (Emergency supply for the DR)

Then filling up at Cathcart. That small DR tank is a pain.

Then off through the R351 for some flat gravel roads, stopping for coffee at the Swart Kei River.
We each had a small metal flask which we filled at breakfast and stopped at±10am for coffee.
What a great idea, especially in the winter. (I must remember to buy my Noddy badge)




After a while, my exceptionally perceptive peripheral vision enlightened me to the fact that I was riding alone.
After waiting for some time I turned around and headed back to find Owen waiting for Byron so we went back to him.
He had spotted a bunch of randy turtles on an island in the middle of a small dam on the side of the road. The island looked like it was covered in rocks until he noticed the rocks moving. Further inspection showed it to be full of turtles mating. By the time he got close enough for a photo they’d  scattered.



It was also along this road that Byron had a near miss with a calf running straight in front of him and then doing a 180 back into the bush.
Anyone who's ridden this part of the Eastern Cape knows that livestock roam and are king of the roads. Anywhere in the old Transkei or Ciskei areas, fences were not a priority, and almost 20 years after incorporation back into good old RSA, this is still the case.

We turned right on the R61 then left along the dirt road past the Indwe river and Lubisi Dam.

Once again, my exceptionally perceptive peripheral vision enlightened me to the fact that I was riding alone. After waiting for some time I turned around and headed back to find Owen waiting for Byron so we went back to him to find him carrying rocks around like a prisoner.
Flat wheel.

One flat rock under the side stand and two rocks under the frame on the opposite side.
Been there done that.


So we fixed the tyre had lunch and headed off. Through Cala to Elliot.

Here we met the legendary Glenink who bought us a drink at the Langhurst pub before heading for the sports club to unload.


No that’s a peacock at Langhurst entrance, not Glenink

After a quick refill we headed out toward Ugie, turning left to follow the xuka river road to the bottom of Bastervoetpad.

Following our fearless leader


We stopped at the bridge after the gate for glens smoke break


And off we went. I was looking forward to this as last time I came through with loaded bikes after the KZN bash.
After a while of feeling lonely again, I wait…turn around and head back.
Byron’s wheel is flat again. As it’s getting late, I recommend Owen and Glenink head off slowly and enjoy the ride while I help Byron fix the wheel. So off they go




Enjoying sunset drinks while waiting for us

Meanwhile, back at the start, we remove the tube to find the patch had come loose.

After removing the patch and re-cleaning and re-patching,  taking our time to make sure it doesn’t come loose again, on pumping up we find the valve had torn loose. Now the bike had come with a tube tube (a plastic tube with bike tubes in it). It had 2 front wheel tubes in so I take one out and give it to Byron to put in. Unfortunately this tube is a bit long for the back wheel so I spread the kinks and Byron fits the tyre. On pumping, we find it leaks. Tube was pinched. Take it out and put the other one in. by the time we finish it’s dark and I’m not sure about going through Basters with this smaller but longer tube in the KLR back wheel. But there’s no cell reception and I know Owen & Glen are sitting on top waiting, so I flip a mental coin and decide to go for it.

This was by far the most exciting part of the trip. Could see nothing but the few feet in front and we're cranking it through the pass. I can’t count how many times I thought I’d lost it in the donga’s and rocks only for the bike to straighten out and keep going. Byron dropped it once just because the bike stopped on a rocky corner and there was nothing under his foot when he put it down.
After helping him up, he led the rest of the way to find Glen & Owen on top enjoying their beers and in merry spirits.
Took us ±50 minutes after the repairs to get to them.

Then we headed back to Elliot for a braai and repairs to bikes.
Thanks Glen for getting the meat and beers.

Glen helping Owen go through the carb checks again. Unfortunately nothing was found and the bike kept jerking the next day.

Bike room for the night. You cannot complain about Glen’s hospitality, he takes care of everything.

Byron’s bed next to the fire

And Owen under the table (Won’t say anything about his drinking.)

We agreed to get up at six to go to Tiffindale’s as Glen had to be back by four for work.
The sound of rain on the tin roof during the night made this sound like a bad idea.

Day 4

Alarm goes off at 6AM.

Switch it off and lie back listening to rain. :mad:

At ±6h15 I sms Glen
“we may as well sleep in”
“oh now I see”

At about 7h30 I get up, shower and go outside to see if Glen is up.
It’s just a very heavy mist, no rain.  ??? :mwink:

There are large bluegums over the roof where we slept and the water was dropping of the leaves like rain..
So we decide to get ready for the ride.
First we take the Rear tube out of Glens  IT as backup for the KLR, fuel up, have breakfast at Spar and hit the road.
By now it’s ±10h00 and Glen says next time he gets a SMS  at 6 saying sleep in he’ll say no. :deal:

So we head out in the mist up Barkley pass.
You can’t see 10m ahead, the visor has to be open and your cheeks are wet and cold.

We are in search of snow as Byron has never seen it, so we’re heading for Tiffendale.
As we’re riding I’m thinking “What the flip are we doing, even if there’s snow we won’t see it”  :xxbah:
But I’m not going to be the oke that says let’s go back and so I follow on behind worrying about the boys ahead.
Glen takes the turn off onto the R393 (dirt road past top of Bastersvoetpass to Rhodes), and 5 minutes later the mist is gone.
Sunny skies and a clear view.  :ricky: :ricky: :ricky:

We stop to clean Visors, and there’s snow on the side of the road. We'd ridden past last night and not noticed.
So Byron goes and plays, with Glen warning him not to eat the yellow snow.


What followed was gravel highway twisting through the hills and valleys crossing the Sterkspruit stream until the T junction just before the Kraai/Bell/Sterkspruit river junction.









The T Junction


The R393 then continues and we take a right to Rhodes shortly after the river crossing.
I head off in front for a change, taking photo’s, and then just before Rhodes my superior skills of observation once again let me know I’m all alone out here.

Turn around again, to find big bad Byron is looking for rocks again.
None to be found, I look down the road and get another of my ideas worthy of a Noddy badge.

And the work begins.

The too small but too long tube had rubbed through at one of the bends. So out with the IT rear tube which now leaked from a previous patch which first had to be removed , cleaned and repatched. Glen and Byron really enjoying their beer while Owen tried to catch 40 winks with one eye open watching us.

We get to Rhodes to fill up but no fuel. Owen only get’s ±150km on a tank an Glen ±200km so we were hoping for fuel in Rhodes. Fortunately Owen is carrying the 5l petrol  on the back of his bike and the KLR’s  are good so we decide to continue.
Up the Hoek river road towards Tiffendale.
The steep portions of the road have been concreted but the bends are sharp so it is better to take a wide loop onto gravel and back, but the views are awesome and we got caught stopping on the uphill to look around, and then trying to pull away in second thinking you’re in first.
Owen had a few moments with his bike still cutting out occasionally at the wrong times. (As if there’s a good time to cut out, but some are definitely worse than others).





As we’re going up everyone is just pumped with the views and all that’s around us.
Then just before Tiffendale, the sight of more, larger patches of snow entices them to stop and play and take more pics.


Sign?  :peepwall: what sign?  :imaposer: :imaposer:

Then finally


We go up to find they’re closed. Can’t make snow because of the heat wave. It’s midday and Glen’s bike temp says 8°C and they’re having a heat wave. But basically they need the air below 0°C to make snow.
But they are very friendly and allow the boys to run up the mountain and play at the top in the snow. (I was tired walking up the steps to the platform)
They got some great video’s of each other sliding and rolling down the snow slopes after their snow fight. I parked off while Glen tried to see if he could help out with their generator problems.

Owen’s shot’s again





What Tiffendale looks like from the top

Life is great

After they finally come down and have a few slides and the lower slope, time is running out.
It’s after 3 and Glen must start work at 4PM. So after phoning to make arrangements that he’ll be late, we head off just after 4.

As we leave Tiffendale Owen’s bike runs out of fuel, so we stop to top it up and Glen heads off to Barkley for Fuel and on to work.

We take it a bit slower enjoying the views. The road to Wartrail is only 27km but it takes us ± 1hour.
I’m taking it easy taking pics but Owen’s having a jol way ahead, getting into this biking thing and sliding around corners with his confidence way up there somewhere. I on the other hand am feeling nervous after a few sliding near misses and am lagging behind.





Then I come around a bend to see this

And this

Bike had cut out as he was powering around the corner and he lost it over the rocks on the side of the road. The aluminium plate luggage rack had landed on his calf muscle. Not nice. Luckily my tank bag was loaded with pain tablets that I had to keep taking for my back, and regmakers to keep me awake after taking them, so after a while he had some and then carried on.

From there the road starts going down steeply into some more stunning views.



Then we headed down the Dorisville and Kaalplaas roads to Barkley East. With the sun going down along the way.

Refueled at Barkley East , set the GPS for Elliot and headed out.
As we leave town the sign says “Rhodes XXXkm” so I stop and check the GPS. It was taking us on a round about route of ±176km to Elliot which was less than 50km away. So I re-plot with a waypoint and it get’s the direction right. We turn around and follow the correct road hitting thick mist as we leave BE. This mist made things even colder than in the morning, and we stopped and put back all the stuff we’d taken off during the day, arriving very cold and hungry at the Langhurst pub in Elliot just after 17h30.
Two very cold and hungry dudes.
Because of the Germany / Spain game we had quite a wait for our food, but it did not last long when it arrived.

Passing the time waiting for nourishment.


And finally


Then back to the sportsmen’s club where Glen was still being barman for a few Die hards youngsters.
A few more drinks and K@K praat and in bed at 1AM.

The boys still wanted to carry on reminiscing about the exciting day we’d had.
I eventually had to do the Dad thing and shut them up so we could get some sleep. We had a long day ahead.
Lying there listening to them does a dad’s heart good though.

Route for the day.
270km 10h20minutes

I'll try and finish the last 3 days tomorrow sometime. :thumleft: