Following Horses, cattle and Eastern cape winter

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...Thump°C said:
fat b said:
fat b said:
Nice RR,

I'm actually surprised to see how much the Eastern Cape has to offer for DS adventurists.
"SURPRISED" You live in PE ride a GSA and you are surprised that the EC has alot to offer the DS rider ?? Bru you need to get out more ! The EC is DS heaven !  :biggrin:

Let me rephrase that: I live in PE for four years (converted gautenger), doing my travel in a Landy and is green with envy because I read of all these places and see all the RR's but can do nothing about it cause I'm still looking for the right GSA. Telling you can't wait to get my GSA. I will probably do 2000km's my first month. :ricky:
Good luck with the search  :thumleft: hope you find your GSA soon . I sold my landy recently and really miss her ! :'(

Thaks Fat b, hopefully before winter ends.
speaks to Drazil

Already spokes to Drazil, but Drazil don't deal with spies.  :laughing7:

I saw a couple of pics of his bike. Well looked after.  Like the Acropovic pipe.

Test ride my gogga and I'll follow you on my Crayola bike >:D
Ok, Day 5

Originally I had a nice long ride planned taking us to Transkei, Kei mouth and then East London.
But due to the late night and late start (Boys aren’t as young as their dad) I decided on a more direct dirt route. So I just plotted EL and then put in waypoints to keep us off the tar until ±25km before East London.
After packing we had a photo shoot with history.

Then said our thanks and goodbye’s to Glenink (Thanks again Glen, it was great meeting and riding with you) and headed into town to refuel and breakfast.

We took the road to Cala that follows the Tsomo River as we’d done the direct route going to Elliot on day 3. This was a good choice for a winding scenic road.






After Cala we headed down to Tsomo via Damane and Kwamzola. This section of dirt before the R61 was the worst part of the trip. The traffic and animals made the road very dusty and slow, so no pics.
Except for this one one the lumberjack shacks overlooking the Ncora Dam on the Tsomo river

After Tsomo we took the R352 towards Stutterheim. I’d last done this road in the dark and rain when returning from the Lesotho / KZN bash ( in September so was looking forward to seeing it in the day.
It wasn’t quite as great as expected but still good riding but no pics,
Except to stop for this one for my wife. She loves Pigs (Lucky me)

Needless to say the locals found it very funny when this biker dude came sliding to a halt just to take a pic of their pig.
My wave must have been funny cause then they really started larfing.
Glad to do my bit for uplifting the spirit of the locals.

And then again at our lunch stop


And again before crossing the great Kei.



Looking forward to the road on the other side.



Then ±28km before Stutterheim we turned left at Mgwali, heading for the Kubusi river where we stop for the veiw and Byrons wheel is flat again. Nice of him to choose scenic spots for repairs. Just the first one was bad, but at least he learned from his mistake.

Repairs are carried out and I cut the old valve damaged one and use it as a liner between tyre and tube.
Luckily this is the last puncture of the trip.

Shortly after we go past a game farm with quite a bit of wild life waving us past


We do a short stretch along the R63 before turning left again on another piece of two track road where Byron spotted a spot where a porcupine had left his quills. More presents for Mom.

Then just before Mcleantown, another left going through Rooipunt2 and Thornvalley farms.
Then the N6 to beacon Bay shopping centre to fill up and stock up.

And on to Rene’s farm next to Arena Resort where we met him at ±17h45 and started the fire.

Needless to say we were in bed early that night.
287km in 8 hours for the day

Beautiful pic's. I've heard that there's a yellowwood forrest near Stutterheim. We wanted to visit the yellowwood forrest on our way from Gauteng to PE. We overnight at Clarens and from Clarens to Stutterheim, 04:00 the morning, my TD5's top cracked and we had do limp back to Gauteng with a opened radiator cap. Never saw the yellowwood forrest, but it's definitely something I still want to visit.

Hope it is something to look forward to. Did you guys ever visited the yellowwood forrest near Stutterheim?

Nice RR.
Nice one Thump  :thumleft:

Maybe --Just Maybe--i will get someone who wants to ride with me on one of my trips--then i do not have to do the solo thing -- ::)
Beautiful pic's. I've heard that there's a yellowwood forrest near Stutterheim. We wanted to visit the yellowwood forrest on our way from Gauteng to PE. We overnight at Clarens and from Clarens to Stutterheim, 04:00 the morning, my TD5's top cracked and we had do limp back to Gauteng with a opened radiator cap. Never saw the yellowwood forrest, but it's definitely something I still want to visit.

Hope it is something to look forward to. Did you guys ever visited the yellowwood forrest near Stutterheim?

Nice RR.

I ridden close but not through it. Nice area though
Day 6

9 July, My sister turns ….back another year.
She’s down from Jhb visiting our Dad for her birthday so we will spend the day with the family.
Fortunately Rene has offered the farm for a get together with a ride on the barge and a braai.

We start off with a ride around the farm enjoying the game and the views.

Owen capturing the bush sun rise

Some awesome views.
Below is the barge we’d ride on later and the building close to it is where we slept. The  braai area is under the trees next to the barge.











Waters quite low here as well



Then we head off into town to my Dad’s house and sit around doing the family thing.
After lunch we head back.
Just before we turn off onto the farm, we spot these friendly dude’s.
I love these okes, someone I can look up to.



Just missed the shot, he stuck his tongue right around Byron’s wrist and gave him a good lick.

Then down to the river to relax. Owen tried his hand at the throw net for bait then a bit of fishing.


And Byron went for a paddle to the sea.

Owen caught this small fish with two sea lice attached to it. Then two more fish with one on each.
We took the lice off but left them in the bucket.
Now part of my helping Byron with his punctures took the skin off the tip of my index finger of the left hand.
This kept getting bumped and bleeding occasionally.
When I stuck my hand in to grab a fish, a sea louse attached itself to my sore quicker than Fugly can down a springbokkie.

&$#%$# that was sore.
He stuck his whatever into the sore and as I Pulled him off it was bleeding proper now. 
I didn’t swear, promise.

A bit later Rene arrived and we loaded onto the barge and headed down river.

Setting off, Rene at the helm Dad on the right, my Old sister Kathy on the left next to Owen.
Byron was still paddling out there.


Captain Owen

“Die lekker lewe”

The water was perfect for reflection shots.

And finally we met up with Byron who had stories of all the skates and fish he’d seen from the paddleski.

Went up a creek and Owen tried a cast or two.


Captain Byron

And lots of sunset shots




And to the braai.

Where my other sister  Fay, her son Quinton and her foster son, hopefully soon to be adopted son joined us for the braai.

Fay and Mzama

A festive time was had by all

And Finally

Day 7
The plan today was to take a scenic ride to double drift game reserve north of Grahamstown and camp there for the night.

First a quick ride to the top for a last look



When we stopped to fill up I noticed this

On one spot but the rest of the tyre was like this, just better. (pics were taken at home after the trip)

As it was originally just the one spot I was nervous as I never knew how long it took to get there.
Instead of the dirt we road tar on the coastal route towards PE and then took the Peddie turnoff.
Worrying about my front tyre spoilt things a bit but otherwise a nice relaxing ride.

From Peddie we road north entering Double Drift from the Breakfastvlei entrance.

The air was hot and dry and very dusty.
We rode past a helicopter and then a few trucks full of rangers and assistants and a large animal carrier type truck.
Be interested to know what that was all about.

We stopped at reception and inquired about camping.
The lady did not know but gave us a number to call.
I called, left a message and we headed off to the camp site.

Stopping at the lookout point

We got to the camp site and had lunch

Owen feeling a bit tired

We rode around a bit, messed around in the water and phoned home to enquire about the weather.
Heavy winds and dark clouds coming.

After a while it started getting cooler where we were and the clouds started building up and getting darker.
I did not feel like a wet camp and getting up in the morning in mud and rain, so we all agreed to braai our steak, and then pack up and head to PE and home.

So this we did, finally packed as the sun started to drop and the rain drops started spattering a bit.

Heading out, not much in the form of animals was seen.
The heat and drought has probably moved them of elsewhere as most the normal water holes did not hold much.

The ride home was cold and wet and dark so tar all the way.
Byron was behind me but with the Lights I’d fitted on the red KLR the glare was not good. So I stopped and told him to go ahead, much better.

We finally arrived home at 19h45.
The next morning was very cold and very wet so it was the right choice to get back a day early.
I just love being right. :thumleft:

The route for the day
376km in 10h45m


Really cool RR there Thump  :deal: Well done to you and Byron and Owen on a trip well done !  :thumleft: Big up to Owen with his limited experience riding all that rough stuff in my part of the world  :mwink:

Was a pleasure having you guys over  8) Feel free to give me a ring next time you head this way !  :ricky:
Bro' what an awesome trip. So cool to be with da boyz huh? Long riding every day, lekker scenes, just sounds amazing  :thumleft:
I received an email today from metromedia.

One of the articles was about the giraffe (At least I think it's the same one)

Areena’s Tall Story
Date: 16-July-2010
Abe the giraffe from Areena Riverside Resort near East London.

Abe the giraffe arrived at Areena Riverside Resort as a five month old, three metre tall baby weighing almost 300 kilograms. His mother had died, and owners of the resort, Ed and Karen Rathbone, had volunteered to rear him on the resort’s 350 hectare game park situated near East London.

“He was bottle fed for five months,” says Ed Rathbone. “So, although he roams around the game park most of the time, he also loves interacting with the visitors.” Abe feels right at home amongst the other animals in the reserve including giraffe, zebra, wildebeest, kudu, eland and impala but will regularly come and say hello to the Rathbones and their guests.

To read the whole story see



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Awesome Ride

definitely teaching yours boys awesome values  :thumleft:
Great ride. Makes it more special that you did it with your kids.
I HAVE TO read this from start to end tonight .... (Rather buzy at work)


Can't wait!
Summary of km travelled

Day 1 372
Day 2 155
Day 3 350
Day 4 270
Day 5 287
Day 6 58
Day 7 376

Total 1868