Day 5
Originally I had a nice long ride planned taking us to Transkei, Kei mouth and then East London.
But due to the late night and late start (Boys aren’t as young as their dad) I decided on a more direct dirt route. So I just plotted EL and then put in waypoints to keep us off the tar until ±25km before East London.
After packing we had a photo shoot with history.
Then said our thanks and goodbye’s to Glenink (Thanks again Glen, it was great meeting and riding with you) and headed into town to refuel and breakfast.
We took the road to Cala that follows the Tsomo River as we’d done the direct route going to Elliot on day 3. This was a good choice for a winding scenic road.
After Cala we headed down to Tsomo via Damane and Kwamzola. This section of dirt before the R61 was the worst part of the trip. The traffic and animals made the road very dusty and slow, so no pics.
Except for this one one the lumberjack shacks overlooking the Ncora Dam on the Tsomo river
After Tsomo we took the R352 towards Stutterheim. I’d last done this road in the dark and rain when returning from the Lesotho / KZN bash (
https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=38766.msg753932#msg753932) in September so was looking forward to seeing it in the day.
It wasn’t quite as great as expected but still good riding but no pics,
Except to stop for this one for my wife. She loves Pigs (Lucky me)
Needless to say the locals found it very funny when this biker dude came sliding to a halt just to take a pic of their pig.
My wave must have been funny cause then they really started larfing.
Glad to do my bit for uplifting the spirit of the locals.
And then again at our lunch stop
And again before crossing the great Kei.
Looking forward to the road on the other side.
Then ±28km before Stutterheim we turned left at Mgwali, heading for the Kubusi river where we stop for the veiw and Byrons wheel is flat again. Nice of him to choose scenic spots for repairs. Just the first one was bad, but at least he learned from his mistake.
Repairs are carried out and I cut the old valve damaged one and use it as a liner between tyre and tube.
Luckily this is the last puncture of the trip.
Shortly after we go past a game farm with quite a bit of wild life waving us past
We do a short stretch along the R63 before turning left again on another piece of two track road where Byron spotted a spot where a porcupine had left his quills. More presents for Mom.
Then just before Mcleantown, another left going through Rooipunt2 and Thornvalley farms.
Then the N6 to beacon Bay shopping centre to fill up and stock up.
And on to Rene’s farm next to Arena Resort where we met him at ±17h45 and started the fire.
Needless to say we were in bed early that night.
287km in 8 hours for the day