Foot-up Trials - Making Progress !

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:thumleft: :thumleft: nice one Jupiter, if I had known you were going to become so interesting I would have been alot nicer to you!  :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer:

keep it up that does look like a shed load of fun!
Very Lekker!
Hmmmm maybe I must look into a trails bike  ;)
The trials bike scene has died off a bit in PE. Takes a lot of effort to run compition and you need it to stimulate the sport. Maybe if a few of us can get playing we could get a bit of compition going again.

Right there where we play in Sunridge, in an area not more than 40m x 20m you can set up a nice track.
Close-up proof that Jupiter does this must be special sport to get this extreme reaction from the G-Man  >:D    :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer:



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Tiger8 said:
Close-up proof that Jupiter does this must be special sport to get this extreme reaction from the G-Man  >:D    :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer:

Hou op twak praat en sit vir ons 'n video bymekaar  :deal:
Malibu said:
Tiger8 said:
Close-up proof that Jupiter does this must be special sport to get this extreme reaction from the G-Man  >:D    :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer:

What's he doing to the front wheel...?  :eek:

Thats whats commonly referred to in striping circles as grinding!
Brilliant stuff G-Man! You really have come a long way with this!

You're making me lus to try it as well.
Freak said:
Meer as enige iets,  dink ek dit maak 'n ou moer tegnies..  Dit kan net help met balans,  fiksheid,  koördinasie ens..  Dis stadig,  meer veilig,  tricky en lyk na emmers vol fun.
Ek dink n paar pêlle op sulke bonies kan lekker speel.
Cheap omval,  min(der) skade op die lyf.. So ver a all round win. Bly vir jou Jup ek sien jy geniet dit baie.

Nou werk my koppie weer oortyd. Wonder of 'n trails airhead sal werk..  :pot:

+1000000 :thumleft:
XT JOE said:
Nice man, hoe voel daai ou maag spiere.

:imaposer: Ek het die laaste twee maande spiere ontdek wat ek nie geweet het 'n ou in jou lyf het nie. Hande en gewrigte kry die seerste, dan die nek. Dan vir die res van die week is my kuite styf en brand my knië.
lekker Jup - keep it coming , don't listen to all the ou toppie kak - you keep going !! :thumleft:
BlueBull2007 said:
Brilliant stuff G-Man! You really have come a long way with this!

You're making me lus to try it as well.

There's no trying. When you say it, you know you want to do it. The moment you touch that bike and lift the front wheel over the first obstacle, you're hooked.

MURPHY said:
lekker Jup - keep it coming , don't listen to all the ou toppie kak - you keep going !! :thumleft:

That's the nice thing. There's no age limit to this, because you play within your own chosen limits. I do need to get fitter though, as soon my poor level of fitness is going to prevent me from progressing.
Nice photos :)

I had a solo ride on Saturday - My play spot is even closer to my house than yours...

Awesome ride, then slid my front wheel out on a water crossing on the way home - up to my neck in the stream, and knee has a nice blue handlebar bruise on it.

Keep playing, you'll be amazed at how quickly you progress.
GRIM said:
Nice photos :)

I had a solo ride on Saturday - My play spot is even closer to my house than yours...

Awesome ride, then slid my front wheel out on a water crossing on the way home - up to my neck in the stream, and knee has a nice blue handlebar bruise on it.

Keep playing, you'll be amazed at how quickly you progress.

It does. Every Saturday I practice the old obstacles over and over. I then eyeball the next obstacle for a step up the next weekend.

I've been psyching myself for this one, going up, for a while now. This weekend I'm doing it. Problem is you have to start from standstill with about a three foot run-up. So the moment you get feet-up you have to lift the front wheel.



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And from a different perspective... this is where I want to go up next


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