Footpeg Diaries

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Eish, unfortunately these accidents happen and often where there is no cell reception. Lekker that the tannie helped with her cruiser. :)
Pierre as jy nie omgee laat weet asb hoe dit met Fanie gaan.
Alles is weer mooi heel en gesond, baie dankie!
Ons het so lank gewag voor ons hierdie reeks uitsaai, spesifiek om hom tyd te gee om eers te herstel. mens regtig werklik so vinnig van trauma kan herstel... emosioneel en fisies.

Daar is nog 'n episode wat moet uitsaai, oor die res van ons avontuur. Daarna, gaan ons so 'n kort ietse wys oor Fanie se ervarings, en hoor hoe hy voel na die ongeluk, en hoe alles gedurende die herstelproses verloop het.

Dis goed dat ons oor ongelukke, beserings en herstel praat. Ek dink dis iets wat ons meestal probeer vermy, maar as jy avontuurfiets ry is die waarskynlikheid dat jy self deur so iets sal moet gaan op een of ander stadium, dalk groter as wat ons graag sal wil erken.
Vra maar vir @WildWood hoe min daai goed beteken as jy dit werklik nodig het
I'd love to hear @WildWood experience with this, as I went and bought one on Friday - I understand 100% that the emergency services in SA are in general a disaster. My main reason for getting one is for when I'm riding solo to be able to check in with the family, when there's no cellphone signal, they can track my riding and if something would to happen that I can share a location with my contacts, who can more easily co-ordinate a rescue or recovery. I've been with 3 friends that have crashed and each time there was zero cellphone signal - was a nightmare trying to coordiate the location with the ambulance, as the calls were made 20 to 30km's from the crash site. It's definitely not a fool proof solution and is most certainly not as reliable as in other parts of the world, but it is at least a more reliable means to communicate, when one's out of cellphone signal. It's one of those devices you hope you never have to use, pretty much like short-term insurance. Well that's my view on this, I might be totally out of touch with reality.

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