For the love of Sand.

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Race Dog
Jul 4, 2008
Reaction score
Bloemfontein, Vrystaat
Kawasaki KLR 650
Leading up to the weekend I scouted the forum to see if anyone will be riding somewhere interesting. I haven't been out last
weekend and was starting to get withdrawal symptoms. Pleco was organizing another ride out to Parklands so at the last minute
I decided to go. Sack was of similar thoughts and despite the unholy hour that this activity would have to take place we committed.
For the love of SAND!

Sack and I met up at the Vissershok turn-off at 5H30 so we could ride through the quarry and along some of Crossed-up's tracks
winding along the Port Jacksons.

Waiting for Sack.


Sack arriving.



Now I'm not your best navigator and being slightly night blind I led Sack into a couple of bushy dead-ends before he realised
I haven't a clue. He then led the way. Goodness, the quarry looks completely foreign in the dark. There has also been a lot of
bushes growing wildly so I was completely lost at times.


About 40min later we got to the sandy track running along the power lines towards the back of Parklands. Crashed a couple
of times but no harm done.


We arrived just in time to see the rest of the early birds entering the sand from the opposite side.


Sack and CapeKLR.






Someone even came on a battleship. Reminded me how I would like to try ride one of these round the Macassar Loop...


Havin fun.







Sack. By now his time has run out. Had to leave to be with the family. We cruised around an old track Lito introduced me to,
phew now I remember why I wanted to cry that day..., before we headed out towards the N7.




After parting with Sack I felt like visiting a very special place so I could go sit on the crest of a dune to contemplate my existence.











This place is called Atlantis and this morning it was as beautiful as I could ever imagine.





Really nice pictures.
Like our own Paris Dakar training ground.
If you dont get stuck there you never will  :ricky:
Mooi fotos Michiel, die vroee oggend lig werk maar net altyd lekker vir photos.

Nou het ek darem be wyse vir dir familie waar ek was :thumleft:

Na nog so 'n paar sessies, 'n hele paar, sal ek Atlantis oorweeg dit lyk soos 'n ander wereld :)

Voor ek vergeet dankie aan Pleco en Capeklr en die ander vir al die raad en advies.
I was there a few weeks ago. The sand is the softest I have seen. It looks like it is still like that?

The dunes are sharp and steep. Not that noob friendly.

Damn, I nearly came along.
I don't like this tread.............

I farken love it...!!!! Keep it up, it's all part of my distance learning sand riding training. :thumleft:
Thanks Michiel for sharing the Supper day out in the Sand,... with us all. Really Gr8 photos.
Ek het gewonder waar julle ouens vandaan gekom het.

En ek dog ek was vroeg op.  :mwink:

The sand was a lot softer than 2 weeks ago. I struggled for grip.

It was nice to have some sand newbs come along. Thanks to Cape KLR for giving me a hand with some pointers to these guys.

Buzz and Mark came along a little later, with Mark finding some new tracks along the way. Watching Buzz, Mark and my progress over the last few weekends, it was amazing to see how quickly you can learn to ride in this stuff.

Wacko, jou brein gaan al die snippets bymekaar maak hier deur die week, en volgende naweek gaan dit jare beter.  :thumleft:

Paul, well done. You had that 800 going pretty well within the first half hour.

Bring it on and junior made their first day look easy. BIO managed to turn that pig on a dime, and ended up 90 deg the other way. Don't know if it was intentional, but it was spectacular.

I had a nice off on the small dune close to the tarmac, and landed on my head and right shoulder in the sand. Landed up with a mouth full of sand! A little stunned for a few secs, but no permamnent damage.  :imaposer: I did not know the helmet can hit you that hard. I thought it was padded.  :eek:

I was so surprised that I came off, that I repeated the sequence a few minutes later. This time I remebered to let go, and made a nice tuck and roll.

There were quite a few tumbles, but Buzz won hands down. He got the bike nicely up to speed (about 40 in second) and then got the twitchies and had a superman moment.

Both of us came off reasonably hard, but nothing more dented than our confidence for a few minutes afterwards.  :biggrin: The sand is very forgiving.

Hier is so paar frame grabs van Buzz.

Pity I did not have Michiel's photography skills on the las shot. The moon makes quite a back drop.


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Michiel said:
After parting with Sack I felt like visiting a very special place so I could go sit on the crest of a dune to contemplate my existence.


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