Fun around roodeplaat.( First solo, and first crash )

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OK so this is my first RR. I would not have done a RR since I thought nothing of the trip as it started but about 2 hours in I binned the bike and decided what the hell, might as well get this jotted down with some kieki's to boot.

I initially wanted to set off to Roodeplaat dam since it seemed the closest place with a bit of dirt and I was kinda lazy after my big Sunday lunch.... But none the less there were dirt roads a foot and I just had to swoop into action on my trusty steed to go tame them... HEY HO SILVER, AWAY!!!!! :)

Ok so I have only had the bike for 2 weeks and I decided to "train" myself in the art of off-road riding a bit while my friends are away and would not laugh at me when I look like a tool. I headed out on Zambesi road until I saw the sign that read Roodeplaat.... I take a left onto a peace of dirt road that is under construction and follow it. I was looking for some farm roads to follow and have some fun on but none of the roads seemed worthy. I eventually got to a bridge with the train track's crossing over head and the road in front turning into dirt. To my left is a service road that go's along train tracks and I decided to follow this. At first it was very rocky and rutted which made for some slow going but gradually it made way to some decent gravel which allowed for some speed. I passed a couple of quads coming from the front whom obviously had never heard of the concept of sharing the road and decided to promptly force me off it. After the one finger salutes were done we parted ways and I kept going towards ummm what ever direction I was heading in. After a couple of mins riding I noticed a highway going over head and just after that there was this big incline that had seen some quads going up and down it a couple of times in the past. Me not being one to shy away from a challenge, and thinking this to be a fair one( Boy was I wrong ) decided to take this hill and proclaim it for transalps across the world! This is the first time I ever set eyes on a hill like this never mind attempt to go up it. All the warning bells should have been going off then but no... I decide that what this problem needs is POWER!!!!!(In the words of Jeremy Clarckson). I punch it, and without thinking about it go to second gear while starting to ascend what could only be called a mountain!... Ok well maybe not, but it looked pretty damn intimidating from where I was standing. Not thinking about what I had just done I started to go up this hill and noticed the bike was not  following suit.... The bike stalled and started to roll backwards... legs out, front brake on. I should explain at this point that I am 1.72, 80kg and VERY unfit. Anyway, without my feat touching the ground the bike started to fall to the right... I got my foot to the ground just quick enough to stop the worst damage and stop the bike from going back too far. At this point I was looking at my new prized possession laying on the ground without life. Boy O boy did I regret not reading the article about how to pick up a bike RIGHT THEN! None the less I had the basic concept and proceeded to get the bike back on it's wheels after 2 attempts and some screaming(insert profanity's here)... Glad there were no woman or small children around.

The hill that handed my ass to me bellow.

And the end result... at the end.

Will do the rest of the RR tomorrow when I am sober enough to properly type... Cheers!


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Nice try, but remember, rule number one of Solo riding is to always stay well within your limits. Better luck next time.
Ahhh sweet babelas.... Where was I???? OH yes, I had just dumped the bike. Dammit.

As you can see from the photo's I had the top box on... I should explain  that I am not in the habit of going off road with the top box attached but rather that I forgot to take it off before leaving home, it coped pretty well though.
Despite how it might look from the photos this hill was indeed very steep and slippery. When I got the bike up I inspected the damage... a dusty bike and a right mirror that needed adjusting, oh and a bruised ego ;)
After I was done with this I kept going along the side road until I got to a place with ummm well... white sand.. and stuff. Looked like some sort of sand mining operation or something. Sorry but I have no idea wtf they do here. Also there were allot of trains and stations along the way. See below. This bit of white sand was GREAT fun to play in and I got a good feel for the bike around here. There was also a small underpass nearby that had the acoustic property's of a cave and which immediately had the roar of my mighty V as background music. I was then talked to, somewhat harshly by the spoornet suck-urity guard about being here... Well since there were no signs up anywhere telling me where I was or why I was not supposed to be here I just laughed at this concept. Although it was somewhat intimidating having a black lady that had a size 32 jean with a size 38 ass point a R4 at me. Strangely she let me turn around and go back towards the trains.. I thought she was trying to keep me away from this???? I did not want to go back the same way I came in on and about 2km back I spotted a road leading to the other side of the train tracks which I proceeded to follow.

Will post the rest a bit later in the day.




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letsgofishing said:
Well at least you never got hurt!
How's the bike?

Not even a scratch... I don't know how... but honestly not a scratch.
Ok to continue.

As I drove over the train tracks to the other side I was a little dismayed at the thought of going back the same way that I had came in on...Well at least this was a different peace of gravel I thought. About 2km down the little dirt road I noticed the same highway I had passed underneath up ahead but this time I was on the other side of the train track and next to me was a incline that had seen some 4x4's go up it in the past... Thankfully I was not foolish enough to try it. There was a nice slowly sloping "on ramp" just ahead. I was not sure where this led but proceeded to go up it and boy was I glad I did.

What I found at the top could only be described as a motocross track. A bunch of very steep inclines and sudden drop-off's all with their own level of difficulty... hell there was even a small splash of water that I could go threw if I wanted but decided to save the mud monster for another day.. One were I was not wearing a new pair of jeans. See pic's below. This was like one big play ground and I decided to dedicate some time to this place and see what I could do with the bike.

Man O man the bike came to life here... I quickly forgot about dropping the bike a couple of mins ago and started to feel right at home. The transalp really surprised me, I went over a couple of rocky sections where I had no problems staying upright and I also went over a bunch of little humps that were just big enough to make them challenging. I initially thought I was going to bottom out but no such thing... the bike just coped. Then I made a mistake.. I decided that the hill I was looking at was not so steep and straight away decided to go up... I gave it gas, held on and vola... There I was... at the top. My confidence soared and I knew straight away that I don't have to fear these inclines. This was not the problem however... The problem came when I went on with this little road... I got to this fairly small but amazingly steep hill.See below. It was rutted, and there were 2 small humps in the middle of it. To turn around was not possible due to the fact that I knew I was not going to be able to go down the hill I just came up while still keeping the wheels pointing down. I sat here for around 10 mins trying to think about what I was going to do... and build up confidence. After I had finally built up enough confidence I decided to just go for it and see what happens... Nailed the throttle and the bike just went up it like there was really nothing hard about it. The mistake I made was I had not climbed up the hill to see what was on the other side and as I went flying up this hill with the front wheel still in the air I did a very neat landing inside a thorn bush. I was just happy to be out of there though and the rest of the hills started to become fun once I had learned that I could indeed conquer them. I spent a good hour here just fooling about and "training" before I decided to head out again.

Will do the rest in a bit.



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Ok.. Let me try and finish this off.

Since I do not have access to photo-bucket at the office I am going to have to upload at the bottom again.

So then I was done fooling around and decided to head north in a attempt to loop back in the way I came from but without using the same stretch of road. I then pulled onto a bridge that was overlooking the highway I had proceeded to go under a couple of times by now. When I stood there I finally noticed that this was in fact the N1. In the pic bellow you can just make out the garage and restaurant that crosses the highway up ahead. What amazed me was the fact that this bridge lead to no-ware... It just ends.... No roads no nothing... Very strange for the government to have built a bridge that costs a fortune and leads to no-ware.....  There were about 3 bridges like this that I came across... I headed about 2km north on some perfect dirt roads past some farms, Took a left over the N1 also on a bridge that basically leads no-ware onto a little dirt road threw some blokes farm... Saw some nice game to boot! I eventually got to a decent stretch of dirt road that seemed to go on forever... To my astonishment I accidental drive onto a peace of road where the sign tells me " Bla bla, Entrance strictly prohibited, trespassers will be shot!" I thought this was some agro farmer that had gram-pa's 12 gauge on the porch and a pack of dogs to chase away any unwelcome guests. The truth is a bit more scary though. The last pic says it all... I was lucky to leave this peace of dirt fast enough not to get shot at and just had to stop and take a pic as I left the place.. Who knew there was a special forces ammo supply here???? Not me... And I would probably not be able to find my way back ether... strange place.( the sign reads " Special forces supply unit""Defense material disposal unit" etc)

Anyway I went threw allot more game farms and some good dirt and eventually found my way back to a peace of road that connected back with Zambezi road. Just before I left the dirt however there was this REALLY run down place to the left of me that did not have a name on it but from what I could tell it used to be a petrol station that was converted to a bar... I saw a sign that said cold beer and I just HAD to stop. Think the place was called buffles drift bar or some shit. This was like something out of a 80's American movie... Without a word of exaggeration  this is what the place looked like. I pull up to the front of the bar slowly and to the left is 2 young blokes, beer in hand fiddling under the hood of a trans-am and there was a large assortment of cars that were older then I was and would make most American hill billy's feel right at home. I stopped outside the bar but was presented with the novelty option of parking INSIDE the bar as well. I did not want to take any photo's of this place since I was afraid they might notice I am not from here and proceed to give me a PK.  When I walked into the bar I noticed Willy Neslon on the jukebox( HOLY SH*T, THEY ACTUALLY HAD A JUKEBOX!). I found this place to be so lost in time that it was actually quite cool... hell when I finally sat down at the bar I thought I  would order a Lion beer or a Freska just for sh*ts an giggles....although somehow I think they might still have been able to serve me! :) The people were friendly and I left after about 30 mins.

The rest of the trip was boring.... damn tar.

That's IT!!!! Finally done.... Looking forward to the next one.


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nice report,

armay base at walmanstal, close to Hammanskraal.

Believe you me, the guys there are so useless, won't even notice you in the compound area
i play there allot,

next time pm me and i'll join you.

were do yo live, i'm close to the Eugene Marais hospital
Beltzer said:
Eks nog steeds de-moer-in vir jou omdat jy my nie gebel het nie.... 

Ek het gese jy moet my bel! :) Ek het ooknie jou nommer nie.
madmike999 said:
i play there allot,

next time pm me and i'll join you.

were do yo live, i'm close to the Eugene Marais hospital

Sure thing... I live just up the road from there... Will give you a shout if I am heading out that way again.
cool man, ek joke net (maar jy weet dit reeds.)

So het jy al vir ons 'n roete uitgewerk vir Sondag? Ek moet eers laat middag terug wees as die baas terugkom.

Beltzer said:
cool man, ek joke net (maar jy weet dit reeds.)

So het jy al vir ons 'n roete uitgewerk vir Sondag? Ek moet eers laat middag terug wees as die baas terugkom.

cool reg met my. Sal more chat.