Getting bit by the adventure bug

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Lekker trip ou pellie. Die avontuur/belewenis is al wat tel, die ander goed is bysaak. Kom ek stel dit so, hoeveel ouens het al ervaar wat jy gedoen het op 'n Zonte?
Couldn't help but notice you have a new toy... >:D :biggrin:


:deal: Waiting patiently for a NEW RR... :headbang:
stcomza said:
Couldn't help but notice you have a new toy... >:D :biggrin:


:deal: Waiting patiently for a NEW RR... :headbang:

Hmmm, should be parked below, will go have a look now. Congratulations, Tiaan!
Awesome, loved the ride report - enjoyed the writing! 

Congrats on the new bike, may she serve you well  :thumleft:
Awesome. Hope you don't miss the little guy to much. Enjoy the big brother
I'm a bit late on the uptake here :

1) Welcome to the forum, Tiaan.
2) Thanks for the very adventurous RR, pics of Die Hel always make me nostalgic, I've cycled in there 5 times but never by motorbike....
3) Congrats on the nw scoot.
Ek het  ook nou eers die RR gesien.

Baie welkom by die forum en dankie vir die deel van jou eerste (hopelik van vele) avontuur.  :thumleft:

En baie geluk met die nuwe fiets en geniet dit  :thumleft:
Welcome , I really enjoyed your RR and made even better on a smaller bike. The main point is that you were out riding and enjoying your bike and this is evident in your writing style and expression.
Nice upgrade that 310 btw  :thumleft:

BUT, I think you are going to miss the "little guy"  ;)
Hallo al julle willehonne.

Thanks for all the messages - I am amazed at the community! Having such an eagle-eye (or should it be wild dog eye?) to spot me on my new companion...

Below is a little teaser for big plans that are coming.. Little & Big brother 2 years apart at the same road sign on R62.

It is with a heavy heart that I had to let the Little Red Zontes go. He is now in the care of Uber Eats, with many of his other Zontes friends. If you by chance happen to order through Uber Eats & see a red Zontes parked outside your house, go to him & ask if he knows Die Hel... you just might hear a little engine start revving  ;)

Lekker RR jongman! Dankie vir die deel. Daai fotos by dieselfde borde oor die jare heen ken ek ook en dit het my al vele kere laar vra, wanneer gaan ons weer. Voorspoed
Fork, weet nie hoe ek die oorspronklike RR gemis het nie! Wat 'n plesier om te lees. Sien uit na nog baie fiets-stories, mnr willeh0nd!
Laat weet ons gerus hoe loop die nuwe fiets!! :thumleft:
Ek love threads soos die waar dit uit en uit gaan oor die liefde vir Adventure riding en wat dit bied.

True Adventure spirit!!
Ek het ook nou eers op die afgekom. Great RR en dit wys net weer mens het nie al die fancy gear en farkles nodig nie. Die beste bike is die een wat jy het.

As jy ooit dit so ver as die Ooskaap maak laat weet dan gaan ry ons 'n draai  :thumleft:
"The true sense of freedom brought about while on a motorcycle cannot be replicated in any other way. If you suspect you have an adventurous spirit, but have never dared to live, get off that chair you are sitting on now and go buy a little cheap adventure bike. There are 125 adventure bugs waiting to bite you."

The last line of your RR speaks volumes and something I am going to use to motivate myself to get off my ass and ride. I like that it was a solo ride and that first sentence is why I have always had a bike . Now just to make the time.
Thanks Willeh0nd.
Lanklaas so lekker gelees aan n ride report.Daai nuwe bike lyk flippen nice :thumleft:

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