Giro dei Canali di Brits red route

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Pack Dog
Aug 16, 2006
Reaction score
JHB, Midrand
KTM 950 Adventure S
Shark and I planned to meet at my house at 7 , by 10 past he still hadnt shown up , so I crused to his spot to find him looking very white in his riding kit. A torn contact lens with no spare and feeling kak ment he wasnt going to make it. I left his spot at about just before 8 and screamed throughto the engen to meet the other guys. From there we hit the canals and broke off just near "The wilds" in search of a nice place to enter 3 fences. Once in we battled the thick sand to the end , then on to the rock and the lunch stop , well done to the guys that made it !!!

the group before we split up


the first tol gate in teh river


in the river it self





then the thick sand



adv mx








last toll gate




beer stop


the rock



the resturant



Well done on the KLE doing that Pete!
Shows you the bike is capable and its really the rider above all.

Wow, awesome photies guys. I agree with Shark - nice one doing that on the KLE, will give lots of people something to think about!
Ditto Uncle's comments - amazing.
Amazing photos
And amazing that people can ride through that stuff, and that the bikes can do it.
(Prints picture and nips out to show KLE the pics)
Well done OX and company ;) Maar daai 3 bikes het gekrook by Da Rock. That way up is for the NEWBIES ;D ;D
Looks like it was a challenging ride - something for next year. I maybe a little braver. Anyone willing to lend me a MX bike for a short ride in the country!
Great phots's. Not the kind of place you want to be riding a 1200GS. Or has there been someone mad enough??
What a leeker ride!!  It was about time to see what a KLE can do.  I must say she is not the easiest ride in the sand, hey, but if you have to it can be done.  Satisfaction never comes easy!!

1st photo was taken at the kraal in 3 fences.  I got here on my own and waited for the rest of the guys to pitch up.  The guy on the left in Frans and we know each other a couple of years already.  On a number of occasions we have done business when he bush clears the river and we pay him for his work.

2nd photo is at the 3 fences shop (Menlyn).  After a hard workout in the river a cold coke goes down very well.

3rd photo is on top of the koppie.  Yep, some of us took the easy way up.  I am no hero and I like to keep my bike original.  I would rather get to see the view then not.

Thanks to my riding buddies.  I had an excellent time and I enjoyed riding with you guys.


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Frog said:
Great phots's. Not the kind of place you want to be riding a 1200GS. Or has there been someone mad enough??

Hence I advised GG ect not to follow , now you can see why. It is dooable on the big bike but would take a long time , I hear the ramblings of a challenge comming on. May be set up a braai at the end meet there and do a round trip ? any one keen ?
Ox, I have Anakee tyres on the bike. I don't think the the bike will go anywhere except dig itself downwards in that sand. That's my excuse for not doing the route and I'm sticking to it! Falling off could be another!
wow,,,is that an AT on the rock????

wowie,,,rspect dudes to all of you

the same week i got my bike i went through de wildt,,,
all in all i survived,,,,
but the "ROCK" i fear it,,,,even from the newbie side
Welsh, Leo and Funacide did the other wider and flatter river on big 1150/1200's.
The whoops can get really bad, right now its about fair for the start of winter. By the end some of those whoops will be half a bike deep, till the first big rain and then its as flat as a beach.
Its a KLE500 malgat.

AT cruises up there no hassle, Gideon been up the easy route.

Only KTM640's and KLRs can do the steep side, from what I've seen ;)
Lekker!  That is a serious afkark for "normal" rider's like me. Dehydration and moeg!  Well done.  :razz: :cool:

Since we missed it, Shark, we should plan another trip soon? Long time since i was at De Wildt.
Is there any way to get to, and up, the easy side of the rock without going fencing, sanding or coconutting?

Also, it wouldbe lekka if someone could post a GPS track of where you went - would like to see in Google earth. 
malgat said:
wow,,,is that an AT on the rock????

wowie,,,rspect dudes to all of you

the same week i got my bike i went through de wildt,,,
all in all i survived,,,,
but the "ROCK" i fear it,,,,even from the newbie side

Went up it the very first time even though I promised myself I would not. Same with Gideon (AT) and Grootseun (Dakar) to name a few.

A lot others as well on the Charity Run back in Dec 06.

There is only one tricky section where one go from the first "base rock" and up to the top. Sort of a narrow entry/exit starting upwards again. Rest is stand up, lean forward and steady throttle, first/second gear depending on the bike. Not bad.

Getting down was more intense than going up.
