Giro dei Canali di Brits red route

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GundaGunda said:
Is there any way to get to, and up, the easy side of the rock without going fencing, sanding or coconutting?

Also, it wouldbe lekka if someone could post a GPS track of where you went - would like to see in Google earth.   

The big sand was a first for me. Its not that intimidating, just very hard work. I will be back for more soon. Attached is the road we took. Normal dirt road to get there.



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I was going to drop into the river at the first old fence, not as far back as you did.
Way after the new fence tollgate they just started. Basically just before the real sand starts.
So you got to see a bit more rock and proper riverbed.

Also see you must have run out of time or decided against the other riverbed. ;)

But that means this ride still needs to be done!  3-fences and Jericho in one day.


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Other bit would have been like this, but you would have needed to balega to do this in time.



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As far as I know - this is the "out of bounds" area (see area's circled in red - as well as the approach) as agreed by Butch and the delegation last year

There is another way to get to the second fence, but from the other bank on the opposite side


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I havn't done this on a DS bike yet, but BLIKS'M - that is a fun river bed to ride
It's flat and wide - VERY LEKKER


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Out of bounds to offroad bikes and quads with aggressive knobblies that chew up the dodgy tar road.
If your bike it road legal they they don't have a case. Telling offroad bikes they cant ride on a road is one thing, a dualie something totally different.
So its your RIGHT to ride there.

There are lots of ways to joins the river at many places. But from this side is the nicest.
Check how they suddenly add a new fence because the bikes are being forced around a new way.
To the red routers and people who know the area.

"SOS ! SOS ! I am sinking!"
"Yes zis is ze Cherman coastguard. Vott are you sinking aboud?"
      (Gotta see that advert  ;D )

I been "sinking" with Malgat about a "Giro part 2" to do some canals we missed 'cos I did not know they were there.
Basically a not-so-technical, semi-newbie, ride out the west canal, over the top of the Vaalkop and Rooikop dams, cross the R511 and then  back down the other canals approaching Beestekraal from the East side.

Such a route would take us a drive and seven iron from the "moerse klip"

From Blazes' posting he intimates that there is a newbie way up the rock, and the view looks awesome from up there and I'd love to try the easy way up.

Think it possible  to incorporate the rock in a slightly non-technical ride ? 
i love the rock (and fear it),,,but the ride there and around the place is amazing,,,theres a nice place where a big tree grows on top of the rock,,,amazing to see,,,,if u dont hav a bike you wont eva see it

damm, maybe i should face my only fear,,,rock via newbie side
malgat said:
i love the rock (and fear it),,,but the ride there and around the place is amazing,,,theres a nice place where a big tree grows on top of the rock,,,amazing to see,,,,if u dont hav a bike you wont eva see it

damm, maybe i should face my only fear,,,rock via newbie side

I am sure both the KLE and AT have a little switch somewhere - one click and it's in dassie-mode an up she goes.
nee dankie! sal dit met die KDX ry, nie met die 990 nie! respek!