Going Back - 8 Years Later

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Race Dog
Dec 8, 2011
Reaction score
Honda CRF-250L
During 2015, I was part of an active adventure biking group in my home town. We went on rides at least once a month. My bike at the time was a Yamaha XT660R. One of our group was an active mountain biker and he knew all the nice forest trails around Haenertsburg and Magoebaskloof. He guided most of the adventure rides and the rest of us just followed him wherever he took us on his KTM 990.
On one such a ride we all met in Haenertsburg and Mr 990 led us into the forests and around Ebenezer Dam on various routes. We were eight riders and the bikes were: 2 x KTM 950, 2 x KTM 990, 1 x BMW GSA, 1 x XT660Z, 1 x XT660R and 1 x BMW 650

I was new to the area and loved the scenery and the views. During our ride that day we exited a forest, hopped onto a tar road for a few kilometers and just before we got back onto gravel, I saw the name Houtbosdorp on a road sign.
What a great road. It was actually a winding mountain pass going all the way down into a valley with farms on both sides and great views as far as the eye could see.
We all stopped at the top of the pass to take a group photo of the bikes and then...... (as always, when KTMs (just joking :devilish:) are part of a group ride, it became a race down the pass and along the valley all the way to Mooketsi where we stopped to re-group and to fill up with fuel. The stunning scenery was forgotten and any good intentions of taking some photos disappeared in a cloud of dust as soon as the first Akrapovic roared to life at the top of the pass. :LOL:
I always wanted to go back and ride the pass at a slower more sedate pace in order to appreciate the views, breathe in some fresh air (instead of dust and Akrapovic fumes) and stop to take some photos along the way.
Here is the group photo taken during 2015.
Fast forward to 2023
Last weekend I looked for the road on google maps and decided to go ride the pass on Thursday 8 June
The bike was still dusty from the ride I did last Saturday so Thursday morning I quickly cleaned and lubed the chain.

I packed a few snacks and some water, stopped at the garage for some fuel and off I went.

The first stretch was tar all the way on the R71. I then exited the R71 and rode through Mankweng. The road meandered past a couple of villages with annoying speed humps every few 100m.


I turned off at the Magoebaskloof road sign and rode past this koppie.


Nice dam in the distance

Young fruit trees all covered with plastic. From a distance, it kinda reminded me of Arlinton National Cemetery, Virginia, USA

Took the dirt road towards Magoebaskloof. After a few kms I decided to turn around due to the dust made by all the vehicles on this stretch and headed back the way I came.


Back onto a nice winding stretch of tar for a few kilometers

Arrived at the top of the gravel pass and first stop was the view point

The views were spectacular



Despite the request NOT TO LITTER, there were paper, broken bottles, tissues, cans and even a used condom lying around. There is even a hole dug at the view point full of garbage. It appears as if the rubbish will just be buried there ..... WTF!!!!




The spot where the group photo was taken during 2015 was undeveloped at the time and the view point is now much more user friendly. I found another smaller look-out point down the road and took this photo.


The mountain in the background is apparently the northern most section of the Drakensberg

On my left was the valley far down below with several farms.


The road curved to the right around the mountain and there was another valley with several farms on that side of the mountain. Some do farming at the bottom down in the valley whilst some grow fruit/veg higher up against the side of the mountain.



This short stretch of road had a top layer of black/grey gravel, unlike the normal sandy colour of the rest of the road.


Wonder when/if this rock rolled down the mountain??

Approaching the bottom of the valley.



Rode some nice fast, flat gravel and after a while, found a shady spot next to the road to have some snacks and a drink
I then had a tough :)LOL: ) choice to make...... travel all the way to Mooketsi and then ride tar back to my home or ....... turn around and ride the same mountain pass again in the opposite direction. I chose the latter as the time spent on tar (getting home) would be much less.
Up the pass I go again.


Stone barrier erected to prevent erosion.

Lonely tower on top of the mountain. Don't know if it is a cellphone tower as I did not have reception all the time whilst on the pass.


Managed to capture this eagle in flight.


Reaching the end of the pass.


Tar all the way home from here.
Entire trip distance was 171km.


The End
You had a better day than me.
Was planning on going to Soekmekaar to book to do my learners again and then to do a bit of fishing in the Heanertsburg area.

My SYM had other plans.
The sprocket came loose and knocked a hole into my engine.
Taking it in tomorrow. Seems like I will be without a bike for a while.

At least you had a good day.
It was a good day on the bike, yes.
Sorry to hear about your SYM. Hope they can fix it soon.
It is. My bank dont think so yet.
I did sit on the Rally last week and really want one.
Will see what happens in the week.
They were alreydy starting with excuses when I mentioned warranty.

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