Groot Marico Weekend 12,13,14 Sept 08

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Tanks and compliments to all the organizers. Nice meeting all the dawgs. looking forward to the next one. I have to thank my old friend, LLL(Leo the Lassie Licker)for the "Great Opfok"he organized on the route back, next to the railway line.  ;) :thumleft:
Lekka weekend everyone!! Thanks Malgat, Malibu & all etc for the organising - we were short of nothing except for, in my case a set of battery jumper cables - we were last to leave at about 9.30am yesterday for the breakfast at the Croc place and had a flat battery on the 1200, luckily Smithey had previously made a purchase from Beemer Man and so we tested his jumper cables and they worked as intended. I then thought it would be wise to also make the purchase from BM
And to Gunda thanks for the route planning and the name stickers
Jeez I sure have missed a great weekend.  :( But, the best laid plans of mice and men ...

Anyway I'm sure it wasn't the last one. 
I always do it, never take enough piccies. Here's a few of mine

Waiting for the rest.


Maya and Yefi getting to know each other


Smoke break


and another one.


Identify yourself!






Pozer extraordinaire...


I was way to busy trying to stay on my feet to take any pics that evening......but did again the next morn

The stragglers "cleaning up" after everybody else had left.



Again thanx to all who had a hand in making it a truly memorable outing.
Much of many thanks to all for great organisation, even the weather. For me this was a week-end of so many firsts, ones that Ill remember (uh, with my memory) till at least Wednesday. I can so do this again. ;D
Y'know what would be nice?
If all the people who rode with GPSs would post their tracks here, I'll do a merge and do a composite map and see where all the dawgs wandered.

Zipped GPX, GDB or GTM would be good (save the site bandwidth)

Mine attached - can see why I had lots of spare karkpraattyd  !

mmm - wonder if I can write a time-lapse simulation video - should be possible - moving coloured dots on a map background ?


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Thanks Malgat, Malibu and Gunda Gunda for the organizing - you people rock! This was one party I won't be able to forget in a hurry. The Groot Marico area is an amazingly beautiful place and that road that led from the River Still down to the oog was one of the best (if short) roads I've ever ridden, it is spectacular.
I'll add a few photies as soon as I've got them on Photobucket.
Yefimowich, thanks for the company on the way home bud!

A special thanks to Kilroy and the sponsors for making this site such a great place, great things come from here.

See you all later!
Hi guys, will be posting our ride report only on wednesday. Sorry!
Had to hit the road again today and tomorrow in Bloemfontein.
I have something very special to post.
Milkybar I wonder what that could be?  But I have a very good idea.  I thought after the weekend it will be over......... how long must I still suffer.... :ricky:
Ag shame, Tigger. I understand, I really do!
We realise you're a dog in training? :imaposer:
I've got some really nice pics that no one suspected?! hie hahaha :mwink:
There have been so many great pics of the bash that I'll try not to post my pics of the party - all gazzilion of them! What I found out from this thread is how amazing it is that every single one of us at the bash had our own impression of what was going on, and I see that there was a lot that went on that I missed - but I'm only one person and I enjoyed the bash one helluva lot.

The pics that I've decided to post are just a few of those I think is special - and one or two I took just for this thread -    >:D  

First pic my bike on the way to the bash. That is the Marico dam in the background.

There was a very placid little stream running there. Everything is very quiet.

Then these dogs came running down to the river, barking and making a big noise on a KTM (yes, it made it all the way to the bash   >:D  ) and a BMW.

There was trouble brewing - what was this dog up to?

Well, dogs love water, and these were no different.

The Scottish terrier made a lot of splashing and noise, but did manage to doggy paddle his way across the stream

While others took the dry route

One of the pack got hurt, but the Alfa female was very caring

There was a cave where - it is said, strange noises eminated after the occupent had passed out drunk gone to sleep, as that of a mighty snorrer. I can only take their word for it - sorry fellas!


There was also a house of ill repute - but I won't be any judge. I only report what I heard others say. MAW ek skinner so bietjie.

Having taken a wonderful road to Swartruggens I just had to stop to take a photie of this beautiful old church.

Thanks to each and all who made this weekend special, and thanks for sharing my view of a great weekend.

Excellent.... Leon gooi nog pics

Nah - Leo en Jules se photies vertel die meeste van die storie. Om regtig te kon verduidelik hoe die naweek was sou jy moes kon beleef hoe dronk ek was. Ek's eintlik jammer ek het my kamera vergeet to ons oog toe was - ek hoop iemand post meer pics van die oog self.
Our tracks for the weekend

Red is from home to GM (Mostly Railway roads and some tar)
Green is Saturdays trip up past the dam and back round to "Die Oog" and then to the River Still
Pink was Sundays ride to the croc farm and then a nice loop on dirt back home

As Li will tell you there was some scary moments on the pink route with some Kwaai sand. Li was amazing she just stood up and blasted her way through, No more Shongelolo Walking for Li  ;D



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Some peeckthas! Ignore the date, I farked up.



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