Hoëveld Pretrit / Fun ride

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Race Dog
Dec 5, 2007
Reaction score
KTM 690 Enduro
My dirt bike expeditions seem to be becoming regular undertakings. This must at least indicate that I am having some fun and the bike is not just standing in the garage. This little undertaking was a club enduro event in the outer districts of Delmas (just think mealies). It consisted of four laps of 38 kilometers, total length being 152 kilometers, at race pace. My eventual time was not good, had the route too myself on my last lap, but this was my first enduro. Technically is was basic but fast with one steep climb, which I had to attempt at least three times on all four laps. I could just not get it. Something I need to work on.

I can now appreciate the terror of racing in dust, imagine that one is surrounded by thick sand that just happens to be air-born, it is like one is in a sand shower. I just had to slow down and wait for it to clear. A little quad bashing, but four wheels more or less continuously in a slide kicks up an unbelievable amount of dust. Not having had any rain did not help matters either.

The format was very simple with the bikes leaving in 5 minute intervals in groups of fifteen starting at 10:00am. The quads went after the bikes. I took it very easy from the start but within no time I had riders from the group after me passing at one huge pace. That seemed to happen rather a lot the whole day. I can only say that I had value for money, got to enjoy the scenic surrounds for a longer, maybe a little too long, but there will be a next time.

My bike went well and is suited for this kind of riding. Unfortunately, it does not make me a better rider, but it did make the journey a little easier. I was lucky enough to get some pit assistance from some kind people, but the amount of fuel I used was small compared to what the two stokes where going through. I used around 13 liters of fuel, which is a little more than one tank. I did get my goggles cleaned and some concern that I was still alright. Nothing like some pity to make one feel better.

The route was very clearly marked with big red arrows which made navigating easy. It still did not stop me from overshooting turns, lucky for open mielie fields. This was very evident around lap three with fatigue setting in. One or two corners became tighter that I remembered as well. The last lap was brilliant, on the way home gives one a boost.

I did manage to drop my bike a few times, mostly on the impossible climb, but one also in a little stream. Someone was stuck and I thought I would just ride around them, well I joined this poor person in the water. No harm done. I did managed to launch my bike with me standing watching it do it own thing on one of my attempts of the hill. You can just imagine how big this hill was being in Delmas. I should be ashamed of myself.

This does seem to be the way to get mileage and I hope to be doing some more of these events. It is pleasant not to be confronted with too many challenges at once. An â??easyâ? ride is a good place to get some confidence. Riding faster is easier, so they say.

It is difficult to ride and take pictures so I cannot help visually â?? you had to be there. Anyone willing to sponsor a helmet cam?

Have a very technical race next and I am not looking forward to that, but there is only one way to improve, practice!


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Well done.

The dust is just too much for me but that 525 is the right job for these mieliefield grand prix's.
If you are looking for some pictures, look no further than: https://s118.photobucket.com/albums/o103/highveld2006/HighveldRally2008/?start=all
It lists 234 images, luckily, none of me! Thanks to E-Dirt's Tombstone.